Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 530 Breakthrough

"Report to the professor that there are more than 35 million people." The girl obviously didn't expect the professor to yell at her with tears in her eyes and then stubbornly returned.

"No, I'm telling you that it's 60 million people. Do you know what it's like to watch others die? You can watch the previous live videos. You think freedom is the most important because you haven't experienced it In any era, there is no difference between this era and the previous era, remember that people must live first." Hu Jiancheng couldn't help crying when he thought of his wife and children.

Such conversations happen in various universities around the world, as long as people over the age of 30 can still remember those days, they will have such insights. In their view, the so-called freedom is nothing, as long as they can or it is luck, so they began to learn and master various skills crazily after the establishment of the empire, because they knew that the empire might be reborn at some point in the future. face that crisis.

But these college students can't understand this kind of feeling anymore. Because of the school's enrollment expansion, many schools have begun to lower their training requirements for students, and the annual graduation requirements have been lowered. This also caused the students' pressure to drop a lot, full of warmth and thoughts, so the students began to have the stupid idea of ​​"give me freedom or give me death" again.

When various colleges and universities on Earth were bustling with this incident, the action team at the supply station above Jupiter's orbit finally made a discovery.

"Wen Hao, come here quickly, we have captured a different kind of microorganism." Sister Liu suddenly broke in when Wang Wenhao was thinking about an improvement plan in the office.

"What? You actually captured a different kind of microorganism. How did you do it?" Wang Wenhao asked in surprise as he stood up and walked towards the laboratory.

"There is a research institute in our group. When he was reviewing the logs of the discovery of the alien virus, he found that when the intelligent system of the supply station detected the alien virus, it was under the condition of ultraviolet irradiation, so we irradiated the people who came to check. , I never thought that it would actually succeed in the end." Liu Jie explained as she walked to the laboratory.

"Come on, let me take a look." Many people in the microbial action group were very curious, so for a while there were many people standing in front of the laboratory, and at this time Wang Wenhao saw so many people and so Shouted loudly, and everyone who heard the voice consciously gave way to a passage.

"Mr. Shen, this microorganism is very strange. It is as big as a paramecium, but it has no flagella. The surface of the outer mold seems to be smooth, almost in the state of an absolute halo." Seeing the backbone coming, reports a man who has already conducted research on this exotic microbe.

"Have you conducted experiments with other light sources? Is this heterogeneous microorganism only real in ultraviolet light?" Wang Wenhao asked looking at the real image of the electron microscope on the computer.

"Experiments have been carried out, and this kind of heterogeneous microorganisms will appear under short-wave invisible light, and light sources of other wavelengths cannot be seen at all. Therefore, we think that this kind of heterogeneous microorganisms is worthy of our research, and I apply to establish a research laboratory . " The man's scientific research attributes have obviously exploded once again, and he has forgotten the environment he is in now.

"For nucleic acid and gene fragments, we must master the various characteristics of this microorganism and come up with a plan to eliminate it." Wang Wenhao is not listening to this nonsense now, and now it is only more than a month away from half a year , If you can't get the result, you will die, so he gave this one a blank look and ordered.

"Hey, understand that I will complete this work with my wife." The man obviously understood that now is not the time to talk about it.

"One group, immediately capture this microorganism in the same way, and investigate its spread; the second group conducts a detailed study of the microorganism." Wang Wenhao stood up and directed to all the researchers.

"Yes." This is an extremely important discovery, because the Starry Sky Group used to be an attribute of creatures, so all technicians in the biological field who came out of the Starry Sky Group think that creatures can be combined with any kind of field, and produce some incredible effect, so everyone present is excited about the discovery of a new microbe.

For the personnel on the fleet, these days are very bad. Even if there is no shortage of various living supplies, what they eat is not delicious, so it is not surprising to see so many people suddenly surrounded by the entrance of the laboratory of the operation team. Hurry up and ask about the situation, they really have had enough of this kind of life.

"Director Wang, how did this happen? Have you made a breakthrough?" Cheng Yu asked tremblingly. Three people in the entire fleet had committed suicide, and everyone was depressed. If there is no result, he will not be able to hold back.

"The first alien microorganism has been discovered, and Liu Jie is conducting detailed research on it. In fact, according to our research on your behavior these days, this alien microorganism is not very threatening, so don't worry about giving us another period of time." Detailed results will come out in time. Now we need to re-investigate the existence of heterogeneous microorganisms in your body, so I hope everyone can cooperate." Wang Wenhao's voice was very loud, and he meant to give these expeditions Of the members, these three suicides made him very sad, because he felt that they were incompetent to cause this incident.

After hearing the news, everyone in the fleet burst into tears of joy, and everyone lined up to separate from this damned alien microorganism as soon as possible. Now that there is hope, the emotions of the fleet personnel have gradually stabilized, and some even started playing games, dancing, and singing. Perhaps this is the motivation that hope brings to them.

"Okay, it's good if there is a result." Chen Qiang was very happy after hearing the news in the office. As long as there is a result, there is hope for successful control, just like that kind of zombie virus. Algae that absorb various gases and then release large amounts of oxygen in abundance is a step at the heart of the Mars mission.

The news about the research breakthrough of the Jupiter supply station was reported in the news reports on the same day, which changed the wait-and-see attitude of the folk expeditions, because they were not afraid of these dangers, because their occupational attributes did not allow them to be concerned about life. produce nostalgia. But they are afraid that they will never come back after this trip, and they are still the kind who don't see people alive or dead. After all, it is everyone's last wish for fallen leaves to return to their roots.

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