Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 531 Convening of the National Conference

Hope is extremely important to people in this era. During many catastrophes in history, people will pin their hopes on living beings. People at this time are the most easily deceived, so there are people in various dynasties. Disasters are almost always accompanied by uprisings. But now what the empire wants to bring to everyone is a kind of living hope, and try to take all the pressure off as much as possible, and then slowly let the people adapt to the remaining things.

But sometimes concealment is not a thing. After all, the current public opinion is not in a state of complete control, and after the people know the truth, they will not think that it is the empire for their own good, they will only think that the empire is deceiving them. After considering this matter, Chen Qiang announced that he had declassified many things from the past. During this period, the various channels of the national TV station were very popular with the public. They saw the construction process of various projects and the empire Some of the activities in space over the years.

"Chen Qiang, you did a good job in deciphering those things. Although you can suppress this matter with your own prestige, you can't suppress it for a lifetime, and human beings need to try to bear this pressure by themselves. The empire is actually a little bit worried now. There is more than enough but not enough." Chen Shun came to Chen Qiang's home after dinner and had a conversation in the study.

"Dad, I actually don't like this kind of life very much now. If it was possible, I shouldn't have become the emperor." Chen Qiang said with a wry smile.

"You haven't changed yet. The emperor's symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. And what a superior needs is guidance and supervision. It's good to make your own voice at the most suitable time. You can do everything by yourself. Ancient times This is how the emperor of China monopolizes power and develops such an extreme character." Chen Shun said while drinking tea.

"But I'm not worried. It's time for the empire's major construction. If power is delegated at this time, there may be mistakes in the follow-up plan. What mankind needs now is to go out as soon as possible and find a way out." Chen Qiang sighed a little.

"You have to let human beings make their own choices. Do you know that the large-scale construction of the empire in the past few years has caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially when a large number of star coins began to circulate, which led to a rapid increase in the inflation rate, but the people did not There is no way to preserve value, except to buy land. Now the global real estate market has become a bubble, so some things should stop, after all, this kind of reckless construction is not advisable." Chen Shun has always been The mayor of Starry Sky City, so he knows these folk affairs very well.

"In fact, inflation is still good for the current imperial economy. With the completion of the construction of Venus, the energy blocks we put into the market every year have greatly increased. In addition, energy coins have been abolished. We need an extremely stable product and a stable currency. This has also led to a considerable increase in the added value of the product, and the public can more or less gain some benefits from it." Chen Qiang was relatively transparent about this matter, so he retorted a little stubbornly.

"Go outside for a walk. In fact, a lot of money has been invested in agriculture. The prices of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation are all increasing rapidly. The centralized and assembly-line agricultural products in each of our cities are now rare. Someone bought it." Chen Shun left after saying this, he didn't want to have too much discussion on this issue. Because some things just need to be pointed out. Now his son is the emperor of the entire empire and has his own judgment. If he talks too much, it's not good, and it may arouse his son's resentment.

Chen Qiang has been thinking about this matter, and he has always wanted to do the matter of delegating power, but he is afraid that it will be more difficult to get it back if he puts all his strength down. Since ancient times, the emperor and his ministers have been in opposition, and only a very powerful emperor can treat his ministers as subordinates.

He didn't want to monopolize power, because that would be too tiring, but he was afraid that the situation he created would change. But now the situation has changed, and he has slowly figured it out in the past few days. Some things really cannot be carried by one person, and the right to choose the future of mankind should be given to all the people.

So he issued the No. 2 edict since he became the emperor. The No. 1 edict was the reward order issued at the founding ceremony.

The edict's order is simple, but it exerts a huge influence on the entire human race. Its content is: set up a cabinet to command various affairs of the empire, and set up a cabinet chief assistant, two cabinet second assistants, and five cabinet bachelors, who are respectively ministers of government, legislation, justice, science and business.

This is considered to have completely broken the current power structure. In terms of form, the Strategic Research Institute, the Government Affairs Council, and the military are at the same level, but in terms of real administrative procedures, the Strategic Research Institute is higher than the Government Affairs Council and the military. This is because Chen Qiang, the emperor of the empire, also serves as the director of the research institute, so this situation exists.

"Old Wu, congratulations, this can be considered to have truly reached the status of one person above ten thousand people." Everyone is rushing to the big conference room, because the next meeting is the most important, because only Only when this meeting is really held will they have a corresponding degree of identity matching.

"Well, it's not necessarily true. Besides, our desire for power has diminished in our position." Although Wu Aiguo was deeply moved at this time, he was still a little humble on the surface.

At the gate of the National Conference Hall in Starry Sky City, people from all over the world rushed in at this time. They were full of doubts at this time, but they were more excited, because more and more positions were filled, and they would have a chance to be promoted. Although the lifespan of human beings has increased a lot, the concept in everyone's mind has not changed, so they still think that they need to be promoted as soon as possible. It is unacceptable, so many people quit directly after working for ten years.

Sometimes doing some repetitive things over and over in one place is a huge psychological challenge for anyone. People prefer excitement and challenges. Few people can live a peaceful life without challenges and passion. for many years.

The meeting started, because it is the highest-level meeting in a country, so many things need to follow the procedures, so Chen Qiang can only sit comfortably on the chair and smile like a statue.

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