Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 538: Quantum Communication

Although the public opinion among the public is somewhat out of control because of the heterogeneous microorganisms, human beings are always relatively forgetful. Coupled with the empire's control of public opinion and the normal opening of space and space, the people have slowly begun to forget about this matter, after all, life still has to go on.

Then the Imperial Center for Disease Control released the final results, to be precise, a letter of apology. They explained to the people of the entire empire that they have no solution to the microorganisms this time, so they are really sorry to let the people lose half of their lives. As the culprit, George was actually very happy because he found a new toy.

After going through this series of actions, the public has obviously become numb to this matter, so they easily accepted the result. Obviously Chen Qiang achieved his goal and successfully spread the virus.

Just after the Center for Disease Control issued a notice, the Empire's cabinet also issued a 50-year-long space communication network construction plan that cost trillions of stars. As soon as this plan comes out, the stock prices of almost all companies related to the space field will directly rise to the limit, because the biggest threat to human space exploration is communication. Knowing that the network construction of the empire is successful, the human space exploration industry will usher in a new explosion.

"Daughter, you don't have a business to stay at home like this. Why don't you go with me to do some research or manage the creatures in the starry sky." Chen Lu has been at home for more than half a year. Time to make a suggestion.

Chen Qiang was also quite embarrassed at this time, because his daughter was still angry with him, but he still said: "Yes, Xiaolu, go to the starry sky creature. If you develop well, can you take over from your Uncle Luo?"

"That's right, sister, if you continue like this, you will become a house girl." The younger brother Chen Yi also persuaded, he was also a little sorry for what happened to his sister, after all, it was indeed her fault.

Chen Lu actually figured it out a long time ago, and since she got on the ship, she found that she didn't really like the life on the ship that much. In addition, after such a thing happened, he was not in the mood to go to the army again. The original idea of ​​going to the army He just wanted to build a support force for his younger brother in the army, but now it seems that he doesn't need it. So she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to work tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going to call Robin now." Chen Qiang stood up a little excitedly and planned to go to the study to make a call, but was stopped by Mu Bing: "Oh, everyone is eating now, so don't bother , I will take Xiaolu with me when I go to work tomorrow morning, and just stop by and talk about it when the time comes."

"Hey, yes. Then you can take Xiaolu with you when you get it tomorrow." Chen Qiang didn't look like an imperial monarch at all.

"Oh, you." Mu Bing shook his head and smiled, his husband was really like a child sometimes.

The family affairs were settled smoothly now, so Chen Qiang was very happy during this time, so he was in a good mood when wandering around in various laboratories, and sometimes he participated in a certain experiment process from time to time. Although he hasn't conducted experiments in the laboratory for a long time, the foundation is still very solid. For all the current experiments, he only needs to look at the experimental design to understand, and he also pointed out many mistakes in the design.

But today he needs to participate in the construction meeting covering the solar system network. This plan was not proposed by him, but organized by the cabinet. That's why there is a 50-year construction period. If this plan is to be entrusted to Chen Qiang to formulate, five years is already a relatively long time to complete the construction.

When Chen Qiang entered the conference room, everyone was already there. This was the first time he had contact with high-level military and government officials after he gave up his rights.

"Let's start." Chen Qiang came to his position and said after finishing. Although he was dissatisfied with the 50-year construction period, he had nothing to do now, so he could only impose it by participating in the meeting. own influence.

Wu Aiguo is the host of this meeting. This is also the first huge infrastructure construction project organized by the Imperial Cabinet after its establishment, so he said directly: "Now, Chu Zhongtian, the chief designer of this project, will introduce to us some of the whole plan.” Originally, this project should be handed over to Wen Yong, because the basic technology research and development of the empire’s communications has been led by him over the years, but since the cabinet intends to completely eliminate the influence of the monarch Chen Qiang from all systems, then A posture of suppression was adopted for these old people from the Star Group.

In fact, to be honest, all researchers from the Star Group, especially those with older qualifications, really don't care much about fame and fortune. Therefore, Wen Yong didn't argue about the empire's communication construction plan this time, because he knew that the empire would not be able to complete the construction of the entire network without the technology in their hands. Moreover, among all human beings, only the laboratory led by Wen Yong has experience in building large-scale networks, so he is not worried at all.

"Mr. Wu, shouldn't it be Wen Yong? Why is it replaced by Chu Zhongtian?" Chen Qiang frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, according to the current communication needs of the empire, Chu Zhongtian's plan is enough for us. If we choose Wen Yong's plan, the investment may need to be doubled." Wu Aiguo explained his reasons, but sat next to Chen Qiang. Thatcher just rolled his eyes, because the Chief Assistant used his prestige to forcibly pass this matter.

"That's all right, just listen." Chen Qiang finally endured the idea of ​​getting angry. He didn't expect that Wu Aiguo in front of him had already reached this point in a hurry. He had to choose a team that had never had any An experienced team is betting on the future national defense and security of the empire.

A middle-aged man came to the rostrum and turned on the virtual projector to start his speech: "Hello, Your Majesty, and hello to all the judges. What our team brings today is a communication solution covering the entire solar system. As the orbit increases, we will increase the number of signal transceiving devices." Chu Zhongtian actually has two brushes, because this layout plan is indeed very safe, because in each planet's orbit The energy requirements of the above transceiver devices are not too large.

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