Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 539 Charity

"The quantum communication solution we adopt, according to our current technical strength, may cover all regions of the solar system within the orbit of Mars in ten years. If the quantum communication technology is updated by one or two generations, the entire construction period may be shortened. "After Chu Zhongtian's words came out, everyone present was in an uproar, especially Su Yunli, Minister of Science, was even more angry, because this matter was originally a scientific and technological project he was in charge of, and suddenly such a person appeared He is already angry, and now he wants to break the existing communication system of the empire and directly launch quantum communication.

Su Yunli stood up directly and asked: "Researcher Chu, I want to know who instructed you to directly overthrow the existing communication system and start quantum communication." Some members of the jury stood up and retorted: "President Su, the current empire's communication consumes too much energy, and there has not been any technological innovation so far, so using quantum communication is the best way."

"But have you ever understood the shortcomings of quantum communication in space? Can Researcher Chu popularize it for us?" Su Yunli directly pointed the finger at Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Zhongtian is embarrassed at this time. He is indeed researching quantum communication, and has innovated the entire quantum communication technology for up to two generations, but the empire does not like quantum communication very much. Because quantum communication has an extremely big disadvantage, that is, the capacity is too small, and quantum entanglement has great uncertainty. If there is interference, it may cause reception failure. This is enough to drive quantum communication into the abyss, because in space The most important thing is communication security.

"Forget it, hand over this project to Wen Yong's laboratory, and the military will be in charge of the cabinet to take the lead." Chen Qiang did not intend to let this Chu Zhongtian stand on the stage all the time, but directly announced the final decision . As for Wu Aiguo, the chief minister of the cabinet, he directly ignored it. Sometimes it is okay to give in again and again, but if you keep giving in, many people will make progress.

"Your Majesty, leave this project to me." Thatcher said suddenly.

Chen Qiang glanced at this man in surprise, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you." After speaking, he stood up and left the meeting room. The situation is also a little speechless.

Things seemed to pass like this, but there was an undercurrent turbulent below. Especially in the political world, there has been a kind of chaos, and they have begun to stand in line frequently.

"Stupid, look at what you are doing now. Do you know that the empire has already drawn up a plan for the establishment of a communication system. Is this a place for you to fight? It's purely courting death, and it's fine if you die What are you doing with me?" Wu Aiguo was angry at this moment, he looked at the three confidantes sitting opposite him and roared angrily.

"Shoufu, there are still eleven years until the next election, which is enough for us to remove His Majesty's influence from the entire government affairs system. We are currently building the Imperial University of Government Affairs, which will provide us with a steady stream of information in about three years. He is a talented person." The man sitting in the middle is the head of the Imperial Organization Department, he has followed Wu Aiguo since the Starry Sky City era, and now he has achieved fame.

"Fart, do you know that my Chief Assistant was appointed by His Majesty, don't talk about your previous fighting methods and make it embarrassing. Now that this has happened, let's do it first, I will go and Anderson Second Assistant , Thatcher, please contact me." Wu Aiguo sat down weakly, and waved them out.

Wu Aiguo did reduce Chen Qiang's influence in the government affairs system, but he did not intend to completely remove it, because he knew that doing so was completely unrealistic. But now it's a panic, and all his work is in vain. So now he needs to get in touch with the two secondary assistants as soon as possible, because these two are the most likely to replace him if he loses power. Moreover, since ancient times, the courtiers and the emperor have always been in opposition. The emperor wants enough rights to do some things he wants to do, while the courtiers need to limit the emperor's rights.

But what he didn't expect was that the two secondary assistants he was looking for were reporting to Chen Qiang's office at this time.

"Your Majesty, I actually don't have any rights in the entire government affairs system right now, so I plan to set up a guild to manage female warriors." Thatcher didn't shy away from anything, and directly expressed her appeal. During this period of time, she has been working with the empire's government affairs system, and now she has finally integrated into it, and she doesn't seem to be wasting time at all. But because she doesn't have any roots, she plans to start with women's rights, which was originally one of the reasons why he became the second assistant.

"Forget about the guild. Now Mr. Wu is rectifying the guild. I think it's better to set up a charitable association, which is analogous to the Red Cross before. You can make this association a stronghold for women. The Starry Sky Biological Charity Fund is also assigned to this What do you think of the newly established Charity Association and the establishment of the Imperial Women's University?" Chen Qiang had already had ideas about improving the status of women, so he directly expressed his opinions.

Thatcher is actually more inclined to the guild, because the resources leveraged by a guild are huge, and she can do a lot of things with these resources. But since Chen Qiang, the emperor of the empire, has said so, she can't insist on establishing a guild. After all, Wu Aiguo's side is also very difficult, so she agreed: "Your Majesty, let's set up a charity association first, but I hope that the future distribution of rehabilitation medicines will be carried out by charitable associations."

The rehabilitation potion is now the fifth generation, and it cannot cure various diseases now, because if the illness has not been cured after the strength has been improved, the rehabilitation potion cannot be cured. However, it can prolong the onset date of these diseases, and the fifth-generation rehabilitation medicine is more professional, and it is mixed with the effects of various new herbs, so the effect is still very good.

"That's fine, but although the empire sells healing potions at a nominal price, there is still some profit in it. Since you need it, then divide the profit. Charity associations and manufacturing projects should be divided into half." This is Chen Qiang who started with charity It took a long time to formulate a plan, because although the various benefits of the empire are better now, there are still some places that the benefits cannot take care of. For example, for those who cannot take care of themselves, even if the subsidy from the empire is high enough, there is nothing they can do if they cannot spend it. There are also people with severe disabilities who need professional doctors and nurses to take care of them, all of which require money.

"Yes, this is far beyond my idea." Thatcher is very happy, because the funds for the entire work have been approved. She has known about this rehabilitation medicine manufacturing factory, and the profit is small. The multi-sales model is also very profitable. The charity association established in the future will be considered a success if it has such a source of income.

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