Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 543 Examination

"Dad, the empire's transformation of Mars is too fast. I remember that Uncle Dang lost a lot of hair when he was still dealing with this matter a few years ago?" Chen Yi looked at Mars in the video and said.

"Considering that it has been more than 30 years since the establishment of the Mars Project, the investment of the empire is immeasurable. If such a strong support has not been successfully established, then the scientists of the empire can find a tofu and kill them." Knowing what's wrong, after entering the management of Starry Sky Creatures, she showed her unique poisonous tongue, and now she has brought it home.

"Xiao Lu, you are not allowed to talk nonsense." Chen Qiang coughed and said very dignifiedly.

Chen Lu actually didn't have any fear of her father, but since she was beaten up, she still had some shadows in her heart, so she stopped her poisonous tongue when Chen Qiang coughed, but he still couldn't help it Arguing: "Dad, this matter is originally a question of funds, not a question of technology at all. With the current technological reserves of the empire, it is completely possible to transform the eight planets of the entire solar system into habitable areas, but it is not necessary. .As for Mars, it’s because you can’t take back the bullshit that you have blown out, and then it has become a testing ground for various technologies.”

After listening to her daughter's words, Mu Bing was stunned. She didn't expect her daughter to think of such a level. After all, she didn't mention this matter at home. As for Chen Qiang, there was no need for it. So he asked, "Xiaolu, is this a guess?"

Chen Lu raised her proud head and said, "It's my thoughts, and of course some of them I saw on the Internet." When she said the last sentence, Chen Lu was obviously a little out of breath.

"According to some guesses on the Internet, it's pretty good to think of these things. I don't see that you have the talent for politics. Then tell me when the empire will immigrate to Mars." Chen Qiang obviously thought about the school exam .

Regarding the Mars plan, it is not what Chen Lu said, but because when he was demonstrating this plan, he did not expect that the wandering businessman Carlo would come to Earth, although some technologies obtained from Carlo were very difficult to digest. , but the inspiration to human technology is indeed huge. As a result, many technologies that have caused many hardships have been unraveled at once. Originally, this technology was used as a reserve technology for human beings, but it is not necessary now.

The construction of Mars has also been greatly accelerated. The impact of Ceres on Mars is the most difficult step in the entire transformation plan, but it will become very easy afterwards. As early as half a year ago, the detection instruments of the Mars project team sent back a detailed investigation report, which showed that the current Mars is completely suitable for human habitation. However, the Mars immigration plan has been suppressed and has not been carried out.

"At least it's impossible now, because the earth has vitality, but Mars doesn't have it at all. This is completely unfair to those humans who immigrated to Mars, so the immigration needs to be carried out after the empire completes the research on vitality." Chen Lu Obviously very interested in this topic, he replied chirping.

"Then what if human beings have already solved the problem of Martian vitality." Chen Qiang continued to ask.

"Impossible. The generation mechanism of vitality and its constituent elements have always been the primary research topics of major research institutes, unless the existing vitality on the earth is stored and then transported to Mars. But the cost is too high. When the time comes Residents on Mars actually need to buy luck to cultivate in the end, so why do they emigrate." Chen Lu first questioned, then seemed to think of something, and finally turned into a soliloquy.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about work, let's have dinner." Mu Bing interrupted the conversation between Chen Lu and Chen Qiang in a timely manner. As for Chen Qiang, she has no opinion, but Chen Lu is a little disappointed, because she wants to enter the political arena now, especially after Thatcher became the second assistant, this idea has become more intense, and everything today is arranged by her, But the effect is not very good.

Of course, some private companies responded the most to the completion of the construction of Mars, because they saw a huge profit point. Although they don't know the specific situation of Mars now, it can be seen from the video that the construction of Mars is almost over or has already ended, and now what major companies need is to staking their land from Mars. Of course, as the news of the completion of Mars construction was spread, the stock price of Space Technology Exploration Company also rose by one-third. After all, this company already owns a small island on Mars.

In order to catch up with this wave of profits, all companies have started to hold meetings to discuss how their companies can enter Mars to obtain benefits. However, some companies are more sensible, such as space technology exploration companies and interstellar aerospace companies, they are not in a hurry at all.

"Ma Yun, what do you think of Mars? You have always interpreted policies very accurately." In a reception room of Interstellar Aerospace, a group of bigwigs gathered here. They are all powerful members of the Greater China Chamber of Commerce people.

"Old Ren, in fact, I think it's better to just wait and see. Although you have seen the huge benefits on Mars, you have ignored the issue of vitality. Now human beings cannot do without vitality, because in various places on the earth There is vitality, so this problem is not serious, but there is no vitality on Mars, so how can people who immigrate there accept it.” Ma Yun said seriously, he already knew the current state of Mars, the mining team of Interstellar Space Taking hundreds of images every month, he watched Mars become what it is now.

"Mr. Ma, I remember that West Lake University has developed a method to store vitality. Has it achieved the effect of using it now?" As a real estate tycoon, Wang Jian has a persistent pursuit of the starry sky, which is his name. Given the opportunity for his real estate company to go out of the earth, he has already had some understanding of all the issues surrounding Mars.

As soon as Wang Jian's words came out, the entire reception room was quiet, and everyone looked at Ma Yun with strange eyes. It seems to be saying that you are black, you have such a big killer, no wonder Interstellar Aerospace has no action, as long as the method of storing vitality is mastered by Interstellar Aerospace, then this is a huge income.

Ma Yun smiled wryly at this time, and the Great China Chamber of Commerce he had worked so hard to organize had no resistance in the face of huge interests. So he said: "This technology cannot be popularized at all. The cost of the laboratory is too high, and vitality is a rigid need, so the price cannot be too high, otherwise the empire will not allow it."

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because once this technology is commercially available, they will have no chance to intervene in this field. Everyone present at this time is thinking about how much money to invest in this field when they go back, whether to develop by themselves or with other companies, or to poach people.

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