Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 544 Energy Compression Storage Technology

Now the consensus of all human beings is that technology drives everything, so many companies are now willing to invest most of the company's funds in the field of scientific research. The completion of the transformation of Mars means that human beings are fully capable of planetary transformation. This technology is very attractive to all companies.

Human beings will definitely turn the entire solar system into a habitable zone in the future. This time may be thousands or tens of thousands of years, but this work will be carried out one day. And the goal of these companies is on this purpose. The transformation of a planet brings more than just financial benefits to a company, and other social benefits are what these companies need most.

The three meteorites Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta located in the asteroid belt over 400 kilometers have long been divided up by major companies. Among them, Ceres was taken by the Space Technology Exploration Company, and then taken by the Empire to merge with Mars, but the construction of the other three planets has not stopped over the years, and Vesta, which was taken by Interstellar Space, has been completed at this time half of the construction.

This half of the construction has brought too many things to interstellar space. First of all, it is technological progress. Although the construction of Vesta has made the capital chain of interstellar space very tight, the technological feedback has already begun. The capital chain of interstellar space Also getting healthier.

The second is the development of biotechnology. To build such a project in space, the first thing to solve is the problem of survival, including oxygen, water resources and various living materials. It would be impossible for such a huge device to be solved by transportation, so self-production is the kingly way. And through this construction, the biotechnology of interstellar space has reached the level of the empire ten years ago, and it has been completely integrated into the new technological development system at any time.

The last one is particularly important. Major companies have been working hard to integrate into the new technological development system. Therefore, the college students trained by the empire in these years do not have to worry about not having a job at all. There are more than hundreds of thousands of R\u0026D personnel in interstellar spaceflight alone, and this situation is already very common.

"Mr. Ma, it is true that their goal is energy storage technology, but the finished products that the research institute can produce now are only adequate. If it is really mass-produced, although the cost can be reduced, the price is relatively high. " Zhang Yong handed a glass of Yuqian Longjing to Ma Yun.

Ma Yun took the tea and didn't drink it, but put it on the table in front of her and said: "Not necessarily, there is no news about this technology from the Imperial Academy of Sciences so far, but I'm sure that the Imperial Academy of Sciences Bian must have sufficiently mature technology. These people are just here to inquire about the news.”

But, Mr. Ma, do we really give up our interests on Mars? Even if we send a construction company to win the right to build a city. "Zhang Yong persuaded, he is the general manager of the entire company, and he is thinking about how to make money to maintain the operation of the entire company.

"We're not in a hurry, isn't there any news from the empire, and our share is also indispensable? Calculated according to the current ratio of oceans to land on Earth, the surface area of ​​Mars is 144.1 million square thousand meters, the land area reaches 43.23 million square kilometers, which is almost the entire area of ​​Asia. We will always get a piece of the interstellar spaceflight from such a huge land.” Ma Yun looked confident look.

Regarding the empire's Mars development plan, there are a lot of folk speculations suddenly popping up at this moment, but everything is just speculation until the official confirmation. Perhaps this kind of hazy feeling is what the empire needs now.

The research on the compression storage technology of vitality started after Carlo wanted vitality as a means of payment. The progress of the Imperial Academy of Sciences over the years has been very gratifying. But to say that the most advanced technology is the research of Xingkong Group, and the research of Xingkong Group is carried out together with the energy block research technology. The project leader of the experiment is Wen Yong, Chen Qiang's former roommate.

"Mosquito, how is it? Has the vitality compression technology been updated? As long as you complete the technological innovation, I will release the first-generation technology." Chen Qiang is now relaxed. The rest of the work is wandering around the various laboratories.

"Your Majesty, according to the current research and development progress, the replacement will be completed in about a month, but the principle of Mr. Chen's technology is very simple. As long as the first-generation technology is released, the entire technology will be released. "Wen Yong actually has no interest in the compression storage technology of vitality, of course, this is after studying the working principle of the Tou'worm warship.

In fact, what the compression storage technology of vitality requires is a closed container with sufficient pressure. Under strong pressure, the bones and other tissues of the mutant beast will deform and finally become the storage structure of vitality. Of course, this structure has some disadvantages, that is, the vitality content of the final vitality block can only be determined by the vitality content of the mutant beast.

And the only way to improve this technology is to increase the pressure. There are many ways to increase the pressure, whether traditional or innovative, so Wen Yong has such worries.

Chen Qiang smiled slightly and said, "Actually, the reason why I asked you to come up with a new generation of technology is to find a profit point for the starry sky creatures. The Imperial Yuan Qi Research Institute has discovered through ten years of monitoring that the current concentration of Yuan Qi on the earth The rapid reduction, the rate of consumption is far greater than the rate of production, and the research institute has also found signs of vitality spreading into outer space. According to calculations, there will be no vitality in most parts of the earth after about five thousand years , so vitality will become a commodity in the future.”

"Your Majesty, it's impossible." Wen Yong asked with his mouth wide open in surprise. He still understands the traditional conservation of energy, and vitality is just a form of energy. It can't grow or disappear out of thin air. It's just a transformation. into another form.

"There is nothing impossible. The speed of Yuan Qi escaping is getting faster and faster. We originally thought that Yuan Qi would be blocked by the atmosphere like the air of the earth, but it turns out that the escape of Yuan Qi cannot be blocked by the atmosphere at all. There is too much space in this world. There are so many secrets worth exploring." Chen Qiang said with a sigh, he finally understood the root cause of those great scientists in history who finally focused their attention on theology.

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