Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 545: Scientific Research

There is no shortage of human beings who can put a theory into practical use. What is lacking is the process of proposing a new theory based on the existing scientific basis. Over the years, the empire has continuously increased its investment in basic science, and the results obtained in the end are very small, but the results are still there. In the third year of the establishment of the Empire, the Imperial Research Institute built a huge particle collider in the craters of the moon, which greatly improved the basic physics of the entire Empire.

The four fundamental forces in the entire physics community are gravity, electromagnetism, strong interaction, and weak interaction. Up to now, through the efforts of the physics community, the strong interaction force and the weak interaction force have been completely unified. The strong interaction force, which tightly attracts the particles inside the nucleus; the weak interaction force, which makes objects produce some kind of radiation. That is to say, human beings have already made in-depth research on microscopic particles.

The progress of this basic science first benefits the field of materials, because many materials are synthesized by microorganisms instead of smelting. People call the way of smelting and synthesizing metals thermal synthesis, and the way of microbial synthesis of metals is called cold synthesis. Eighty percent of the metals in the world are now produced by cold synthesis. Of course, some basic metal materials are still thermally synthesized, after all, the added value of materials is not very high.

There are also weapons. The military has used the unified theory to complete the development and manufacture of a new generation of hydrogen bombs, and is developing antimatter bombs. Hydrogen bombs are the most powerful chemical weapons used by humans so far, and hydrogen bombs are required in many ways. For example, the blasting of large meteorites and the cleaning of waterway quotas require powerful and non-polluting weapons such as hydrogen bombs.

Antimatter bombs are too important for the current empire. First of all, it does not have to reach a critical mass like an atomic bomb, and even a particularly small mass can cause an explosion. Secondly, it does not require a high explosion ignition temperature like a hydrogen bomb. Another important advantage of antimatter bombs is that, unlike atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, no radioactive substances remain after the explosion and no radioactive pollution is caused. However, until now, there has been no information about the antimatter bomb from the empire, but according to some military fans' speculation, this bomb has already been developed.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. Everyone thinks that the detonation of the hydrogen bomb requires a trigger, and this trigger has always been an atomic bomb. The hydrogen bomb itself has no nuclear radiation, but it is because of the existence of the atomic bomb that there will be nuclear radiation. However, the information shown by the latest generation of hydrogen bombs of the military is that there is no pollution, so there is only one possibility that the trigger for detonating the hydrogen bomb has been changed, and the only thing that can act as this trigger is antimatter.

While Chen Qiang was talking with Wen Yong, a white-haired old man suddenly broke into Wen Yong's office. He is now Yang Ling, the dean of the Institute of Fundamental Physics of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and one of the top physicists in mankind. .

"Old Yang, what wind brought you here?" Wen Yong hurriedly stood up and said hello.

Chen Qiang also said with a smile: "Old Yang, isn't it time for you to be on vacation? Why did you think of coming to the starry sky creature?"

"Your Majesty, didn't our Institute of Basic Physics apply for a fund of up to 5 billion star coins a while ago, but the empire only gave 1 billion, and I will come to the starry sky to beg for the rest. He said you're here, so you're here." Actually, as a traditional academic scholar, Yang Ling would not lie at all, and his face was flushed at this time.

"Old Yang, tell me what your subject is this time. Your Institute of Basic Physics has spent too much money. Forty percent of the empire's annual investment in basic scientific research has been taken away by you. As for Starry Sky Don’t think about the biological side, the funds here are also very tight, tell me about the subject and I’ll see if I can help you.” Chen Qiang still asked with a smile, he has always been very supportive of the Institute of Basic Physics, and many All projects need the support of the Institute.

Yang Ling rubbed his hands in embarrassment at this time and said: "Your Majesty, in fact, we just want to form a scientific research team to go to the black hole to get some data. Isn't this the military that entrusted us with the subject of space-time distortion and shuttle? Some calculations have found that black holes may be formed by time disorder in a certain part of the universe and space collapse. However, this calculation is relatively simple, and many things are guesses, so we need some specific data to verify."

"Black hole? This risk is too great, and the black hole closest to the earth is V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00), which is 2,800 light-years away from the sun. The second is Cygnus X-1, which is 6,100 light-years away from us. Is the distance of thousands of light-years a bit too wishful thinking, I think it will be possible after tens of thousands of years." Chen Qiang also retorted unceremoniously, although time-space distortion and shuttle are very important for the current military. It is very important, but this kind of scientific research and investigation is very difficult to realize, and it will only be a waste of the empire's funds, which he absolutely disagrees with.

"Your Majesty, according to the various detection satellites released by the military, we found that there may be a small black hole in the Kuiper belt at a direction of 252 degrees. We plan to organize a scientific expedition team to take a look." Yang Ling He explained that since he proposed this plan, there must be a complete countermeasure.

Chen Qiang was taken aback by the fact that there was a small black hole in the Kuiper belt, which is less than 50 astronomical units away from the earth. We must know that the mass of a black hole is very huge, so the gravitational field it produces is also very strong, so that a large amount of measurable matter and radiation cannot escape, even photons that travel at an extremely fast speed cannot escape. Even if this is a small black hole, it is a disaster for the entire solar system.

Although it is a small black hole now, the black hole will grow. They are constantly devouring all kinds of matter. One day the solar system will become the "food" of this black hole.

Yang Ling looked at Chen Qiang's uncertain face, and quickly explained: "Actually, Your Majesty, this is just one of our predictions, it has not been fully confirmed, and even if it is confirmed, this black hole will not have a great impact on the solar system, because the entire The Kuiper belt is more than 1.5 light-years wide, and the growth rate of black holes is very slow."

Although Chen Qiang listened to it, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Then organize a scientific expedition team led by the military. As for the warships, they will all use the 'worm' style." Even if the black hole may be fake or not threatening High, but investigations must also be done. Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle.

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