Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 546 Lecture

The development of Yuan Qi compression technology is a must, because large-scale compression of Yuan Qi requires a huge amount of manpower, and there is a huge requirement for the concentration of Yuan Qi. At present, the concentration of vitality is decreasing in many places in the world. If the concentration is too low, the price of the finished vitality block will be high. If the price needs to be lowered, a place with a very high concentration of vitality is needed.

The place with the highest concentration of vitality in the world is the discovered vitality nodes, a total of 108 nodes, but 50 of them are located in the ocean. If a company obtains the vitality compression technology, the first thing to consider is the development of vitality nodes in the ocean. This is a good start for the entire empire.

The ocean has always been a treasure-like existence on the earth. Although the existence of mutant beasts in the sea makes humans take a defensive stance towards the ocean, this does not affect humans' desire for the ocean at all. In recent years, humans have actually begun to carry out some limited development of the ocean, such as tourist facilities such as beaches.

However, large-scale development has been unable to proceed. This is mainly because after more than ten years of breeding, the number of mutant beasts in the ocean has begun to increase sharply, and all devices that go into the sea will be torn to pieces immediately. Mutant beasts are actually very intelligent, at least many beast generals or beast masters in the ocean know how to keep a low profile. It is not known how they escaped that capture, but it is clear that these mutant beasts still exist.

But these are actually no problems for the empire, because the strength of human beings has been greatly increased compared to before. Although these mutant beasts in the ocean seem to be numerous, they are a group of ashes flying under the powerful weapons of human beings. . Moreover, the current high-level combat power of human beings can also directly fight against mutant beasts, which is why Chen Qiang can rest assured that the mutant beasts in the ocean can reproduce without restriction.

The most important thing is that the genes of the mutated beasts on the entire earth are now blocked by containment drugs, and the highest growth stage is the level of beast generals. As for the beast master, there are only three mutated beasts that escaped from Carlo's large-scale capture. These three mutant beasts do not pose any threat to the present human beings, and their powerful wisdom also gave them a sixth sense of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

The military's Australian garrison will also catch a batch of mutant beasts in the ocean every month and make them into vitality blocks for storage. It can be said that 80% of the vitality blocks in the vitality block storage base in Australia are from the ocean. Because of this, many high-level mutant beasts in the current ocean are very quiet. In fact, these mutant beasts resisted when they first started fishing, but the military directly said that several batches of mutant beasts that attacked land base cities were wiped out. up.

In fact, the intelligence of the mutant beasts is high enough now, and they already have all the conditions for an intelligent creature. But they are too weak, and being weak is the original sin, so they can only be raised in captivity by humans and become a species that humans can kill at will. The law of the jungle is more naked in the entire universe. They will not teach you benevolence and morality, they will only turn your entire civilization into slaves or food after defeating you.

This is also the reason why Chen Qiang let human beings expand outward like crazy. He is not like human beings will become slaves or food of a certain civilization in the future. The twenty-four histories of the Hua Kingdom are full of benevolence, justice and morality, but if you read it carefully, you will be killing and cannibalizing people. However, the materials and histories of various civilizations that the empire has collected from Carlo over the years are generally the same after sorting out. As long as all civilizations develop, they cannibalize and kill people.

"Your Majesty, I have been resting for half a year. It's time to work. I want to work with the star creatures. What do you think?" The Mars project team slowly disbanded after the habitable data came from Mars, but The first thing that greets them is a year-long paid vacation and huge bonuses. Now that half a year has passed, Dang Yanlong, the person in charge of the Mars project team, couldn't stay still anymore, so he came to Chen Qiang to see if he could work ahead of schedule.

The empire's project leave system follows the star group's. Before the empire invests, each project will have a level of assessment, divided into four types: small, medium, large, and giant. And the treatment received by the staff of each level of project is also different. The larger the project team, the higher the income after the completion of the project, and the longer the vacation period, and it is still mandatory. If there is no cancellation, no one can even enter the laboratory, because their identity cards are frozen in all laboratories in the empire.

This is also to give everyone a chance to have a good rest, because according to the research at Xingkong Hospital, all spirits are actually limited, and the strength of the spirit determines the activity of the brain cells of this person. If the spirit collapses, it may cause Brain cells die. And a large-scale project is a huge test of the spirit of everyone in the project, and it will last for several years or even decades. These personnel must have a process of brain cell replacement before entering a new project. Otherwise, if the muscle memory of the cerebral cortex is caused, the activity of this person's brain cells may be reduced.

"Brother Dang, you should take a good rest. You haven't had a good reunion with your family for a long time these years, so take advantage of this time to spend with your family. I remember that your eldest son seems to be going to college next year. You Why don’t you give me some good counseling. If it’s really uncomfortable, then it’s okay to go to various universities to give lectures, I think as long as you let it out, many schools will be very happy.” Chen Qiang found that these brothers and sisters of his were all one If you let him rest, he doesn't rest, he just wants to do experiments.

Dang Yanlong is a little different from the other seniors. The others are all married to colleagues, but this Dang senior is married to a civil servant and is now the director of the Star City Living Materials Management Committee. The work of a husband and wife is not a job that a family can reunite for a long time. If the administrative system in Starry Sky City is not fully mature, the two boys of Dang Yanlong may need to be taken care of by the elderly. So although Chen Qiang could cancel the vacation, he still rejected this request.

Dang Yanlong still didn't get what he wanted in the end, so he could only go back resentfully. However, he is also a master who can't be idle at all. The next day, he went to Xingkong University to teach a course on cosmic astronomy, which made Chen Qiang a little dumbfounded. Fortunately, this course is only an advanced course and is not compulsory. However, as the executor and leader of the Mars project, Dang Yanlong has long been interested in it by many people. So in his first class, many non-school students and scholars came, and even Ma Yun, an entrepreneur who was 'free', also came to listen to the class.

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