Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 549 Demographic Dividend

"As long as my ability is strong enough, I will always stand out." Chen Lu said tearfully.

Chen Qiang shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. Politics is an art of compromise. You can't succeed by relying on brute force and daring to fight hard. Besides, your character is not suitable for the current political situation. If you still have the idea of ​​​​going into politics, I will allow you to go."

Now Chen Qiang is still fighting against some stubborn forces, so he doesn't want to let his daughter get involved, although going in now is more training. But as his daughter, she doesn't have to suffer so much, otherwise, who is he working hard to achieve such results for?

Mu Bing naturally saw this too, and she had worked in administration for a period of time, so she still understood some dirty things about politics. So she doesn't want to let her daughter be contaminated with these things. Although children always need to grow up, it's not now.

The recent political situation in the empire is very unstable, especially the high-level battles have become more intense. The first move was Thatcher, the second assistant, who directly pulled out some high-level officials and the evidence was convincing, and then was directly sentenced by the court. As for the crime of polygamy, the crime of disrespecting women, although he was only sentenced for less than three years, his political career in the future was completely abolished.

Thatcher is also a bachelor, because she doesn't have any confidants, so Wu Aiguo can only quietly swallow this loss. However, this large-scale action also completely broke out the issue of women's rights. However, Thatcher was also a ruthless person who directly promoted legislation in this area, but as a compromise, she also admitted the existence of polygamy.

However, the requirements are also extremely strict. If a certain man wants to marry another wife, he needs to be above a high-level military commander. In addition, it is necessary to hand over 20% of its property as a fine for violating national laws, and it is also necessary to file for the division of its property in the country's judicial department. It can be said that the rights and interests of women are guaranteed from all aspects, and the cost of taking an extra wife has increased a lot.

There is no way around this, because there are too many polygamists in the world now, because a war of mutant beasts has reduced the number of men in the world by hundreds of millions, causing a global deficit in the ratio of men to women. So it became normal for a man to have several wives.

And the most important thing is that these women are all voluntary, which is very troublesome. It is also impossible for the upper echelons of the empire to forcibly dismantle these people. After all, they are voluntary and even don't even want their titles. There is no way to do this. So after seeing this situation, Thatcher began to frantically publicize speeches in various cities, in order to reverse this trend.

Over the years, the stars of the empire have emerged one after another because of this matter. The only purpose of all the stars is to enter the wealthy family or become the wife of a certain strong man. As for movies and TV shows, they are secondary, and even some stars have their destinations as soon as they become famous.

At the beginning, this trend was still at the upper level, but slowly it began to permeate the lower level, which moved the empire a little. So decisive measures were taken, but the effect was not very significant. Because of different cultures, there will be some discounts in the implementation of all decrees, and there will be different interpretation methods for different races, so until now the laws of the empire are still in the period of exploration.

"Mr. Ma, many positions in our company cannot be filled by women at all. Is it not a good idea to suddenly set up women's positions?" Zhang Yong asked Chen Qiang who was sitting at the desk while holding a document.

"There is nothing bad about it. In fact, there is no job that women can't do. It's just that we haven't tried it these years. Let's try it now. Try to introduce female researchers in various fields of the company. I think it will give The whole group brings a different color." Ma Yun said directly, he had this plan after seeing the Charity Association, and now that the government has also introduced relevant trial laws, then he plans to proceed immediately.

"But Mr. Ma." Zhang Yong hesitated but was soon interrupted by Ma Yun: "Do it quickly, and then tell the progress of the renovation of Vesta and let the people below report."

Ma Yun was very firm, but Zhang Yong didn't insist anymore. However, he is still not very optimistic about this recruitment, because many companies are very reluctant to recruit women. The main reason is that with the popularization of virtual devices, knowledge dissemination and learning have become easier, so the knowledge structure of men should be far stronger than women. Moreover, the scientific research fields of the entire empire are in the field of engineering, and boys have a great advantage in this respect.

So a girl who graduated with a Ph.D. has only two places to go, one is to start her own business, and the other is to enter the country, the military, or the research institute of starry sky biology. There are no restrictions on these three places. As long as you pass the assessment, you can become one of them. Therefore, when recruiting in these three places every year, a large number of girls go there.

Of course, there is still a good way out now, which is to become a civil servant. During this period of time, the empire has conducted a major assessment of all grassroots personnel, and all those who fail the assessment will be dismissed. And the positions left by these dismissed people need to recruit a large number of people to supplement them. This year, the high-level empire has conducted three civil servant recruitments, recruiting more than one million people in total, and 80% of them are girls. Did not expect.

In fact, with this series of combination punches of the empire, the social status of women has been greatly improved, which can be regarded as suppressing half of the empire's major heart disease.

Interstellar Aerospace soon issued a recruitment notice, and when this notice came out, the entire human race, especially women, went crazy. This should be another sign of the awakening of women's rights. As a result, Interstellar Aerospace's mailbox was flooded with a large number of resumes, and Zhang Yong was also very surprised. And during the selection process, it was found that many of the women were extremely outstanding, and some of them even participated in the major construction projects of the empire.

Seeing Interstellar Aerospace do this, other large companies have also begun to relax their own company's recruitment restrictions. This is a good thing to gain fame, how could they miss it, and there are many, many excellent people among them. So a large number of women began to enter all walks of life to work. Now the world's literacy rate is over 99%, and college graduates also account for 10% of the population. So the current empire is a country with a demographic dividend, but because of the development of artificial intelligence, this aspect has not appeared at all.

But now all of this has been resolved, and in the future, mankind will take advantage of this wave of demographic dividends to take a big step forward.

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