Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 550 Excited phone call

"Report, reach the destination safely, do you want to wake up Academician Yang and the others?" The two warships of the week-long shuttle navigation expedition team successfully reached the scheduled starting point. It is also difficult to talk about, they can leave their posts at any moment, because any negligence here may mean goodbye to heaven and man forever.

"Wake it up, let other people take over the operation of the spaceship, let's go take a rest, this kind of shuttle sailing is too tiring." Even though the first officer's strength has reached the low level of generals, such a long period of mental exhaustion He also couldn't hold on, not to mention these crew members whose strength was a little lower than his. If these crew members hadn't been driven by a strong willpower, they might have fallen down long ago.

"Yes." After the chief mate announced the news, everyone in the cab slumped to their posts. This voyage is actually very dangerous. Originally, such a long shuttle voyage was controlled by the shipboard brain. However, because the target location of this shuttle is a bit special, it can only be operated by humans.

In fact, this kind of space shuttle requires an extremely stable coordinate system, but until now humans have no detailed map of this cosmic space, so all shuttles are set according to experience. This brings about a huge problem, that is, if you just enter the strong gravitational range of the black hole when you jump, then there is no way no matter how strong the power is.

This is Yang Ling's first space shuttle, so he still had some aftereffects when he woke up, and his head was dizzy as if someone had hit him with a stick. This sequelae is basically experienced by many people who travel through space for the first time, but after many times, people will always have some experience. Many people wrap their heads with vitality so that they will not There are such repercussions.

"Academician Yang, we have arrived at our destination. The first officer and the others are resting. I will be in charge of the rest of the voyage." This is the second officer of the entire fleet and the radar commander of the fleet.

"How long will it take us to reach the location of the black hole." Yang Ling asked directly. He is a pure scholar and has no interest in commanding the above matters. He also understands that the team given to him by the military is the most experienced. , so he let go.

"It will take about nine days for the fleet to sail at the maximum speed, but we need to leave more fuel to deal with the dangers that will occur next, so we need seventeen days to reach the predetermined position." The radar commander reported the same to the chief.

"There's still enough time. Keep working. I need to bring other researchers to re-deduce our plan. If there is no major event, don't bother us." Yang Ling calculated and found that this time is enough Some adjustments have been made to the current plan, and now it is very close to the black hole, and the crew on the ship can also receive more or less data on the gravity of the black hole.

"Yes." The best thing about soldiers is to obey orders. This time, the selected soldiers are all soldiers with sufficient professional skills and high loyalty, so they don't care about an academician ordering them at all.

After Yang Ling finished arranging the affairs of the fleet, he immediately called all the scientific researchers together, and turned on all the detection instruments on the ship. As a result, a large number of energy blocks were consumed, but because these energy blocks are two systems from the fleet's energy blocks, the operators of the fleet did not have any opinions, but after seeing the energy blocks being consumed at a very fast speed, No wonder it doesn't feel bad.

This is also a common problem of all battleship operators. They generally use the energy of the entire battleship to the extreme, and save energy as much as possible. In their opinion, these energies may save some time in the future. own life. As a result, many battleships returning to Hong Kong still have a large part of their energy left. Enterprises are also encouraged to see this situation, because they will pay less cost in this way.

"Mr. Yang, I think there is something wrong with this wave line. It may be a phenomenon of a large number of particles moving in this space." A young man asked, transferring the image on his computer to a large virtual screen.

"Oh? Let me see." Yang Ling looked up at the wave line detected by this instrument, but frowned, because he had never seen this line before, and this peak seemed to be a complex of several peaks, or clutter. However, the possibility of the latter case is very small, because the instruments are all up-to-date, and their sensitivity is extremely high, and these have been strictly tested.

"Xiao Chu, remove the third peak in the middle and let me see." Yang Ling suddenly instructed after being silent for a while.

"Okay." The man named Xiao Chu immediately operated his computer to remove the third peak in the middle. The moment Yang Ling was removed, he was completely excited. He dialed a number directly, and then said excitedly, "Old Hu, I found it. I really found the legendary particle."

The old Hu Yang Ling called was Hu Yuanji, the research director of the shuttle device. He was going to teach, but he was kidnapped by Yang Ling, an old classmate, and went to the Institute of Basic Physics. Now he is a member of a project team of the Particle Institute of the Institute of Fundamental Physics, and what he is studying is a particle that can communicate with space. He believes that this kind of particle exists in space and is everywhere.

And it is speculated that the so-called space shuttle is to use powerful energy to gather such particles, and then mark a starting point and focus, and these particles will build a shuttle channel according to this condition. However, until now, humans have not discovered and captured this kind of particle at all, and even many particle researchers directly said that this is a kind of particle that does not exist at all.

"What? What did you find? Do you know how much money this phone call will cost? Could it be that your scientific expedition team really has a lot of money to burn?" Hu Yuanji yelled directly. The entire empire was for their three hundred people. The entire national treasury was almost emptied, and now he didn't want this to happen to the current scientific expedition team.

"Then I'll hang up, and I'll give you a surprise when I go back." Yang Ling finally understood his current situation at this time, so he quickly hung up after speaking, but the energy consumption did not decrease at all. Then the call from the radar commander of the battleship came in.

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