Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 552 Approaching

At the same time, the researchers on the No. 1 ship frantically accepted all kinds of data from the detectors, and after screening, compressed and stored them into the information transmission center.

"Report that probe No. 5 and probe No. 13 have lost contact, and end information transmission."

"Report that Probe 26 lost contact with Probe 17, and end information transmission."

This kind of sound echoes in this laboratory almost every day. For this detection, the Institute of Basic Physics has produced a total of 120 detection satellites. Although many of them are repeated, the types still exceed several. ten kinds. These satellites are made of special materials, so the price is also very expensive. But now Yang Ling has long forgotten these things, because he is now focusing on the research of black holes. In order to really study black holes, he can give up everything now.

"Turn on the particle wind power generation device and turn off the defense system of the battleship." This was the order issued by the first officer on the fifth day. After the order was issued, he actually closed his eyes and shed tears.

The particle wind power generation device is to use particles to collide with each other to generate electric current when passing through a specific network structure, and these currents will gather together after being absorbed by the network structure. This is a very low-efficiency power generation method, but it is only the most practical power generation method for the scientific expedition team.

However, this power generation method has a big disadvantage, that is, it is very huge, and it needs to shut down the defense system of the battleship when it is deployed. This also makes the entire battleship vulnerable to the impact of high-speed meteorites. A warship without a defense system has no chance to respond to the impact of a meteorite whose speed exceeds the speed of sound.

In other words, if a meteorite appeared near the battleship, the entire scientific expedition team would be over. According to the first officer's observations over the years and the past few days, the probability of being hit by a meteorite has reached more than 90%.

"Captain, should we activate the anti-aircraft artillery?" Although the second officer was also grieved at this time, he asked a little unwillingly. After all, the anti-aircraft artillery has been charged before, if there is no energy to replenish Can be fired up to ten times.

"Let's turn it on, I hope the weather will be calm today." The chief mate sighed, the energy of the entire spaceship is almost at the critical point, if they can't complete the task today, they might really not be able to go back.

At this time, if there is a satellite shooting above the No. 1 ship of the scientific expedition team, it will be seen that the "worm" battleship with the particle power generation device is like an overturned sailboat with two bottoms glued together.

"Report, the particle sail has started to work, but the speed of the 'Worm' warship needs to increase by 6% to offset the forward force brought by the particle sail." An operator reported.

"How long can we last after the energy consumption of the spaceship increases by 6%?" The chief mate was most concerned about the energy issue, so he asked directly.

The operator was obviously a little stunned. He didn't expect the captain to ask himself such a question, but he quickly reacted and made a few keystrokes on the keyboard before reporting: "If there are no accidents, we can Hold on for thirty-one hours."

"Thirty-one hours is enough. Immediately increase the energy output. The value is six percent." The first officer issued his order, which was also the best news he had heard.

The team of researchers led by Yang Ling has also entered the final finishing stage at this time. There are currently a total of 120 satellites, and hundreds of them have completed their own detection tasks. There are only thirteen satellites that are still working, but these thirteen satellites are the most critical, because these WeChats need to enter the black hole for detection, and those that have completed the detection tasks are all in the chaos of the plane. visit.

Yang Ling was staring at the big screen at this moment. On the big screen was an animation of thirteen satellites gradually approaching the center of the black hole, and beside his ears was the operator's report: "Ten kilometers and five kilometers from the center. "

"Report, the probe-1 satellite has lost contact and has received the information it sent." When it was three kilometers away from the center of the black hole, a satellite first couldn't withstand the black hole's attraction and then lost contact.

"Immediately sort out the data and see if there are any discoveries." At this moment, a trace of disappointment flashed in Yang Ling's heart, because the distance is too deceitful. If there is no data, there is, but these data are not what you want.

"Yes." The data analysis and processing team waiting on the side started working quickly, because they knew that they would face more data next.

At this time, Yang Ling wanted to see the final appearance of these data as soon as possible, but his eagerness was quickly broken.

"Report, the detection of No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, and No. 13 lost contact, and the data reception of No. 5 was abnormal." An operator reported that at this time all the satellites were only 2.4 kilometers away from the center. up. Now that such a large-scale satellite is incapacitated suddenly, all scientific researchers are a little bit unwilling.

But what they didn't expect was that the next scene completely pushed all their hopes to the bottom: "Report, No. 2, No. 3, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 10, and No. 12 exploration satellites Contact has been lost, and the data reception of No. 8, No. 11, and No. 12 is abnormal."

Yang Ling's complexion was pale at this time, and the occurrence of this scene meant that the scientific expedition had failed completely. So he was still dizzy at this moment, and he couldn't stand anymore. If it wasn't for a student standing next to him to hold him up, he might have fainted here.

"Teacher, there is also a No. 4 exploration satellite, which is an imaging satellite." Seeing his teacher's appearance, the student quickly persuaded him.

When Yang Ling heard that there was still a satellite, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, but after hearing that the satellite was an imaging satellite, he completely gave up that glimmer of hope in his heart. But at this moment, there was a hint of excitement among the staff below, and an operator reported loudly: "The No. 4 exploration satellite has entered the center of the black hole, and the mother's love youth communication is in good condition."

But before he could finish his sentence, the only bright spot on the screen in front of him went out instantly. Afterwards, the floating box that the information is being received appears on the screen.

Seeing the message he received in an instant, he clicked subconsciously, and then a picture appeared in everyone's eyes, including Yang Ling who was almost unconscious. Everyone's mouths were wide open at this time, because they seemed to have seen a remarkable thing, a huge egg. Yes, there is only one huge egg in the picture, and the color of this egg is still white.

At this time, the "worm" battleship suddenly shook, and everyone who stood up was thrown violently. At this time, the chief mate also called in and said, "Academician Yang, the detection system of the 'Worm' warship has detected that the gravitational force is strengthening where we are, and we need to evacuate immediately."

Looking at the chief mate's serious and fearful eyes, Yang Ling immediately ordered, "Turn back immediately."

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