Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 553: Egg-Shaped Planet

But it was a bit late at this time, or the black hole didn't seem like letting the scientific expedition team leave at all. The increasing gravitational force plus the addition of the particle sail made the power of the "worm" battleship unable to resist this force at all, so the "worm" battleship began to slowly fly towards the center of the black hole, and the speed was getting faster and faster. come faster.

"Give up the particle sail and turn on the extreme mode of the spaceship." The first officer responded calmly at this time, watching the "worm" battleship getting closer and closer to the Roche limit of the black hole, and he did not panic at all.

"Yes, abandon the particle sail."

"Release the particle sail." As the hull of the "worm" battleship shook for a while, if you looked outside through the porthole at this time, you would see two giant sails slowly leaving the hull at this time.

"Turn on the power limit state."

"It has been turned on, the power is 100%, 110%, 120% turned on successfully."

The powerful engine of the "Worm" battleship actually began to stop the spaceship slowly under the condition of limit power, but it only stopped, and there was no retreat as expected by the chief officer.

"Captain, according to the current situation, the fuel will be consumed for at most one and a half hours. We need to jump into space immediately." The second radar commander directly suggested that this is also the last and only way.

"Immediately turn on the space shuttle device and try to open the space door." The first officer was also decisive. He knew that a second of delay might increase their chances of death, so he directly issued an order.

But just after the first officer gave the order, he was stopped by a voice: "No, it's useless. There is a strong magnetic field here. With the energy on our current ship, it is impossible to gather the particles that open up the shuttle channel." It was Yang Ling, who looked very sluggish right now.

"Immediately, use the spare power on all weapons." The first officer actually disobeyed for the first time, and he yelled directly at the people below. No one will be calm and calm when facing death. At this time, everyone has the right to pursue life, so Yang Ling didn't stop the first officer, but just sat on the ground and waited for the last moment.

"Yes." Everyone below started to mobilize all the energy to construct a shuttle wormhole.

"Start to inject energy, 30%. 50%. 100%. The energy is successfully injected." After the operator finished the last sentence, he clenched his five fingers into a fist and slammed a red button below him. It's everyone's last hope.

Looking at the light gate slowly built in front of the ship, everyone's hearts were tightly hanging, while the first officer was staring at the number on the screen, he hoped that the completion of the construction could reach 50% above, so that he has the confidence to take everyone out. But he was disappointed. After the structure reached 41%, the data could no longer go up, but the light gates in front of the ship were still increasing.

"Stop the energy injection and let the 'worm' battleship enter the light gate." The first officer planned to take a gamble. He bet that the end of the unfinished wormhole had left the gravitational range of the black hole.

"Yes." No one objected to the first officer's order, because they knew it was the last chance to survive.

Due to the effect of gravity, after the battleship reduced its output power, it began to move forward slowly, and finally plunged into the unfinished light gate.

However, the Imperial Academy of Basic Sciences in Starry Sky City was shaken. They received a data transmission from the scientific expedition team. Everyone is sad at this moment, because the acceptance of the data means that the entire scientific expedition team has been wiped out.

"How is it? Can you still contact the scientific expedition team?" Chen Qiang rushed over immediately after receiving the news, and asked directly after seeing the dean of the Basic Research Institute.

"I can't get in touch. We are currently working on decompressing and sorting out the transmitted information, but what is certain is that Academician Yang and the others have encountered extremely serious danger." The leader of the scientific research project, later transferred to a management position, and entered the scientific research field after the establishment of the empire, but now he is not in the battle in person but as a manager. This is also Chen Qiang's idea that a professional is still a professional to manage.

"Decompress all the information as soon as possible. I need to know if there is any accident with them. If they are still alive, the empire will bring them back at all costs." Chen Qiang directly issued the order. Although he knew that this time was more dangerous, But I didn't expect it to be so dangerous.

"Yes." Lin Yu was an old man in the starry sky creature period, so he knew this person's temper very well. As a result, the entire basic research institute started to move, and researchers who had hugged other research institutes were called up to complete this work. But the data is huge and complicated, so it can't be completed overnight, and Chen Qiang didn't wait here, he turned around and went to the military headquarters to prepare for the rescue.

The chief mate of the scientific expedition team's "worm" battleship closed his eyes after entering the light gate. He didn't look at the eyes of all the scientific expedition team members, because the longing eyes were like sharp knives cutting holding his heart. I don't know how long it took, but the voyage of the "Worm" warship ended, and everyone looked outside curiously, to see if they could find a familiar scene.

To everyone's disappointment, they didn't find any familiar stars. But they saw a very interesting thing, that is, there is a huge 'egg'-shaped planet not far from the spacecraft. But everyone didn't take it as a surprise, because they can see many strange-shaped meteorites in the asteroid belt.

At this time, the first officer's hanging heart was relieved. Although they did not return to the solar system, at least they were still alive, so he issued an order: "Start the remote communication equipment immediately to see if we can contact the earth."

"No need, we are still in the black hole, but we are now at the very center of the black hole." Yang Ling, who had been staring blankly at the 'egg' shaped planet, said directly, his face was full of despair at this moment.

"Academician Yang, are you stunned? How is it possible? If we are at the center of a black hole, it means that the gravitational force we receive is the greatest. If we have already passed the Roche limit, then we have already become a part of this universe. There are particles in it." Apparently, some people thought that Yang Ling might have some mental problems because he had never experienced such a thrilling scene.

"I have no way to explain it, but you can take a look at this picture. This is the picture sent by the last black hole detection satellite." Yang Ling tapped on his bracelet, and a picture was projected in front of everyone . At this moment, the 'egg'-shaped planet in front of the spaceship actually moved, and then the spaceship of the scientific expedition team flew in its direction without control.

"What's going on, turn on the power system of the battleship immediately, there is a problem with the 'egg' planet and leave quickly." The first officer hurriedly issued an order, but it was too late. In this short period of time, the "worm" battleship has approached the giant "egg", and then the battleship slowly disintegrated from the front, and finally the entire battleship was decomposed into a particle surrounding the giant egg. Then the dome suddenly flashed with light and all the surrounding particles disappeared, as if the scientific expedition team had never been here.

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