Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 557 Construction

"Hey, it's still a step too late. The node of the Arctic Ocean has also been snatched away." This is the last sigh of all the forces that have not obtained the vitality node. These guys have failed all the competition, so what they need to solve now is the question of availability, not whether it can be used.

However, some early planning still needs to be done, so they still did not catch up with this opportunity in the end.

The popularity of the vitality node made the people full of talk during this period. Whether they have news or not, they all say that they have news, and then all kinds of bragging. Why did that family and this family reach a joint construction agreement, why a certain company was besieged by many companies because it got the vitality node, it can be said that the streets are flying around.

Of course, various companies also announced the construction plans of their own submarine cities following this Dongfeng, and some listed companies took this opportunity to raise funds, and those companies that were not listed also began to get listed together and get more from shareholders. funds to complete the construction project.

However, in the information-advanced world, although the flow of information is faster, it disappears faster. After a week, the information about the construction of the submarine city has appeared in the conversations of the public, and everything else seems to have disappeared except for the relevant information posted on the official websites of some companies to attract investment.

In fact, these are a strategy of all companies with vitality nodes. They used hype to complete the company's new round of financing, but they still have some technical problems in the construction of submarine cities. So they plan to observe for a period of time first, and after the completion of the construction of the underwater city, they have not yet received definite news about the ownership of the entire city, so no one dares to move. Of course, the sheikh of the Arab Investment Company is different. After getting the certificate from the Katerin family, the project started construction. For a while, the entire Persian Gulf was filled with various instruments.

Just when everyone was bored, a big news appeared in everyone's eyes, that is, the second batch of exploration fleets came back, and now they have reached the orbit of Mars.

This news not only excited the public, but also excited the three major guilds and arenas, as well as the major companies. All their investments are now finally bearing some fruit, and this time the sounding expedition has also made many unknown companies start to have some names.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of the people and the major forces, the imperial cabinet and the military have indeed implemented a comprehensive martial law as if the enemy is coming, especially the supply station above the orbit of Mars is surrounded by water. . And a detection team led by Wang Wenhao began to enter the entire expedition fleet to detect heterogeneous microorganisms. If heterogeneous microorganisms are found, this place will become a research institution for new heterogeneous microorganisms.

But this time I was lucky, and did not find any alien microorganisms. All microorganisms exist on the earth. A team of more than ten people cannot complete it, and even if it can be completed, it will take a long time.

Wang Wenhao's team became the military's establishment because of the alien microorganisms last time. In the military, a department was specially set up to detect these alien microorganisms, and he was the person in charge of this department. This is a permanent position, so his identity information has also been transferred from the Academy of Sciences to the military.

The return of the second batch of expedition fleets also brought a turning point in the entire human exploration activities, so the applications from the private expedition teams directly filled the mailboxes of relevant military departments. The power of the people is the most powerful. Although these companies can stop larger teams, their financial resources are limited, and it is impossible to invest in it without limit. So in a practical sense, all expeditions in the Kuiper Belt in the future will be the main purpose of these folk expeditions, and more and more folk rich people will be created here.

Of course, the premise is that you need to have a spaceship that meets the requirements, a good enough team, and a very strong heart.

"Come back? It's good to be back. It's better if there are no accidents. We need to understand the Kuiper belt enough to open up a way to leave." Chen Qiang couldn't help muttering after hearing the news.

At this time, in the moon base, the man-made mountain peak had stopped growing long ago, but a series of moon transport vehicles were continuously entering and leaving a huge hole at the foot of the mountain. It seems to bring some life-sustaining materials into one's own home like ants moving.

"Chen Ming, 60% of the construction of the internal structure of the moon has been completed, and now we need to carry out the task of building the engine. However, the research results of the military research institute have not yet come out, and the idea of ​​burning stones is a bit immature, so We need to stop this part of the work now, and then focus on completing the construction of the residential area." Zhang Fan said loudly while clicking on his virtual screen, because of the sound of large transport vehicles coming and going, if he didn't speak loudly A few words may not be heard clearly.

"Mr. Zhang, the construction of the residential area cannot be carried out now, because the engine has not come out and we cannot calculate the heat intensity of the residential area, so it is impossible to construct at all." Chen Ming directly expressed his thoughts, and he and Zhang Fan were in charge. This project has been more than ten years, plus they have been partners before, so it was very straightforward.

At this time, a man ran over and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen's No. 3 area has collapsed walls. We have applied for the use of 'Swallow No. 11'. This is our authorization letter, please sign it."

"Oh, is it serious? Are there any casualties?" Zhang Fan asked as he took the document, signed his name, and handed it to Chen Mingdao next to him.

"Three died, and the others were rescued, but they will not be able to work within a year." Manhui reported, and he had no emotion at all about the deaths of these people. This is because those who work here are carrying their lives on their backs, and they will all die sooner or later.

"Have you found out the cause of the accident?" Chen Ming asked the man as he handed the signed document to the man.

"Area No. 3 is the first batch of lunar construction areas sold by the empire. In order to save the construction area, these merchants simply did not use building materials according to our requirements, which led to this situation. Therefore, I plan to use 'Swallow No. 11' for all three Reinforce the walls in the No. 2 area.

"Okay, let's do it quickly. We really can't interfere with the affairs in the third area. After all, our work is absolutely confidential." Zhang Fan sighed.

"Yes." The man turned and left after saluting.

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