Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 558 Change

With the safe return of the second batch of expedition fleets, the expedition activities began to show signs of explosion. In the second month after the expedition fleet returned, the three major guilds and the arena organized the third batch of expedition fleets. The second batch of expedition fleets has more civilian teams. As for the large expedition fleet, some companies continue to explore. Of course, many companies are checking their spaceships and preparing for the next batch of expeditions.

Only at this time can the Kuiper belt truly usher in the long-term stay of human beings, but this is a long-term and huge project, so human beings need long-term patience and confidence. Chen Qiang is also very concerned about the detection of the Kuiper belt. The relevant personnel of the military collect data on the fleet of each expedition. All the data of the expedition team will be copied by the military when they return. Of course, there are some Remuneration, otherwise the capitalist would never agree.

Seven years have passed quickly. Compared with the past, the current earth is basically two different concepts. Because of the existence of vitality, many plants on the earth are very tall, and some tree species that were relatively tall in the past are now even more comparable to human beings. Constructed skyscrapers compared.

Now the tallest skyscraper of mankind is still the Starry Sky Tower, not because the empire's construction technology is not enough, but because it is simply unnecessary. Although the current population of human beings exceeds 15 billion, human beings now prefer the life of a single family, which is called being close to nature in a popular word on the Internet.

The purpose of being close to nature is to improve one's vitality and cultivation. With the improvement of strength and the upgrading of anti-gravity flying vehicles, the distance within the earth is not considered distance at all for humans. Even the slowest anti-gravity vehicle on the market can reach any place on the earth within an hour.

Of course, the earth is still in a period of large-scale construction, especially the military has become more busy. After humans covered the major vitality nodes in the ocean with submarine city technology, the concentration of vitality in the ocean dropped by half directly. The mutated creatures in the ocean rioted, and the coasts were once again filled with beast tides.

But this time, humans easily resisted the tide of mutant beasts. Even if those mutant beast masters dared to appear, they would be killed directly. This also reduced the number of king-level mutant beasts in the ocean, and the workload of the military also decreased a lot. But it also made an octopus king in the ocean angry, and directly started a guerrilla war with humans.

The final result is that the three submarine cities built by humans in the middle of the Pacific Ocean turned into ruins, and tens of thousands of construction personnel died. This was the biggest casualty after the establishment of the empire, and Chen Qiang was also angry. It took half a year to convene the top powerhouses of all mankind to finally kill the Octopus Emperor. Although this killing made human society safer, it made the empire discover a huge vitality node.

This vitality node is the Mariana Trench, with an average water depth of 10,000 meters and a maximum water depth of more than 20,000 meters. Why is it possible to lose here? That is because human beings have not yet fully explored the 2,550-kilometer-long, arc-shaped trench with an average width of 70 kilometers.

The empire only paid attention to the Mariana Trench after the appearance of the Octopus King. After some scientific detection, it was discovered that this is the large lair of mutant beasts, and there are many king-level mutant beasts in it. And the empire also discovered a very important thing, that is, the vitality here is very strong, and it is the main place where vitality bursts out on the earth.

Many scientists have some doubts about the vitality on the earth, that is, human beings consume vitality very quickly, but the decrease in the concentration of vitality on the earth does not match the vitality produced by all the vitality nodes. So they have a guess that there are still many vitality nodes on the earth, but humans have not discovered it.

The discovery of the Mariana Trench can be said to indirectly prove their statement. As for why humans have not detected it, it is because the vitality slowly rises upward after bursting out of the Mariana Trench. During the journey, it has long been dissolved and brought to many places by water, so human beings basically detect something on the surface.

After this statement came out, the major companies and families went crazy, and they directly started to enter the ocean exploration, with the ultimate goal of detecting those vitality nodes in the deep sea. Especially those companies and families that did not get any gains in the previous scramble for vitality nodes, and some skilled people planned to make a fortune through these expeditions, so a vigorous ocean exploration activity began.

As for the Mariana Trench, the largest gathering place of vitality, no one wants to get involved. Because there are too many mutant beasts here, they were directly blocked by the military. If they want to take over, the military will be very happy. After all, thousands of kilometers of trenches need huge funds for real-time monitoring and emergency response.

Because of the construction of the new biological information communication system, the entire military is still tightening its belt. If it weren't for the war with the mutant beasts, the cabinet's military expenditure, which has been declining, would drop again.

"Dad, our Orange Moon Company plans to enter the ocean exploration project, what do you think?" Chen Yi asked while picking up a crystal elbow from the plate.

"Whatever, anyway, you will become the monarch of the empire sooner or later, now you can play whatever you want, tell me that I will abdicate if you have enough fun." Chen Qiang also held a crystal elbow and gnawed on it, not at all looking like he was in his fifties Rather like a young man.

"I don't want to be an emperor. I think my sister has a tendency to develop in the direction of government affairs. It's better to let her be a queen." Chen Yi obviously didn't like the emperor, so he directly chose to refuse.

Mou Bing glanced at his incomprehensible son and said, "Why don't you find a girlfriend quickly, they are all in their twenties."

Parents are like this, very concerned about their children's life-long events. Even a very open-minded parent like Mu Bing will naturally urge her when the time comes.

"Hey, it's coming again. Although the empire encourages early marriage and early childbearing, we can't bury the great youth of our young people in pots and pans and taking care of children. Human birth and development have a stage, my Not here yet." Chen Yi moved out a long time ago, but he would go home once a week.

At this time, Chen Lu put a chopstick of green vegetables to Chen Qiang and said, "Dad, I have been to their company, and Xiao Yi has a very beautiful secretary. I think there will be something interesting this time."

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