Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 559: Chen Lu's Attack

"Tell me about it, son. As long as you like it, we don't have any requirements." Mu Bing was obviously open to gossip.

"That's just my secretary. Except for people like my dad who don't know how to style, they have never had a secretary. Even if there are men, they like their secretary to be attractive." Chen Yi complained. It has become an outdated stalk on the Internet, but its popularity is extremely wide.

Chen Qiang said angrily: "You boy, am I afraid that your mother will be jealous, and I have been in the laboratory all the time, so I don't need a secretary."

"Oh? Don't blame me for this. And Xiao Yi, don't mess around. Although the empire is a bit liberal in this regard, I don't allow you to have three wives and four concubines. If you really At that time, I will drive you out of the house and have another child with your father." Mu Bing said with a smile, and Chen Lu who was next to him obviously had some lion kings in his heart when he heard these words, but it was also a It flashed by, but Chen Qiang could see it clearly.

So he said directly: "Xiaolu, the time I promised you at the beginning is coming soon, you can go to the office to report tomorrow."

"Ah?" Obviously Chen Lu was a little dazed at this time, and Mu Bing was going to say something, but he still didn't say it in the end. In the past seven years, she has been cultivating her daughter's interest in business, and she has indeed done a good job in these years. But what she didn't expect was that her daughter still had thoughts about government affairs, and she was actually very reluctant to let her daughter walk around in that big dye vat.

Chen Lu was excited at this time, but she still maintained the proper etiquette. But her trembling hands while eating revealed her inner thoughts. Chen Qiang thought about this matter for a long time, and finally decided that it would be better for his daughter to try it. And he also saw his son's practice of going out to start a business, in order to create an opportunity for his sister, after all, his son always wanted to be a scholar.

Chen Lu was excited at this time. The first task at work on Monday was to write a resignation letter. Even though she is now the CEO of Xingkong Biology, she has no nostalgia. Because she is going to work in the general office, the general office mentioned here belongs directly to the emperor, and it is also a gathering place for the government affairs of the entire empire. It is the fastest institution to get familiar with the government affairs of the empire. Go into it and cross the gold

Another advantage of the general office is that there is no need for exams. All the personnel in the general office are recommended by the cabinet or directly recruited by the emperor. It can be said that the personnel of this department are the real disciples of the emperor, and the government affairs of the entire empire may be controlled by this department in the future. This also represented Chen Qiang's recognition of Chen Lu, and it was paving the way for his daughter's succession.

After Chen Lu wrote the resignation letter, she went directly to the chairman's office, but she stopped at the door because she knew all about her mother's arrangement. My own mother didn't want her to enter the political arena, so she tried her best to tie her to the starry sky creature all these years.

But Chen Lu finally took a deep breath and knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Mu Bing's voice was crisp.

"Chairman Mou, this is my resignation letter, I hope you can approve it." Chen Lu summoned up her courage and said.

"Go and lock us up, let's have a good chat." Mu Bing was obviously very calm, she put down the document in her hand and said.

But Chen Lu knew that this was the rhythm of her mother's explosion, but this rhythm aroused her stubbornness, so she raised her head and closed the door.

"Drink some water. Today we two have a good talk. To be honest, I really don't want you to go to the political arena, or I don't want you to go to that position." Mou Bing said straight to the point.

"Why? Is it because of the goddamn son but not daughter?" Chen Lu also asked directly. She was actually a little dissatisfied with her mother for a long time. At the age of twenty-six, she was old enough to arrange her own marriage. Live and live.

Mu Bing shook his head and said: "No, I don't want you to be so tired. Do you know that women need to have children and take care of the family in the future. If you are really in that position, these will leave you. I don't want my daughter to be like this One person, and you have to know that the political arena is never peaceful. Now you look very simple, but anyone who has really experienced it knows that there is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Your father is an obvious example. Although you have struggled for these years, although there have been some changes, But it's more about being assimilated."

"That's because Dad doesn't want to be a dictator, and the current social environment simply doesn't allow a dictatorial emperor to appear." Chen Lu retorted, her father was always tall in her heart.

"You are right. This social environment does not allow a dictatorial emperor to appear at all, but your temper is very similar to your father's. You hate evil like hatred. If you really see the darkness of this society, you may make the whole society happen There will be great turmoil, and there will be no room for turning back in that position at that time." Mu Bing said very cryptically, but the meaning is very clear, she does not want the current situation to be disrupted.

Chen Lu didn't want to agree with this statement, so she objected: "There is no fixed system in the world, even the emperor is the same. If I really have that day, then I will use force to push it across. This society will always be The law of the jungle preys on the strong. That’s why I wanted to enter the army at the beginning, after all, mastering the barrel of a gun is the most important thing.”

Mou Bing was not surprised at what his daughter said, because Chen Lu's personality was very similar to Chen Qiang's, and with the influence of these years, she had her own views on everything. So her task this time is very difficult, but she still wants to give it a try. So she said: "Now the stage of starry sky creatures is enough for you to play, and you have done very well in the past few years."

"No, mother, these are completely two platforms. I very much hope to be the one who leads mankind to go out, and although my father looks very leisurely now, I know he is very unhappy now, and the pressure on his shoulders has not diminished at all. " Chen Lu directly interrupted Mu Bing's next words.

In fact, Mu Bing has nothing to do. Her daughter has been very disciplined since she was a child. Although she is a little naughty at times, this is a child's nature. So she didn't plant a majestic seed in her daughter's heart at all. As for forcibly suppressing her daughter, it was also a way, but he didn't want to do that, so this persuasion failed.

Chen Lu left, and the two of them didn't reach an agreement in the end, but she didn't care because Chen Qiang, her father, was behind her to support her.

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