"It will be over in two months. I hope that your ruling will continue our persistence for these years. The emperor has long been inconsistent with the laws of human development. It took us thousands of years to complete dictatorship and democracy. If we turn back the wheel of history now, our senior management will be stared at the pillar of shame in the future." Wu Aiguo knew that he would not have the chance to take power in the next term, so he needed to do something to the next successor. Some exhortations.

Although he knew that this might be just wishful thinking and it would not have any effect in the end, he still planned to tell Anderson about it. After all, the current situation in the empire was accomplished by him, and he paid a lot of money to achieve this. Many, many, just like your own children.

Anderson shook his head and said: "Actually, if you hadn't overcorrected these years, you might have continued for another term. Since Mr. Chen has confirmed that you will not take over, then the current situation cannot be preserved. And eliminate Mr. Chen's position in the human race." The influence of society, this is indeed a bit excessive. You must know that the current situation of the entire human race is caused by him, otherwise the human race would have disappeared."

"I don't regret it. Human beings now need heroes, but they don't need a hero who controls the fate of everyone. And we haven't covered up his achievements. It's just that he wants to use his influence to establish a country similar to theocracy. This I Absolutely, I agree." Wu Aiguo also said very firmly.

Anderson just smiled and said: "Actually, you have misunderstood Mr. Chen, he doesn't have that ambition. The only purpose of gathering all his strength is to let the development of the empire follow the path he leads, and according to the current statistics, Mr. Chen All pointed in the direction of what is best for man."

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, people will always make mistakes." Wu Aiguo shook his head and retorted.

"Well, since no one can convince anyone, let's see the effect. I will only be in power for one term at most, and I don't want to do it any more. We will see who is right then." Anderson said He left directly, the so-called one emperor and one courtier, he is also very busy now, after all, he needs to make an adjustment to the current team, otherwise his right to speak will be limited to a very small range.

Of course, the changes in the entire political arena have no impact on the people at the bottom. When Chen Qiang standardized government functions, he indicated that the government is a service organization rather than a ruling organization. And because of the existence of artificial intelligence, many government affairs related to people's livelihood can already be handled on the Internet, so the prestige of the government is actually not that high in the impression of the public, and it is not even as good as the three major guilds and arenas.

This is also a very good layout of Chen Qiang, which weakens the government's control, and Wu Aiguo has a lot of prejudice against this. Because in his opinion, the government should control all aspects of the people, and this loose system is of no benefit to the implementation of imperial decrees.

But the facts have proved that under the powerful force, everyone will behave. Whether it is the Mercenary Guild or the Adventurer's Guild, it has long been infiltrated by the Warrior Guild. Now the most powerful people in the two major guilds are from the Martial Artists Guild, so they have this level of teacher-student relationship, which has led to the three major guilds now recognizing the Martial Artists Guild as the boss. As for the arena, it is the property of the Chen family, and there is a military guard behind the arena, no one dares to underestimate it.

"Mr. Lin, do you have any internal news about the change of the imperial cabinet this year? I heard that Anderson's second assistant will become the first assistant?" The 'insiders' who have been connected are naturally visited by the strengths of all parties.

"Mr. Ma, I actually don't know, and I haven't contacted Mr. Lei these years. After all, do you want to avoid suspicion?" Lin Bin said. He actually wanted to know the final result, but he didn't dare to go because he wanted to avoid suspicion. Ask, he also understands what kind of person Lei Jun is.

And now, with the improvement of all aspects of the empire, many of Xiaomi's former advantages have become a thing of the past, so he has no time to think about these at all. For Xiaomi to occupy a leading position in the era of endless technological emergence, it needs a strong scientific research and management model. He is currently carrying out some reforms on Xiaomi.

"Then can you make an appointment with Mr. Lei, and let's invite Mr. Lei to get together?" MCA is also very straightforward. All entrepreneurs have a sense of fear for such unknown things. They are trying their best to find out the news, but this time it seems that the top management of the empire has been directly blocked, and there is no news at all, so they made such a bad move.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Bin said, "Let me try. There is a great possibility that Mr. Lei will not come back, so don't have too much hope."

"It's okay, as long as you invite me, as for the location, it will be at the Hilton Hotel in Starry Sky City." Mahua also said very happily, their purpose was not to really invite dinner, but to show an attitude to the higher-ups that is us Support Anderson's second assistant to become the first assistant. This is why they contacted Lei Jun, after all, these people are all members of the Starry Sky Department in essence.

The Prime Minister of the Imperial Cabinet is nominated and finally appointed by the Emperor. As for the formation of the cabinet, it was formed by the chief assistant of the cabinet, but because the first cabinet was established for the first time, the appointment system was implemented in the first cabinet. But starting from this session, the state stipulated in the constitution will be restored. After all, the country needs to abide by the laws that have been enacted.

"Lao An, I will announce the nomination list next week. Are you ready?" Chen Qiang asked while drinking tea.

"It's almost done. The whole system has also been sorted out. Among the current cabinet members, I hope that only Thatcher and Mr. Lei will be left. The remaining five ministers will all be selected from the mayors below, and then slowly form each The tradition of keeping only one or two original members in one cabinet will open up all promotions in the government affairs system." Anderson also expressed his own thoughts, which are also some of the better results he reached after in-depth conversations with Wu Aiguo.

"Will this make our old brothers have opinions." Chen Qiang hesitated. After all, it's not good for people who have shared weal and woe for so many years to give up all at once.

"I communicated with them, and everyone agreed. Since they entered the cabinet, they have paid much less attention to their families. Now they just step back to take care of their families, and now they are still in good health. After retirement They plan to set up a university to teach." Anderson has already communicated with everyone about this matter. After all, if he becomes the chief assistant, Lei Jun will take over the second assistant smoothly, and the best successor for the government affairs minister is Legislative Prime Minister Wang Peng, if he gradually enters in this way, it means that the cabinet is monopolized by the Starry Sky Department. This time, many people below are dissatisfied.

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