Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 561 Five Medals

So Anderson planned to directly replace all the cabinet ministers in the entire cabinet except Lei Jun, the candidate for the chief assistant of the fourth cabinet. In fact, this also has the effect of stabilizing the entire political situation. After all, there will be elections for the first assistant in a hundred years. This is extremely good news for those who want to become the first assistant.

As for the replacements, it is also very easy to choose. It is enough to choose a representative one from each continent. Among them, America chooses the mayor of the California base city Ao Guanhai, and Asia chooses the mayor of the Arabian base city A Abdullah and Europe chose Merkel, the mayor of the base city of Paris, and Africa chose Lisboa, the mayor of the base city of Egypt, and Wang Qiu, the mayor of the base city of Plains.

Four of these five are people who have worked hard in the political arena for a long time and have a lot of understanding of the high-level political ecology, so they will not feel unfamiliar after the cabinet is formed. As for Wang Qiu, he really climbed up from the bottom The common people, so they are very clear about the demands of the grassroots, and have great ideas about the formulation of some policies for the grassroots. In addition, a new woman was added to the cabinet, which also greatly increased women's voice in the government affairs system.

It can be said that this kind of direct elimination and fight eliminated some of the adverse effects of Wu Aiguo's resignation. Of course, this is just a plan, and the final effect depends on the real result.

"I read your cabinet formation document, and it's okay, but your plan has a big flaw, that is, after a hundred years, the imperial cabinet will not have the people we trained." Chen Qiang also raised his own concerns , because human beings are in a state of danger all the time, so a regime that can be in his hands is needed to complete the next arrangement according to his own ideas.

"Wang Qiu was originally a successor we cultivated. He is a legend among the people, and there are not so many entanglements behind him, so I have already drawn him into our camp. And after a hundred years, a large number of people now People will gradually get old, and they will no longer have any thoughts on government affairs, so we can do a good job in propaganda work in the past century, and after a hundred years, the talents we have cultivated have also grown up." Anderson explained .

"Okay, let's follow your cabinet formation plan. The empire's title system has been formulated long ago, but until now there have not been some good rewards. I plan to reward some people this time. What do you think?" Chen Qiang suddenly asked.

The imperial title system was set up when the empire was established, but it has not been awarded. Originally, Chen Qiang planned to issue a wide range of titles at the founding ceremony, but with the link between titles and credit, the canonization is also a big problem. problem, because canonization requires changing a person's social credit rating, which is completely forbidden in the empire's constitution.

Anderson didn't expect that Chen Qiang would have the idea of ​​amending the constitution, so he persuaded him, "Your Majesty, the amendment of the constitution requires the participation of all the people. This is an extremely huge project, and it is not appropriate to amend it now."

"I'm talking about re-establishing a system of titles that is parallel to credit titles. It's just that this set of titles is not parallel to social credit. Then we can do more work on funds and welfare subsidies." Chen Qiang explained.

"But Your Majesty, according to the five-level title system established at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is already the most mature system. How can we re-establish a new type of title system?" Anderson was crying at this time, he I don't want to accept this challenge at all, because the formulation of a set of titles requires too much energy.

In fact, Chen Qiang had this idea for a long time, and he studied some ancient title systems in Huaguo in depth, but he found that it was not suitable for the current situation at all, so he had to re-create one. But apparently the idea of ​​reinvention has failed.

So he could only say: "Then let's set up the Royal Medal System, which is divided into five levels: Planetary Medal, Star Medal, Galaxy Medal, Galaxy Medal, and Nebula Medal. People who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of human science, technology and culture; the Stellar Medal is awarded to those who have made great contributions to the empire; the Galaxy Medal is awarded to those who have made earth-shaking changes to a certain industry of the empire; the Galaxy Medal is awarded to those who have influenced the empire the future; the Nebula Medal is awarded to those who have improved the destiny of mankind."

This is a very clear medal system, so Anderson didn't have any rejections, and he was actually very willing to see this scene appear. Even if the current royal family does not re-enter the public's attention in this way, he will increase the promotion of the royal family in the next control of public opinion.

With the coordination of all parties, Chen Qiang announced his nomination list for the new cabinet as the emperor three days later. Among them, the first assistant was included in Anderson without any suspense, and the second assistants were Mr. Lei and Mr. Wang. Thatcher, the government minister is Wang Qiu, the legislative minister is Lisboa, the judicial minister is Merkel, the science minister is Ao Guanhai, and the business minister is Abdullah.

This list of nominations surprised all the people, because there are too many unfamiliar faces in the cabinet this time, and even people who have come from the national era have little impression of these people. Suddenly appearing in front of many people now has a feeling of familiarity and strangeness.

Of course, this nomination shocked the business community. They lamented the courage of the monarch, Chen Qiang, otherwise such a big change in the cabinet would not have occurred. Because in their calculations, since Wu Aiguo has not been re-elected, then Chen Qiang, the imperial monarch, will build his own team.

Of course, what surprised the public the most was the announcement of the five major medal systems, because the awarders of the medals decided that this was the top honor in the world, and what people need most in peaceful times is fame, fortune and a lot of money. The current imperial people are not short of money at all, so reputation has become the goal pursued by many people.

What are those businessmen and many people following the rules and actively participating in the construction of the empire? Isn't it to improve their social credit and get a title. So far, no more than a hundred titles have been successfully awarded by the empire, and all of these people are the lowest viscounts.

Especially when Wu Aiguo was awarded the Stellar Medal and Wang Peng and others were awarded the Planetary Medal, everyone was overjoyed. These people can be regarded as nobles truly recognized by the empire. Just this title also gave many people a sense of action, so there was a whirlwind of struggle in the whole society, in order to get one of the five major medals.

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