Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 569 Old Man

"It's not bad. The source of students this year is much better than last year. You see, there is also a student who is a high-level martial artist." Chen Qiang hadn't walked around the campus for a long time, so he took Zhang Jian to the Xingkong Lake for a walk, and saw the martial artist The university is recruiting students, so I want to come in and take a turn.

"It's really good. The strength of these students is indeed very strong, which is different from ours before. The Dragon Fang and Spike Troops had suffered a lot in order to improve their strength. Various medicines broke the bottleneck of promotion, which also shortened the lifespan of many people. Now there are not many old brothers in the past." Zhang Jian was very pleased, but then he couldn't help feeling a little sentimental.

"Oh? Didn't the army also build freezers? It seems to be on the moon. Don't they freeze them?" Freezers have now become a new type of service organization for mankind, whether it is the empire or major private companies. My own freezer, after all, many people are unwilling to die like this.

"Their bodies were too damaged at the beginning. At that time, they didn't feel anything because their qi and blood were relatively strong. However, after the invasion of 'Desperate', their health deteriorated. You know the character of a soldier, Mr. Chen. I would rather I really don’t want to drag myself out, and the consequences of overdrawing my life are still very serious, my brothers would rather die than live, so they all left early.” Zhang Jian said with some reluctance.

Chen Qiang has nothing to say, because this is everyone's choice. The empire had given everyone a choice when the first wave of old people was about to die. Entering the freezer that the empire has already built, but this freezer can only be frozen for 500 years. After 500 years, if the empire has not made any breakthroughs, it can only abandon these people, and there is death. Most of the personnel choose to die, and there are very few people who choose to freeze. This is something that Chen Qiang and the top management of the empire did not expect. It also makes those companies that are planning to operate private freezers almost think that this business is coming to an end. up.

"Is this also the reason why you don't want to freeze?" Chen Qiang asked suddenly after walking for a while.

"Yes, my family is on the normal track now, and I have nothing to do on the list. As for the future, my children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. It is impossible for me to protect the whole family for the rest of my life. And I have I'm a little tired, and I can't keep up with the development of the empire, so it's better to just let it go." Zhang Jian is very free and easy, and there are many situations like him.

They almost exhausted their blood after experiencing the war of mutant beasts. This is a young age and they have already seen it clearly, so they chose to leave this world. Sometimes living too long is a burden for many people, especially those who used to have a life expectancy of only seventy or eighty years old, who were already prepared to die, and living up to now can be regarded as a complete life So they are very calm about death. And some services such as "euthanasia" have also been born in this field.

"It's up to you. In fact, I also think that living too long is also a trouble. Remember to go quietly when you leave. Don't let me know. As for your family, I will take care of it for you." Chen Qiang was a little sad at this time. Now he actually regrets introducing 'Ze Ming' to the earth. Over the years, there are fewer and fewer people around him. He received a letter of resignation from Mr. Lei yesterday, hoping to push him down from the cabinet position in advance. His body does not allow this.

Lei Jun and Ma Yun are both people of the same era. If it weren't for the existence of the top-level cell activation fluid, his body would have collapsed a long time ago. Therefore, Chen Qiang plans to remove Lei Jun from the nomination of the first minister of the new cabinet next year. Let him take a good rest, and then enter the freezer to continue his life.

Chen Qiang from Wuzhe University has figured out a lot of things. Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Now that human beings want to fight against the destiny, they have to pay a huge price. Just when he was thinking about replacing all the old people at the top of the empire, the secretary reported that Wu Wudi and Zhukov wanted to see him outside.

Chen Qiang was confused at this time, because Wu Wudi saw him because he came to report the candidate for the new president of the Warrior Association, but Zhukov's arrival made him very confused, but everything was about to come to an end, so he was not particularly entangled This question, although he is afraid that Zhukov will submit an application for resignation to him at this time.

"Your Majesty, this is the new president of the three warrior guilds that I have selected after many considerations. Please take a look." Wu Wudi first handed over the documents in his hand when he entered the office this year.

"You guys sit first, I'll take a look first." Chen Qiang pointed to the chair and asked the two to sit down first. He picked up the document and began to read it. The Martial Artists Guild is the only systematic martial arts training institution among the people, and as the Chen family He must strictly check his private property.

Chen Qiang quickly went through the resumes of the three people, and finally said after thinking for a long time: "Chen Bing is a woman, and she is also a member of the Chen family. Is it suitable to be the president of the Warriors Guild?"

"Yes, first of all, Chen Bing's strength has reached the Martial Emperor's High Realm, which is close to the limit of human strength; second, he has been training in various departments in the Warriors Guild for these years, so he is fully qualified in terms of qualifications; thirdly, the Warriors Guild It was originally the private property of the Chen family, so this is considered to be returned to the original owner." Wu Wudi also likes this woman named Chen Bing the most, because this is a Wu Chi who is exactly like him back then.

Chen Qiang knew that Wu Wudi was "returning things to their original owners", because the qualifications of the other two people were more qualified than Chen Bing. However, he is also very willing to let Chen Bing be the president of the Warriors Guild, not because she is a member of the Chen family, but because she is a woman. If Chen Bing becomes the president of the Warriors Guild, it will be a big deal for women in the empire encouragement. Moreover, the Martial Artists Guild's support for female warriors will also increase.

So he said: "Then Chen Bing, the other two will serve as vice presidents to assist the president in controlling the Warriors Guild, and the recruitment of the new phase of the Zilong Legion is about to start, so let's report these two people." The Zilong Legion is the gathering center for the strongest of all human beings, and these two places can be regarded as compensation.

"Then it would be great. The Warriors Guild has two more Purple Dragon Martial Emperors." Wu Wudi said happily. He knew that the two quotas were not just honors but also the benefits of the Purple Dragon Legion. All kinds of potions are the real good things.

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