Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 570 Salt

"Dad, I'm going to school. Be careful when you're doing construction?" A boy grabbed two pieces of bread and rushed out, then reminded himself of his father and left quickly.

"Stinky boy, ride slowly." The father is now used to his son's irritable personality, and he still calmly ate the breakfast in front of him.

Then a woman came out of the kitchen with a stack of fried eggs and said, "Is that brat late again?"

"Isn't this normal? Wasn't it the same when we were in school? Now life on Mars is the same as before. There is a lot of living space, and the children love to play a little bit." The man took the egg with a smile road.

At this time, a beautifully dressed woman also came out of the room and said: "There are fried eggs, what day is it today." As she spoke, she skillfully picked up a taboo and stuffed it into her mouth. And while chewing, he said: "The taste is still not good, not as good as the eggs on the earth, but it is closer to the taste of the eggs themselves."

The woman patted her daughter's head with a smile and said, "Your meal is delicious, have you ever eaten free-range eggs?"

"I ate it. It tasted very good on a classmate's birthday. It's just that it has a different taste when fried in olive oil." The woman rubbed the back of her head and retorted, but her voice was a little weak .

"Okay, hurry up and finish eating and I'll take you to school, and then go to work." The man doting on another egg for his daughter said.

"Dad, I want to ride to school like my brother." The woman happily ate the breakfast in front of her, muttering in her mouth.

"No, it's enough to have your brother as a troublemaker at home. It's not safe for a girl to ride a bike." Before the man could speak, the woman blocked her last hope.

"Mom." The girl said coquettishly, but what greeted her was a blank stare from her own mother.

At this time, my father came out to smooth things over and said, "Guess you are thirteen years old. When you are fifteen, dad will give you a bicycle, and then you can ride it to school."

"Long live Dad." The girl stood up excitedly and shouted loudly, but the man greeted his wife with dissatisfied eyes.

This is an ordinary day for a Martian family, and there are still some shortages of various supplies here. Because although the land on Mars is suitable for the growth of plants, what surprised all the imperial botanists is that many high-yielding crops that have been modified on the earth here cannot grow at all. After testing, it was found that there is such a thing in the soil on Mars A microorganism that has long existed or died on the earth, it should be said to be a kind of maggot, and it is also a kind of single-celled maggot.

In fact, such a name is very unprofessional, but this single-celled organism can convert chemical energy into biological energy by itself. Of course, this kind of microorganism also exists on the earth. Of course, this is not its characteristic. Its biggest characteristic is that the reproductive ability of this microorganism will increase after a long period of dormancy.

Therefore, when people discovered the existence of this kind of microorganism, the entire surface of Mars was already covered, so the cultivation of crops on Mars is still under study. Population is still somewhat difficult.

Now the Imperial Academy of Sciences is researching a crop that is completely suitable for growing on Mars. Of course, although there are relatively few living materials on Mars, it does not mean that the basic living conditions on Mars cannot be met. For example, the biological planting system researched by Starry Sky Group has been built in every community on Mars, where everyone can eat fresh vegetables and food, but the price is relatively high. Because these production bases are fundamentally different from those on the earth, they are all completely enclosed environments, which means that almost a complete ecosystem has been built here.

There is also all kinds of meat, because there is no vitality on Mars, so the mutant animal meat rich in vitality on the earth becomes very expensive on Mars. As for ordinary meat, it is even less. Chicken is the most supplied on Mars, because during the war with mutant beasts, all kinds of chicken were supplied on the whole world.

So chickens are the only creatures that haven't undergone mutations, so they can live on Mars. Naturally, humans on Mars can only eat chicken. Of course, sometimes they will spend some money to buy some frozen mutated animal meat transported from the earth, but it is not as bold as eating with open belly on the earth.

Of course, the most transported thing on Mars to the earth is not all kinds of meat, but salt, because this thing cannot be produced on Mars at all. Even though there is an ocean on Mars, it is an ocean formed of fresh water with extremely low salt content. The empire has fully opened a waterway between the earth and Mars. Calculated based on the shortest distance of 56 million kilometers and the longest distance of 400 million kilometers, it takes four or six days for the Beluga to travel at full power. , everyone is acceptable at this time.

Of course, the small spaceships of many companies can also reduce this time by half, but the transport team of the Empire is the most common route from the earth to Mars. Next are the spaceships of various commercial companies, half of them use the "Longwan" of Interstellar Space and the "Neptune" of the Space Technology Exploration Company.

However, the technology of these large non-governmental enterprises has also developed extremely rapidly in recent years. They have overcome the problem of small antimatter engines and have begun to use them on small spaceships. As for large-scale technology, although there is no breakthrough, the military has authorized some related technologies, and mankind will soon enter the era of anti-matter engines.

Although the thrust of the antimatter engine is relatively large, there is a big problem that its antimatter is slowly consumed, so it needs to be replenished with fuel in the end. Especially in a spaceship with the space shuttle function, the antimatter engine simply cannot output such a huge amount of energy stably, so this kind of spaceship can only be used for some short-distance navigation.

The popularity of this engine has also changed the somewhat tense energy block production line of the entire empire. Moreover, the empire has also tried its best to expand the production of energy blocks in recent years, and has built a new type of production base on Europa.

This also made the energy security of the entire empire slowly break away from the warning line. This was the greatest achievement during the entire term of the Anderson cabinet. After all, energy is the blood of the development of the entire empire.

"Mr. Han, can I treat you to a meal?" Han Rui just got off work and planned to go home to take a look, but was stopped by a man.

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