"Mr. Lin, in fact, we are not suitable at all. There is no comparison between Pearl Aerospace and Tianfeng Construction. You Tianfeng Construction have achieved business in the Kuiper belt. I, Pearl Aerospace, are still eating the entire Earth-Moon system, so I hope you Don't disturb my life, okay?" Han Rui said directly with a cold face, she had long since given up on the idea of ​​starting a family, and now that she is over forty years old, no one wants her anymore, so she understands the pursuit in front of her What is her purpose, but it is impossible unless she is dead.

After Han Rui finished speaking, he walked around the man holding the flower and was about to leave. But it was obviously impossible for this man to give up. The man was stunned for a while and said: "Han Rui, I really like you. I have been chasing you for almost ten years. If you are afraid that Tianfeng Construction will annex the Pearl Group, then I How about giving you half of the shares of Tianfeng Construction, so that you don't have to worry about the future."

After hearing these words, Han Rui's leaving body paused obviously, but she continued to walk to her car, then sat in and left. Mr. Lin, who left Tianfeng Construction, stood there in a daze, but his heart was still very big, and he was not angry, because he had experienced a lot of this kind of situation.

Just yesterday he persuaded the shareholders of Tianfeng Construction, and some old people of Tianfeng Construction, to transfer half of his shares to his future wife. But what he didn't expect was that Han Rui still refused him without any emotion. At this moment, he felt a sense of defeat, and even had some doubts about himself.

"Dad, am I really wrong?" The man muttered to himself, got in the car and left, because Lin Hao, the former owner of Tianfeng Construction, had warned his son not to have too much with Han Rui Because this woman has dedicated her whole life to the Pearl Group, this is a person that even he admires.

"Wow, so handsome. Mr. Lin has been pursuing our Mr. Han for more than ten years, and now such men have become rare. If it were me, as long as I pursued me like this for a month, I might agree." The woman said with stars in her eyes.

"Xiao Nizi, you're in spring again. Work hard, you, now this society pays attention to being well-matched, don't you plan to be a surrogate for the Lin family?" A woman on the side directly shattered this unrealistic fantasy of her friend .

"Isn't it just a matter of an egg, and there is no need to have children. I may not be a wealthy wife that day." Now the woman has some thoughts.

"You don't want to die. There's not much news about those wealthy families these years. The thing about an egg is simple to say, but it's still your own body that's being damaged." Seeing that her best friend was still immersed in a dream, she said Shaking while warning.

"Okay, okay, let me think about it. It's not bad to live like this now. Let's take a break next month and go to Mars to play. I found a travel agency that only needs 10,000 star coins a week, that is, Do you have any idea about our two-month salary." The woman also changed the subject.

Han Rui was actually very tangled along the way, and she also envied those couples who were in pairs and played outside with their children. However, the hindrance of her career made her unable to enjoy the happiness that a woman should have, but she did not regret it, so she poured all her love for her children on her nephew.

She has a lot of thoughts at the moment, and she doesn't really dislike Lin Pingzhang from Tianfeng Construction. There are not many people who can chase her for ten years, and she is also very good in terms of reputation. If she had to choose someone to marry, she would choose Lin Pingzhang 90% of the time, but now she has no choice, and she doesn't seem to have a choice.

Han Rui entered the house with a tired body, but she was a little surprised when she smelled the smell of rice. But when a seven or eight-year-old child threw herself into her arms, she knew it was her younger brother and sister-in-law. After her younger brother got married, she moved out. After all, it was not very convenient for her to live in her own family, but sometimes she would go to her younger brother's house to sit for a while, and his younger brother would also come to her own home for dinner.

"Sister, you are back, the meal will be ready later, you and Xiaotian will wait for a while." At this moment, a woman poked her head out from the kitchen and said.

"Okay, do you need my help?" Han Rui said as he put on his slippers and picked up his nephew.

"No need, Xiaoxuan will help me." The woman said with a smile, and then shrank back and continued to work on her own affairs.

"Aunt, I want a "Warring States Strategy", can you buy me one?" The boy obviously liked his aunt very much, so he whispered in his ear.

"Did you pass the game I bought for you last time?" Han Rui asked with a smile after throwing his clever nephew on the sofa.

"I've cleared the level a long time ago, so do you want to sell it to me, aunt?" The boy directly used his most powerful weapon - acting like a baby.

"How's your grades in school and how much your strength has grown." Han Rui peeled off a banana on the table and handed it to his nephew.

"The top three in the school, the strength is about the fourth level of apprenticeship. The price of "Warring States Policy" is 4,000 star coins. This is my account." The boy took a bite of a banana and skillfully turned on the virtual screen on his wrist, and turned himself on. The game account of the game is displayed, indicating that the aunt can recharge the money.

Han Rui took a bite of the apple and said, "Okay, but you have to make sure you break through to the fifth level of apprenticeship next month." Then he opened his virtual screen and recharged 4,000 star coins into this game account.

"Okay, Auntie, take care." The boy said happily, kissing Han Rui on the face.

"Xiao Tian, ​​are you pestering your aunt to buy you games again, so you can't play less games." Han Xuan said with a stern face as soon as he came out of the kitchen with two dishes in his hands and saw this scene.

"It's time for the child to play, so don't be too harsh." Han Rui defended.

"Sister, just spoil Xiaotian, sooner or later he will be spoiled." Han Xuan said as he put the dishes on the dining table.

"Xiaotian is my only nephew, I don't love him or anyone else." Han Rui pampered, pinching his chubby face. As for Xiao Tian, ​​who had long been pretending to be dead on the sofa, this was the best way he found to deal with his parents.

Han Xuan just said something, but he planned to say something more, but in the end he swallowed his words and went to the kitchen to serve the dishes. During the whole meal time, Han Xuan and his wife flirted with each other, but they never dared to express their thoughts.

Knowing that the dinner was about to end, Han Rui took the initiative to ask, "Do you have anything to do today? Don't hide it. It makes me feel really uncomfortable."

"Then I will ask, sister, Mr. Lin of Tianfeng Construction, do you really have no idea at all? In fact, the current size of Tianfeng Construction is crushing our Pearl Group, but Tianfeng Construction suddenly withdraws from the earth and I don’t believe that there is no reason why Mr. Lin likes you in the construction of the moon. Since he has shown such great sincerity, why not try to get along with him, after all, Mr. Lin is only five years older than you.” Han Xuan said finally I came out, and my mind became much more comfortable.

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