Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 591 Public Opinion Issues

"Mr. Ma, you are not very honest about this matter. Even though Penguin is going downhill, the empire has given you almost everything. Don't be so obsessed with it." Lin Bin really couldn't bear to see the people he had worked with for many years like this Depressed, he went to the Penguin headquarters to meet the man who planned to make trouble before he died.

"What's the use, now the matter is a foregone conclusion." Ma Hua said with disheveled hair at this time, with an extremely hateful look in his eyes.

"Well, it's indeed a foregone conclusion, but are you sure that a penguin can disrupt the market? You still have a family, and the empire can be charged with multiple crimes." Lin Bin smiled wryly, his wrinkled face was full of anger.

"Hehe, I still have a second hand, it should appear by now." Ma Hua actually laughed at this moment.

"You are a lunatic, don't you know that there are some things that cannot be disclosed." Lin Bin stood up and shouted angrily, knowing what Ma Hua had released afterwards.

"After I die, it doesn't matter what the flood is. Since the empire won't make it easy for me, I won't make it easy for the empire. Hahahahahaha." Mahua laughed loudly, then his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally almost disappeared, while Lin Bin The anger at this time also slowly dissipated. He walked where Ma Hua was and used his fingers to stay at the artery above his neck for a while, then left after sighing.

Afterwards, news of Penguin CEO Ma Hua's death due to illness appeared on the Internet, but what the empire was most concerned about were the three secrets that suddenly spread on the Internet.

"Hey, have you seen the news that the empire hollowed out the moon for better escape, not for the construction of the earth's defense system. I think the housing prices on the moon are probably going to skyrocket now." In a small company Inside, a group of employees got together to discuss during the break.

"If the news about the alien on the Internet is true, I think the Tinder Project may be true, and the expedition fleet may be a sub-project of the Tinder Project." A man who looked more gentle analyzed.

"Well, it doesn't really matter whether it's true or not. After all, the sky is falling and there's a tall man holding it up. Now that our human technology is so powerful, we will definitely be able to carry it through." A woman said optimistically.

"Xiaojie, you are still too young. According to the information on the Internet, there are many princes from various families on the expedition fleet, and the leader is His Royal Highness, so I believe that the long-distance fleet is composed of major families and royal organizations. An escape plan." Another woman had apparently been affected by the information and started showing signs of cynicism.

"Don't you guys have nothing to do, why don't you hurry up and go to work?" At this time, the supervisor came over and saw a group of people discussing here, so he immediately dismissed these employees, but the influence of those messages began to slowly It fermented, and after reaching a certain level, it only needed a match to explode.

The price of houses on the moon has also begun to rise slowly, but even so, there is a price but no market, so many companies that develop real estate on the moon have become the targets of everyone. Even some companies that own land on the moon have begun to sell off-plan properties. The so-called off-plan properties are sold directly before the house is constructed. Way.

"Xiao Rui, Pearl Group must not sell any house on the moon, and if it sells, it will not allow a price increase. This is Dad's warning." Lin Pingzhang communicated with his wife Han Rui as soon as he got the news, and now the war has come to an end. It's not just a war in the economic market, it's also mixed with politics and other aspects, so one wrong step at this time will be irreversible.

"Understood, I have already ordered the Pearl Group to stop selling all the properties on the moon. Now we can only wait for the empire to stop this matter before we can continue to sell." Han Rui also made a decision immediately. In his eyes, the empire has now extended its claws into various fields. Although they don't feel it in many cases, they know it very clearly at this level.

"If there is a problem with the funds of the Pearl Group, just tell me, and I will mobilize a sum of funds to go there." Lin Pingzhang let go of his worries.

"It's okay, the Pearl Group is not short of funds now, if necessary, I will tell you." Han Rui said with the attitude of a little girl.

"That's good, see my wife tonight." Lin Pingzhang said very gently.

"See you tonight, husband." Han Rui's face was burning hot, but his heart was full of sweetness.

The reaction of the public opinion empire this time was a little slow. Lei Jun, who was the chief assistant of the cabinet, issued a statement on the national TV station of the empire three days later, and gave some explanations to the various rumors on the Internet in a serious manner.

"First of all, I would like to apologize to the people of the whole country. The empire has indeed not done a good job in the transparency of some information over the years, but I, Mr. Lei, pledged my life here. We did not intend to conceal it on purpose. Those of the empire This year is actually harder than you imagined, now please ask questions from all empires and those in front of the screen." Lei Jun bowed to the camera in front of him before sitting down.

Reporters from various TV stations and media have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and they immediately raised their hands. Although the empire's supervision of the media industry has increased, the degree of freedom in private media is obviously much greater than that of national television.

Of course, the first press conference of this kind was held by the national TV station, so the reporter from the national TV station stood up and asked, "Lei Shoufu, may I ask whether the so-called Tinder Plan of the Empire is true?"

"The Tinder Project has been under construction since the establishment of the empire. I don't deny this at all. In fact, the so-called Tinder Project is just a follow-up plan to the Starry Sky Group's immigration plan. At present, the first batch of human immigrants have left. , It is estimated that we will reach our new destination in 500 years, so I hope everyone can support our plan." Lei Jun is obviously a bit of a cheater, but there are too many things left by Starry Sky Group , so there are some things that the public does not know.

Although the reporter from the national TV station was skeptical about what he said, he didn't dare to continue to ask questions, because he was now considered to be in the national system, and he was his immediate boss, unless he didn't feel like doing it anymore. And he also knew that he was the brick thrown out, not jade.

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