Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 592 Aliens Are Coming

The so-called clarification meeting this time is also the result of many exchanges between Chen Qiang and the cabinet. In fact, the cabinet has only a little understanding of a lot of information, so they are also passive to deal with it, otherwise they will not have three days to react. First of all, they must understand why they are covering up or taking the blame for something.

In the past three days, the entire cabinet and the think tanks affiliated to the royal family have been preparing various countermeasures for this public opinion. The best plan is to push the current most dangerous fire plan to something that has long been absent. In the Starry Sky Group, at least the people cannot have the idea that the empire will give up everyone, or the human race will really be over by then.

Obviously, the current group of people still have an impression of the Star Group, so after they learned that this plan is a legacy of the Star Group, everyone felt relieved, but the reporter obviously did not intend to let go of this opportunity. After being pointed out, a reporter stood up and asked directly in a questioning tone: "Does this mean that the empire has already planned to give up human beings?"

"This reporter seems to have a lot of opinions on the empire. Maybe you haven't experienced any era, but you can go back and ask the old man in your family. If the old man doesn't beat you to death after you say this, then it's me Lose. In fact, I am really heartbroken about this issue. It seems that the empire treats you very well, and everyone has begun to advocate hedonism." Lei Jun was obviously taken aback, because the reporter's tone was like A knife pierced deeply into his heart. His persistence over the years suddenly faltered, so he said with a kind of anger.

No one thought that Shoufu would get angry. In their opinion, this sentence was just a bit more gunpowder, and it was nothing.

And the people who watched this press conference, those with old people in their families, all shed tears. They were telling the sorrow of the entire empire. Even some families that were a little bit more intense directly asked those juniors to kneel down and apologize for the reporter's remarks.

Lei Jun was also furious for a while, but he adjusted quickly, and said in a relatively calm tone: "Maybe we did something wrong, do you know that the sentence just now represents your kindness? Generations have begun to deny the empire's efforts over the years, I would like to ask this reporter why?"

Although the reporter was terrified, young people always have passion, especially when facing power, they can even sacrifice their own lives, so he stood up and said in a loud voice: "As the people of the empire Having the right to know is stipulated in the constitution. The empire has always known the law and violated the law, and there are not many things that have caused the law to become invalid due to power over the years?"

The reporter's words completely detonated the entire venue. Many young people watching the press conference in front of the TV clenched their fists as if they were at the scene, but those elderly people were worried at this time, even Some of the hot-tempered ones started scolding directly, and they scolded this blind-eyed reporter. And those families laughed after seeing this scene, because it can be seen from this scene that their subtle propaganda over the years is still useful.

And when the whole meeting place was full of discussions, a group of soldiers led by a major directly armed into the meeting place, and then came to the rostrum and whispered something in Lei Jun's ear.

The reporters on the scene were all frightened by the murderous intent of this couple, and they all held their breath, for fear that these people were here to arrest them. But seeing that the pair of soldiers were heading towards Lei Jun, their worries gradually subsided. A strong curiosity appeared in the eyes of the reporters. As reporters, they had a keen intuition for the news. A group of soldiers with a murderous look, led by a major, talked with the chief assistant, which was obviously a sign of an accident.

"What, are you in such a hurry?" Lei Jun was in a turbulent moment, but he felt that this press conference could not be given up, so he asked.

"Your Majesty ordered that all personnel must assemble within two hours." The major said in an unquestionable tone.

Mr. Lei was not displeased with this tone, because this unit is the inner guard and the most elite soldiers in the entire human race. This unit has made outstanding achievements in the Mutant Beast War. He respects this unit very much, so he said: "Then let's go.

At this moment, the reporters wished that their necks would become very long. Although there were a lot of strong people among them, they had no sense at all in front of a group of soldiers who were full of kills and not weaker than them. Opportunity to investigate Shoufu's conversation.

"Because of some things, today's press conference is here." After Lei Jun finished speaking, he started to walk outside the venue directly under the protection of the soldiers. At this time, the reporters didn't care about anything at all, they went crazy It seemed to squeeze towards Mr. Lei.

"Could the Chief Assistant reveal what happened?" All the reporters were asking this question, but they all restrained themselves and did not approach the soldiers' protective circle, because they only discovered at this time that this army is not simple, they are Internal guards are troops with autonomous law enforcement powers.

Lei Jun didn't speak, but was preparing to leave the meeting place quickly under the protection of the soldiers, but then the reporter who was "Tongyan Wuji" suddenly shouted at this time: "Shoufu, we have the knowledge Quan, you are doing too much."

At first, Lei Jun didn't want to pay attention to these people, but he finally stopped and said to the yelling reporter: "Are you really sure you want to know? Well, let me tell you, those aliens you have been thinking about day and night Here we are, congratulations." After finishing speaking, he left directly without the slightest nostalgia.

The entire venue and even the people who watched this press conference were stunned. It has been more than sixty years since Carlo left the earth. This time is enough to make many people forget many things. But at this moment, everyone who has memories of aliens is full of fear in their hearts.

At the same time, the military issued a recall order, and all personnel who had served in the military were within the scope of recruitment, including those soldiers with old faces. The military's guards in various cities and a large number of police officers have begun to perform street patrol tasks. And the national TV station also issued the fifth monarchy order from the emperor of the empire, and announced that the entire empire has entered a state of alert, and all those who violate public order will be severely punished.

It can be said that in a short period of time, human beings have fallen into an atmosphere of tension and fear, but some people are celebrating at this time. These people come from people who worship aliens very much among human beings. The current influence of these people It's still quite big, and some people even plan to drive their own spacecraft to meet aliens.

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