Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 593 Riot

At this time, Lei Jun also rushed to the starting point space station, which is the No. 2 control center of the military's long-range radar. Because the moon's launch is still underway, the No. 1 control center is still being sealed, so this place has become the place where all the high-level officials of the empire gather. place.

"Shoufu, Your Majesty is already waiting for you in the meeting room." As soon as Lei Jun got off the spaceship, a lieutenant colonel led him to the meeting room.

"How is the situation now?" Lei Jun was also very anxious at this time, so he asked directly.

"At 213 degrees, our long-range early warning radar found a wormhole, and a large number of spaceships came out of it. These spaceships are very huge. According to the radar detection and some computer simulations, we found this The size of the second fleet may be about ten times that of Carlo's." The lieutenant colonel explained while keeping up with Lei Jun's very fast pace.

"How long does it take to reach Earth?" Lei Jun asked.

"According to the current speed, it may only take a month." The lieutenant colonel replied directly.

When the meeting room arrived, Lei Jun knew most of the whole situation. In his opinion, the current situation is not optimistic. The fleet that suddenly appeared is a test for the entire earth, but the current earth and human beings simply do not have any strength to undertake this test.

In his opinion, the situation of human beings in the future can only be divided into three types. The first one is that this time the fleet belongs to the wandering merchant Carlo, so that human beings have at least a chance to survive, and then let Carlo deal with the mechanical race. The danger to humans can be at least a little less; the second is that this fleet is an exploration fleet of a certain civilization, and its aggressiveness is not very aggressive, and the machine race can always be used as a restraint; the last situation is the cruelest Yes, that is, this fleet will directly drive humans back to the agricultural age, and then become the entire human race as a slave race or food for a certain civilization.

Lei Jun thought of these three situations in his mind for a while, and then he packed some of his luggage, pushed away the people in the meeting room, and walked in. After he entered the door, he found that no one noticed him. The whole conference room was very noisy at this time, and everyone was blushing at this time.

"Your Majesty, do you have a solution?" Lei Jun walked up to Chen Qiang who was sitting in a daze at the top and asked.

"No, isn't this just a discussion? Maybe this time humans really can't hold on anymore, and I've actually reached my limit." Chen Qiang actually seems to bring human technology to a very high position at once, but sometimes imagine It would not solve the problem, he found that the whole human race seemed to be in danger forever, and the preparations of these years became like a joke at this moment. Even a person with a tough mentality like him has a kind of despair.

"Your Majesty, you can't have such an idea. Even if we all fall down, you can't fall down. Human beings have done enough now. I will summarize what will happen next on the way here and find that we are still There is a great chance of winning, but we may need to supply a batch of energy to the machine clan to make him stronger." Lei Jun said quickly.

"Shoufu, in fact, we have also discussed this plan, but found that there are too many variables. In fact, the so-called machine race is the public enemy of the whole universe. The same research found that the machine clan is not that killing, so the risk of this plan is too great." Chen Jun came here without knowing it, he explained.

Lei Jun frowned. Actually, he didn't know about this matter. In fact, all the information humans got from Carlo had no comparison at all. Humans began to slowly understand these materials after they got in touch with the mechanical race. Do some verification, but the process is slow.

"Well, I'll take someone to Kuiper to meet this one in a month. I hope it's Carlo, and we'll at least have some cards by then." Chen Qiang suggested.

"No." This time, not only Lei Jun but also Chen Jun objected, and even those who had a heated discussion chose to refuse. The emperor of the empire risked his life to negotiate with aliens. This was an attempt to embarrass the entire empire. , if the people knew about it, they would be invincible even if they died a hundred times.

At this time, the people in the conference room were suddenly pushed away by a major general, who seemed to rush to the rostrum and whispered something in Chen Qiang's ear.

"Immediately dispatch the army to suppress it, and kill any rebels on the spot. Remember all rebels, if there are 10,000 rebels, kill 10,000, and if there are 1 million, kill 1 million." It is not good for him to be able to stop this large-scale attack in time, so the most powerful method is the most effective.

"Your Majesty, this is not acceptable. If we kill at this time, the people may resist." Lei Jun hurriedly stopped him. Sometimes he also wanted to do this once and for all, but it was too cruel for the current human beings. In these years, as long as the bloodshed caused by this person didn't flow into rivers, at that time, everyone came out of blood, and they understood that life was the most precious, and they cherished life very much.

However, this situation has changed now, most people have never really fought against mutant beasts at all, they don't understand how important life is to a person. Therefore, the fear of life-threatening events is not so strong, so many people may resist and exchange their precious lives for that indifferent freedom.

Lei Jun understood this, so he tried his best to persuade Chen Qiang to give up killing. After all, if millions of people were killed by then, the prestige of the empire would be gone, and the dominance maintained by force would be too fragile. .

Chen Qiang shook his head and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. Since they can cause such a turmoil, they should have the awareness to bear the consequences."

At this time, the major general tapped his wrist twice and said with a pale face, "Your Majesty, the rebellion has begun to attack the freezers established by the empire in various places."

"Immediately pass on my order, and send out all the Dragon Army. I want to see who has the strongest force." Chen Qiang's eyes were full of murderous intent, and everyone present knew that many, many people would probably die this time. .

"Battalion Commander, a company of soldiers has already died. We need support or we need powerful weapons." The deputy battalion commander, whose head was bleeding, said directly to the battalion commander next to him.

"No, these are the people. We can't use guns without the order from above. Start to strengthen the power grid and wait for the order from above." As the battalion commander, he hesitated in the end. He really couldn't do anything to kill human beings. Even if the king of martial arts came with laser weapons, if they were hit to the point, they would die on the spot, not to mention that although these people were the most powerful, they were only high-ranking warriors.

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