Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 594 Horror

The strong power grid has no effect in front of such a huge crowd. The strong power grid has inherent disadvantages, and it will be easily destroyed under human intervention. And this group of rioting people used graphite bombs to directly paralyze the entire power grid.

"Battalion Commander, we have permanently reduced our staff by more than half. Do you really want to hand over the lives of the brothers to these thugs?" The deputy battalion commander's eyes were red at this time, and he now wished to kill all these people in front of him. cut.

The battalion commander was actually full of anger at this time, but as a commander, he had to remain rational, so he was always hesitating. At this time, a message appeared on his terminal, even on the terminal without a soldier. There was only one sentence in the message: "Anyone who dares to destroy the stability of the country and society will be killed without mercy."

At this moment, the eyes of all the soldiers showed a ferocious look. They took out their already hungry and thirsty weapons one after another, and then aimed at the crowd and swept them indiscriminately. If they fall down, they will still be afraid after all. After several layers of corpses are piled up, these riot troops began to slowly fade away. But the military didn't give them this chance at all, and all the support troops arrived at the scene one after another at this time, and these people took up weapons and opened fire without the slightest reason.

"My friends in front of the screen, now you are seeing the face of the empire all the time. Don't you stand up and resist the people who are watching the blood flow, this is the last chance." A reporter is sitting on the anti-gravity flying vehicle Facing the people all over the world live broadcast all this.

The people were shocked or they felt helpless at this time. Seeing that a large number of civilians were killed by the soldiers of the empire, and none of them escaped, their hearts were full of sorrow, especially when they saw the pile of people Their hearts were tightly clutching over the layers of corpses.

At this time, most people are full of disappointment with the current empire, and everyone seems to be a freedom fighter at this moment. But the next scene made them all dumbfounded. A Zilong Wuhuang appeared on the screen, and then easily killed the reporter and said to the screen: "Disrupt public order, spread rumors, It should be killed."

Those three simple sentences showed unprecedented arrogance. Many people are frightened by this kind of domineering, and they have already begun to have the idea of ​​retreating. Although the status of warriors is not very good now, the status of high-level warriors is very high, and they are also recognized by society. The people still have some trust in these Emperor Wu.

This kind of situation happened all over the world. All the media involved were blocked by the military and the cabinet. They surrounded the entire TV station without any reason, and then all the high-level personnel were shot dead on the spot. All the employees All were imprisoned awaiting trial by the Empire.

This has become a world without laws. At this time, the orders of the military and Chen Qiang, the monarch of the empire, are the laws. Although the legislative and judicial ministers want to prevent this from happening, they are currently powerless because these people have touched the bottom line of the empire. If this kind of thing happens to these people in a relatively peaceful environment, there is still room for reversal, but this situation is simply impossible now. The empire needs to restore stability to the entire society in a short period of time, otherwise when the empire is in It is bad news for the empire to fight against life in the front and to have these people making trouble in the back.

As a result, rivers of blood flowed in all the rioting cities, and everyone was shocked by the ruthless means of the empire. Although they were very angry, they could only choose to stay at home obediently and wait carefully for the storm to pass. As for those families or clans that still have old people in their homes, they have already closed their family doors tightly, and then became a hermit-like existence.

On this day, the whole world was filled with a strong smell of blood, and everyone was terrified. They were very afraid that in the next moment, an army would rush into the house, kill everyone indiscriminately, and then walk away. Because they experienced this kind of thing not long ago, many people who participated in the riot directly burned many shops, and all those who resisted were killed on the spot. This is also the information that broke out on the Internet soon, they were all killed scared.

However, their worries did not happen. Although the imperial army was killing people all day long, there was no crime in the homes of the civilians. However, the psychological pressure that the army's crazy killings brought to everyone is real, so the first thing they do when they get up in the morning is to turn on the TV and tune to the first channel of the national TV station. They believe that the empire Give them a reasonable explanation.

Sure enough, the national TV broadcasted a video from the emperor of the empire in the morning. In this video, Chen Qiang said with an angry face: "It has been more than 70 years since the establishment of the empire. I have been compromising all these years, but I didn't expect my Compromise would have made yesterday's scene happen. I gave the order to kill, and I don't like to deny it. But please think about why I did this, and I'm here to warn those who make trouble. It will end unless you all die."

Everyone was dumbfounded. This was the first time they saw His Majesty in this form. Chen Qiang's cold and sad eyes made everyone's hearts tighten.

Although they heard a piece of news that broke them down: "Don't you want to know about the fire plan, then let me tell you the truth of the matter, that is, I, the emperor, is incapable of protecting you, so I can only try my best to preserve the fire of human beings." .So we built the largest spacecraft in the world so far in the Antarctic, and then hollowed out the moon to make a carrier for human civilization."

This time everyone broke down, because they heard the news they didn't want to hear, because it already meant that the empire had given up on them.

But the news that followed shocked them even more. Chen Qiang said: "Actually, we have been in the range of aliens. There is an alien one light-year away from the solar system. It is a mechanical race. It’s called the same. We’ve been living in the fear of aliens all these years, and now we’ve detected a huge fleet appearing in the range of radar detection, so we can only fight to the death. But we didn’t expect that at this time Some people can't stand it anymore, so since you have done this, don't blame me for doing it."

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