Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 595: Chaos

At this time, everyone understood that the empire might really be killing people this time, so all thoughtful people completely let go of their thoughts at this time, and began to stay at home obediently as if nothing happened. occur. As for those who have done some things, they are frightened at this time. They start to think about how to escape this cleansing. Some people even know that their sins are serious, so they plan to pull some people as backup when they are dying. .

However, their idea was directly killed in the cradle. This time, almost every city is guarded by a high-ranking Martial King. Coupled with the starry sky with full firepower, as long as these people who have been included in the wanted list enter Skynet coverage The area will be locked at the first time, and then the warriors above the high rank of the Martial King will be directly dispatched to kill him in place.

So now there will be such a scene in many cities, a martial king in the sky is telling the flight and then suddenly lands in a certain neighborhood and kills a certain person in a certain room, or kills a certain person on the street in full view and then grows up. And go, and then there will be relevant personnel from the police station to collect the body.

Although at the beginning, many En were trembling, especially when they suddenly found out that their neighbors were targeted by the military, they were full of fear, and some even moved out of this floor directly. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The society has also begun to restore stability under the strong suppression of the military, and those passionate youths have also begun to respond to the signs of the empire and go to the next anticipated battlefield. As for the instigator of this incident, the Ma family, the actual controlling family of the Penguin Group, has already become history at this time. Maybe MCA didn't expect this matter to develop to this extent, maybe if he knew, he might have some compassion.

It's just that there is no medicine for regret in the world. The entire Ma family has been expelled from the empire, and all the Ma family have also become members of the imperial service battalion. Their service period is permanent, and the empire has deprived them of their right to reproduce. , it can be said that the real Ling Ma family has disappeared in the entire human history.

"Hey, old Ma, maybe this is the real empire. I don't care about it at all." Ren Fei said with some palpitations. Not as good as wives and children, which has become the rule of the rivers and lakes, and they just want to do their own responsibilities.

"Actually, this matter is Ma Hua's own court of death. He has caused too much harm to the empire over the years. If the empire hadn't cared about Penguin, a century-old company, Ma Hua would have been in prison long ago." Ma Yun said at this time His eyes were full of ridicule. He really looked down on these people, because they were the ones who ate the most after the fall of the Ma family. You must know that Penguin Aerospace now has a complete spacecraft research and development production line, which can do this. Now there are only five companies.

And as another major shareholder of Penguin Aerospace, Xiaomi didn't gain anything in this carve-up operation. It wasn't that Lin Bin didn't want to get a part of it, but that now that the entire Xiaomi had become the focus of the high-level empire, he really couldn't get away.

"Mr. Ma, at least there are many children in the Ma family. It is impossible for us to let these children serve in the military. This is a violation of the Imperial Law on the Protection of Minors." The head of the Xu family also said, the aerospace company under the Xu family this time He also ate a lot of food, so he was still a little bit emotional, so he planned to leave some incense for the Ma family.

"We're still talking about the law now. Don't think that what you're doing is flawless. Be careful. When the empire comes to you, it will destroy them all." Ma Yun sneered. Concepts only exist in their eyes.

"President Ma can eat but not talk, and we didn't do anything?" The head of the Xu family warned with his usual expression.

"Do you know for yourself? Pray to the heavens. I hope the empire has vented its anger. Otherwise, there will be many, many people here who will be unlucky. That's it for today, and don't come to me again in the future. We will participate, and from now on we will go our separate ways." Ma Yun stood up, looked around, and then left the venue.

"What's the attitude? I thought that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce would not be able to function without him. I suggest that Ma Yun be dismissed as president and that Interstellar Aerospace be expelled from the chamber of commerce." The head of the Hua family blew his beard and stared.

"Old man Hua, I think you can't do this. Many of our companies have been relying on interstellar space to conduct business these years. If we give up interstellar space, many of our companies will go bankrupt immediately." An old man sneered.

"Old man Wang, you can't think of another way. You have to hang yourself on the interstellar space. Didn't you see his attitude just now?" The head of the Hua family said a little angrily. Can you not understand this matter, so the Patriarch of the Hua family is just complaining, as long as no one speaks, he will pass, but he is very upset when he is beaten back.

"What kind of attitude? My Wang family didn't do anything wrong, so everyone, I'll leave first, and you guys talk slowly." After finishing speaking, old man Wang got up and left. No one stopped him, because many people at the scene were already ready to make plans. left. Each of their families has some connections, so they have heard about the private affairs of the multi-family, but they have concealed it because they are allies in the past.

But now they have to be cautious in this situation, obviously they have also seen that the empire is determined to cleanse the family this time. So they are afraid of being turned over to the things that they could turn a blind eye to in the past. At that time, even if the empire is charged with a consecutive crime, even if the crime does not warrant death, it is very possible to shed a layer of skin. Therefore, many families began to distance themselves from many families on purpose.

As a result, this meeting broke up unhappy, and everyone was full of vigilance and thoughtfulness, and they simply didn't have any energy to wave the flag for a family that had already run down.

As for Chen Qiang, the instigator of this big incident, he is currently preparing for this meeting on the Qidian space station, and has already trained some emergency measures to deal with emergencies.

Maybe he is not very great, but she really loves this country very much. So this time he plans to go to Kuiper to meet the alien for a while. If the negotiation is happy then humans will at least have a chance, but if the negotiation is not very good and he stays there, then the military will start The last hole card is to detonate the sun. As the only star in the solar system, it has huge energy, and it will be a better result by then.

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