Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 596 Notice

"Chen Qiang, be careful." Since Chen Lu left, Mu Bing has devoted himself to the research and never asked about other things. But she still came today, but she just said this, because her husband no longer belongs to her at this time, but belongs to the whole country, which is Chen Qiang's responsibility.

"Wait for me to come back, and then I will abdicate to the virtuous, and live the life we ​​once dreamed of. I am also tired." Chen Qiang shook Mou Bing's wrinkled hand.

"Okay, I'll go to Liancheng to tidy up the house I sold for the first time and wait for you to come back." Mu Bing said with a smile, although she is not as young as before, but the years have left few traces on her face. And today she even dressed up to look really beautiful.

"I will be back." Chen Qiang said solemnly.

"I believe in you." Although Mu Bing said this, the tears in her eyes could no longer be restrained at this moment, and then swished down.

"Okay, don't cry, I don't like to see you cry, I like you very beautiful today." Chen Qiang gently wiped Mou Bing's tears with his hands, and said softly.

At this time, Mao Yuan, who is the commander of the fleet this time, is very reluctant to disturb, but the fleet has already been activated, so he can only bite the bullet and say: "Your Majesty, it's time to set off."

"It's okay, let's go." Mou Bing quickly wiped away his tears and smiled.

"Okay, I'm leaving, take care." Chen Qiang kissed Mu Bing's forehead lightly, then turned around and left, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

At this time, there are huge crowds of people on the bridge, and everyone is waiting for the emperor to appear. At this moment, everyone seems to be worshiping a kind of saint. But these people did not move extra after seeing the appearance of this person, and silently raised their right hands to salute their majesty.

Chen Qiang smiled all the way, as if he was just going around. At the boarding gate, Chen Jun stopped his elder brother and said, "Brother, now that the show is over, I'll go for you."

"Are you kidding, you go? Well, now you are the commander of the military. If something happens to me, you will become the last leader of mankind. Remember to send some people out first, and then I won't order the next thing, I think you should understand." Chen Qiang patted Chen Jun on the shoulder, and then went straight into the passage.

Chen Qiang actually planned to let his younger brother make Chen Lu the emperor of the empire after his death, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. If he dies, it means that the relationship between humans and aliens has reached an unchangeable extreme, unless humans are willing to become slaves. However, this possibility is very small, because the military will definitely start a war to fight, so that at least human beings can be given a chance to negotiate.

But once the flames of war ignite, unless the alien really lacks slaves, the earth will definitely become a dead place, there is no doubt about it. According to the information obtained by the empire, the probability of all alien invasions and entire civilizations being wiped out reaches 80%.

Chen Jun looked at the fleet that was leaving the port slowly and then speeding up, feeling aggrieved in his heart. But he knew that what he needed now was to increase the fighting power of the army, so he yelled at everyone behind him: "Soldiers, His Majesty the Empire personally went into battle for the survival of us humans. This is a shame for us as soldiers. Now we order the military to enter a state of full alert, all weapons are loaded with live ammunition, even if we die, we will break a tooth in the mouth of the alien tiger."

"Yes." In fact, the army is the concentration of blood. When they entered the army, someone told them all the centuries of Chen Qiang, the founder of the empire. Many soldiers worshiped Chen Qiang as an idol, but everything that happened today deeply touched him. It hurt their hearts, because they found that they had no ability to protect their idols, which deeply hurt their self-esteem.

Just when the military was fully preparing, the Black Hole Advance Base was also extremely busy at this time. Antimatter bombs were not carried by special machines into this cave with strong gravity, and then detonated in front of an egg-shaped meteorite. , and the energy after the detonation slowly disappeared after surrounding the egg-shaped meteorite several times, this is the mechanical clan absorbing energy together.

"It seems that you humans are in big trouble, can you tell me, maybe I can help you." Black Hole Advance Base This is the farthest military base of human beings. The military has built a military base here regardless of the cost. The purpose of the living base is to guarantee the lives of hundreds of thousands of people here. At this time, Wu Lei, who was sitting in the base commander's office, was already the second chief of the base.

As for the first Mao Yuan, the chief of staff of the military, he returned to the military after completing all the arrangements. As the lieutenant general of the military, Wu Lei is also very strong, and this person can be born in the star security of the former star group era, so his qualifications are very high.

Of course, he was not surprised by the appearance of the machine clan in this way, so he replied: "Tong, we are indeed in trouble and may need your help, so we have retained all the antimatter bombs needed for the war. Come here, I hope you can help us defend against the enemy this time."

"Yes, but the premise is that I need enough energy." The mechanical clan obviously hesitated, but he agreed after analyzing the pros and cons.

"No problem, we have transported all the thousand antimatter bombs in our inventory, and we will transport all these antimatter bombs to your neighborhood for detonation within ten days," Wu Lei said.

"Too few, I need at least 10,000 antimatter bombs." Tong knows that this is not the limit of these humans, because the factory blueprint he gave humans can produce more than 100,000 antimatter bombs per year, even if the human beings There are at least 50,000 anti-matter bombs if the technology is not up to standard, but the number of anti-matter bombs he can get every year is only 1,000.

Of course, he also asked why there was such a reason, and the answer he got was that although he knew he was lying to him, he couldn't find any reason. So this matter was reached in this way, and he also knew that human beings didn't trust him. If he didn't blackmail such a good opportunity now, he would be too sorry for this opportunity.

"Impossible. We are going to face a very civilized survival war. We simply can't afford that much. This thousand is our limit." Wu Lei directly chose to refuse. There is no reason for this matter at all. Discuss, because human beings are also afraid that this person will start killing after enough energy. In the plan of the high-level empire, there will never be enough energy supply until human beings are not fully capable of confronting it.

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