Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 597: Assembly

"Then General Wu, our talks have come to an end. Maybe you can report to your higher-ups. Now I am the only one who can save you humans." Tong is actually not worried at all, because after these years of contact, these human technologies He also touched a 7788 in strength, which is the second-level peak in the traditional calculation of the universe, but he was still a little surprised by the development of this civilization, but in the universe, it is strength, so he is sure that this time human beings are dangerous. up.

Because the planets closest to human civilization on the star map in my memory are thousands of light-years away, and the civilizations that can travel thousands of light-years are at least level six civilizations or above, so human beings will never have any chance. As for humans attracting this civilization to get rid of him, he is not worried about this at all, because he can still use some of his current energy, and all the civilizations that come to get rid of him will become his energy source, so he actually has looking forward to.

"Again, maybe I need to stop your energy supply. You don't have any sincerity at all. If we human beings are extinct, do you think there will be someone who will provide you with such energy supply?" Wu Lei directly started his threat, Now we must negotiate with this person about what will happen next, otherwise humans will bring this civilization's fleet here. If the person in front of us wins, then humans will not escape.

"In fact, it doesn't matter, General Wu. I have been sleeping here for thousands of years, and it is okay to sleep for hundreds of millions of years. And according to some of my memories, after hundreds of millions of years, the star near your civilization will collapse. , then I can get more pure energy." With an attitude that has nothing to do with it, in order to make his words more feasible, he also introduced the situation of the sun, a star.

Wu Lei secretly screamed in his heart. Sure enough, because the empire has also discovered the situation of the sun, the volume of the sun will increase to about three times its current size in 100 million years, and the earth will also be swallowed by the sun. The energy of a red giant star is huge, and it emits various rays and energy into the universe at all times, and according to some research by the Imperial Research Institute, even if there is no human energy supply after 50 million years, this The energy obtained by the mechanical clan is also enough for its actions.

However, the thousand antimatter bombs are already determined by the high-level empire after some research, and even the empire thinks it is too much, but if the energy of the mechanical clan is not enough by then, the fleet will kill it. I am afraid that the fate of mankind will not change at that time. From the perspective of the high level of the empire, they would rather live in the shadow of this mechanical clan.

"Let me report to the higher authorities. I will transport these antimatter bombs as soon as possible. You can absorb them as soon as possible." Wu Lei knew that this matter could only be compromised, and there was no other way. However, the final decision on this matter is still with the military, so he can only report it.

"Okay." Tong obviously knew that his threat had worked.

While Wu Lei, the commander of the black hole advance base, reached an agreement with the machine clan, the military also started some preparations. They recruited all the transportation forces of the empire to transport all kinds of ammunition and energy blocks needed for weapons to the empire. Build various weapon bases for the defense system of the solar system.

For a while, all kinds of warships were parked outside the earth. Every time the warships set off, there were also warships returning to wait for the next batch of cargo to be loaded. The imperial cabinet also recruited 10 million porters through various methods to transport these goods to the spaceship in the shortest time.

At the same time, the military also secretly screened 50 million people within the empire. These people will be the last fire for mankind. They began to be transported to the moon through various channels, and then lived in the underground. in the city. As for the houses on the surface of the moon, they are also in this plan. Of course, these people are relatively lucky, and they don't need the so-called qualifications.

"The empire has already started the final preparations. Let's go to the moon." Ma Yun said to her son. Although the imperial military kept this matter very secret, the noses of these aristocratic families are very sensitive.

"Dad, you come with us."

"No, I need to be buried with the empire." Ma Yun said with a smile, he understood that not only all the bigwigs who were contemporaries of Chen Qiang were not qualified to go to the moon at this time.

The tense atmosphere has been slowly spreading throughout the empire, and many people are ready to survive in the doomsday mode. The market is very sluggish, all the food and survival supplies are selling quickly, and the spaceships are also selling a lot, and the inventories of the major spaceship manufacturers have all been sold out at this time.

Stealing spaceships has even appeared among human beings. Of course, this is the last survival instinct of human beings. Even though they know that these spaceships cannot guarantee their safety at all, their survival instincts instruct them to do so.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a very low-key organization, but it has unparalleled influence among humans. Although the Chinese Chamber of Commerce has been divided into two factions at this time, everyone still intends to let go of some of their prejudices on such a big matter. Even Ma Yun had to break his promise to attend the meeting.

It was still the meeting room, but many people had disappeared, but no one was surprised at all. Because the military and the cabinet have been crazy for a long time, they have no intention of letting go of all the troublemakers at this time. Now the only penalty on the market is shooting to death, there is no second option. Even if it's just stealing, it's killing. It doesn't matter whether you steal one dollar or one hundred million.

Therefore, the law and order of the empire is extremely good now, and everyone here understands the disappearance of these families. This time, it was Ma Yun who presided over the whole meeting, and this time, not only the families from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce but also various families from the West participated in the meeting. This meeting can be said to have wiped out all the second-rate and above families in the empire.

"The empire has already started the final preparations, and everyone knows that the reason for holding this meeting is that we have a similar plan, but there is no good construction at present, but we have completed the construction of the engine and it is ready to use. , so I hope that everyone can unite to complete the construction of Vesta in a very short period of time." In fact, Ma Yun is not optimistic about this plan at all, because there is too little time.

All the people present focused their eyes on the big screen in front of them. They read all the information of this plan in detail, because they knew that this was the key to their survival.

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