Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 598 Communication

These people are all humans who are forbidden to enter the moon, so they attach great importance to this plan, and no one wants to die. So after carefully viewing the document, everyone showed great interest, and began to discuss with the people around them, and even some people directly told Huan Dao to go bankrupt to complete the project.

"Mr. Ma, just tell us what to do. This is a very good project. As long as I need it, I can put all my wealth into it." The patriarch of the Elizabeth family stood up and said loudly, although he was an afterthought. , but the effect was very good, and the venue was filled with cheers for a while.

Ma Yun had expected this matter a long time ago, so he said directly: "This matter is actually quite difficult to operate now. There are more than 500 families in the venue. I hope everyone can use all the technicians in their hands. Concentrate and complete some difficult breakthroughs in the shortest possible time. Also, I hope that everyone can apply to the military for some successful technologies on the moon.”

"No, we actually have a bigger problem, that is transportation. At present, all our transportation forces have been recruited by the military, but the construction of Vesta requires a lot of transportation forces, and in such a short period of time we may need more Huge transportation force." Li Yan raised his own doubts, he was actually very pessimistic about this plan, because the time was too short, and the construction could not be completed at all.

"How about this, we can build while running, so we need to build an all-purpose factory on Vesta, so that our pressure will be less." Lin Hao also put forward his own suggestion. In fact, if he finds Chen Qiang The moon is still eligible to go in, but he still didn't go. Because he hasn't been in touch with Chen Qiang in these years, even if the relationship was deep before, it has faded now.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can't do this. Now his foundation is in the business world, and in a sense, he should stand on the interests of the business world. The business world and the cabinet have been in a state of mutual restraint over the years, so if he goes to Chen Qiang in private, it means breaking with the entire business world.

"But you may have forgotten one thing, that is, we don't have antimatter at all, and our engines haven't been started yet. This is a big problem for us. We still need to contact the military about this part." As the original participant of this escape plan, Lin Bin understands that this plan is only a prototype now. Even though the antimatter engine has been built, it has not been ignited and run.

Moreover, as an engineer, he knew that small-scale experiments and enlarged experiments were two different things. Although the former could provide some reference materials for the latter, the proportion was not very large. So he had no hope for this plan from the very beginning, but he couldn't stand other families wanting to restart the plan, so he got involved.

"On this matter, Mr. Lin and I will go to the military to visit General Chen. I heard that His Majesty is also on the starting point. Let's listen to his opinion then." Ma Yun also has no idea, because this The probability of success of this matter is too low, and he cannot guarantee that there will be results.

Of course, he still has some ideas, otherwise he wouldn't have come to this meeting. After all, he bought Vesta in the first place, and the whole plan was formulated and implemented by Interstellar Aerospace. His idea is to complete Vesta as soon as possible, and then let Vesta become the moon's accompanying satellite when the moon leaves, so that Vesta's safety will be greatly guaranteed, and Vesta can carry more if the empire needs it. many people.

The meeting of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce lasted for a whole day, and all the people present made decisions on all matters and signed contracts during this day. On the second day, all aerospace companies and high-tech companies in the world stopped all research projects and concentrated all researchers in Liancheng.

Why are they concentrated here? It is because here is the building of the construction game company with the largest area in the world. This building was originally built by Starry Sky Group.

Since all the media did not report on this large-scale mobilization tacitly, there are still a lot of news on the Internet. Of course, many people who don't know the inside story are confused. Even if there are various speculations on the Internet, they are not reliable at first glance.

Because this time the gathering almost brought together the world's top scientific researchers, and even some companies that still had grudges before put down their grudges at this time and began to actively cooperate. The concentration of these scientific researchers also represents the birth of an institution that can compete with the empire and the starry sky biological research alliance, but this institution seems to be very loose.

"Your Highness, this is the latest news from the intelligence department. Members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce such as Ma Yun have united all the families in the West to set up a large-scale research institution. According to the information of our intelligence personnel, these people may plan to complete the construction of Vesta." A man with a colonel's epaulets on his shoulders came in and handed a document to Chen Lu who was sitting on a chair thinking.

"The construction of Vesta? You go and invite the second uncle over, and I will discuss it with him." Chen Lu murmured and then ordered.

"Yes." The colonel put the file on and went out.

After a while, Chen Jun came to this office in a hurry. This office used to belong to Chen Qiang, but now its owner is this woman.

"Xiaolu, I also understand the matter. We don't need to worry about this matter, because we don't have time to deal with it at all." Chen Jun sat down and took a sip of the secretary's imperial tea ceremony.

"No, Second Uncle, we have to take care of it. I think we can help them complete the construction of Vesta. According to the data, Vesta has a diameter of 525 kilometers. If it is completed, it can carry at least 8 million people." Chen Lu explained that he still respects his second uncle very much.

After thinking for a while, Chen Jun said: "His Royal Highness, I actually understand what you mean, but at present our military can't get any troops to build. And now there is a very important problem that is that there is not enough time. Although Vesta's The diameter is more than 500 kilometers, but the difficulty of construction is still extremely high, and the transportation of optical materials is also a big problem."

Chen Jun's subtext is very simple, that is, the military can provide these people with some information on moon construction free of charge, but the military will not intervene in all construction and transportation issues, because the current military simply does not have the energy.

Chen Lu smiled, that's what she wanted. Although she can decide this matter herself, the military has always been responsible for the construction of the moon, so she still needs to ask the military for its opinion. Moreover, she is only in the internship period now, if she rashly dictates to the military, it may cause some people's dissatisfaction, even if the commander-in-chief of the army is her second uncle, this cannot be avoided.

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