Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 599 Far Exceeding Expectations

"Second uncle, let's decide this matter like this. I think Ma Yun is coming soon, so I can come and talk to him then." Chen Lu said with a smile, although she didn't want to play tricks in front of her second uncle, but The positions represented by the two are different, so this is also a last resort. So after finishing speaking, he looked at Chen Jun with a guilty face.

Chen Jun also smiled happily, shaking his head and said: "Girl, you did a good job. In fact, you are already qualified for this position, but I promised my brother to protect you, so you should feel wronged first." .”

Hearing her second uncle talking about her father, Chen Lu had a sore nose and tears fell. In fact, she didn't even see her father for the last time, and she had already set off when she knew about it. Thinking of all the things she and her father had when they were young, even now that she has her own child, she still can't help crying.

"Okay girl, brother will definitely come back." Chen Jun was also a little annoyed why he brought up this matter, so he quickly comforted him.

At this time, the people in the office suddenly rang, and then a very loud voice said: "Report Commander, Ma Yun, the chairman of Interstellar Aerospace, and Lin, who is in Xiaomi Group, hope to see you."

After hearing this voice, Chen Lu immediately recovered her strong woman side, and wiped away her tears with paper. Seeing that his niece had already packed up, Chen Jun said: "Let's lead them here, just say that His Highness wants to see them."


Chen Jun also stood up at this time, and said: "Girl, it's time to cultivate your own power. I think these two are good. Don't be too blunt then. These two are good people. As long as you show a little The other party may understand."

"Second Uncle, don't worry, my years of experience are not for nothing." Chen Lu said with a smile, but there was a trace of sadness in her smile. Of course, this kind of expression can only be shown in front of people who are quiet, but Chen Lu will always be a strong woman in front of other people.

Ma Yun and Lin Bin were also puzzled at this time, because they came to find Chen Jun, but the person who reported said that His Highness wanted to see them. This is very abnormal, because now there is only one person in the empire who can become His Royal Highness, and that is the Eldest Princess of the Empire, and this Highness is the highest official of the Mars administrative region, and was suddenly summoned by this person on the starting point space station. A ridiculous feeling in their hearts The idea suddenly flashed, but then was snuffed out.

But after they came outside the office, the thoughts in their hearts were confirmed again at this time, and then they all seemed to have been beaten by frost, and Lin Bin's eyes even began to get a little moist. Ma Yun patted Lin Bin on the shoulder to signal him to be strong, and then rang the bell in the office.

"Come in." A crisp voice came from the office, and Ma Yun took a deep breath before pushing the door and entering. On the way here, he kept silently telling himself that this was not true, but everything in front of him made him understand that it was true. However, he still had one last hope in his heart. He needed to hear some news from His Highness or the Empress of the Empire himself.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Lin, you are here, come and sit down." Chen Lu was still on the sofa, and at this time there were already two cups of tea on the opposite side of her.

"Your Highness, tell me that Mr. Chen's departure is not true, not true." Lin Bin couldn't control himself, he rushed to Chen Lu with a brisk walk, and asked loudly, tears began to flow as he spoke down stream.

"Uncle Lin, Dad is going to meet the aliens. He wants to buy us more time." Chen Lu's eyes also dimmed. He also saw this person often when he was a child, and this was the first time she grew up. The second time was Uncle Lin.

"Your Highness, that means His Majesty is not dead." Ma Yun obviously grasped the key point.

"No, but I don't know. I also know the purpose of the two of you coming today. You can talk about your thoughts first." Chen Lu motioned for the two to sit down and changed the topic. Too much time spent on this topic. After all, the two people in front of me have long since lost contact with their Chen family, and the information about Chen Qiang's meeting with aliens has been kept secret until now, and she just said it because of emotional problems.

Ma Yun felt very uncomfortable at this time, but his brain was still clear, and he understood what Chen Lu said, so he said: "His Royal Highness, Vesta's transformation project does need the support of the army, and I hope the bottom line can be given. We provide child support."

Lin Bin was also very sad just now, which caused him to lose control of his emotions, but after the tears flowed down, he slowly regained consciousness. So he wiped away his tears with a tissue and said, "Your Highness, after the construction of Vesta is completed, it can be assigned to the empire. We only need a place to live."

Lin Bin has now begun to put their final cards on the table. Giving up the control of Vesta was actually a big disagreement at the meeting, but in the end, the ownership of Vesta was decided with a difference of less than ten votes between the two. belonged to the empire.

Chen Lu is actually dumbfounded at this time, because in her bottom line, the control rights of Vesta can be divided equally between the two. Although the military owns the moon is enough, but if it is really possible to escape, it is the population that determines the right to rule human beings. , by that time everyone is a precious resource.

"Your Highness, we are really sincere. It would be great if the military can help us complete this construction. If you don't trust us, we can sign an agreement." Ma Yun could only go on at this time , now the initiative is completely in the hands of the eldest princess of the empire.

This is also the first time for Chen Lu to have such an interesting negotiation with a businessman. She is actually very familiar with Ma Yun, because Interstellar Aerospace has a lot of investment in Mars. As the chief executive of Mars, she has a lot of dealings with him. Almost every meeting is a flash of swords, she is already familiar with this kind of situation, and now it suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

So Chen Lu also threw out her own thoughts: "Mr. Ma and Mr. Lin, I'm here to tell you the truth, the military simply doesn't have that much energy to help you complete this project, so my greatest ability is to provide you with There are related materials on the construction of the moon and some technologies that you need, and of course I will ask the cabinet to build an antimatter production plant on Vesta.”

Ma Yun and Lin Bin also smiled at this time, because this has far exceeded their expectations. The antimatter factory surprised them even more.

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