Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 608 Provocation

At the Black Hole Advance Base, Wu Lei is arranging inspections of defense facilities and the construction of a new defense wall. He has received an order to complete the construction of the three-layer defense wall with as many slaves as possible to prepare for their evacuation. And this time, the ambiguity came over from Carlo's fleet, and the one pretending to be the transport fleet.

When Carlo saw the egg-shaped meteorite through remote transmission for the first time, he was completely excited, so his fleet moved here faster and faster. The distance of a few light years is actually very short for Carlo's fleet, but because if you want to teleport so many fleets at once, you need a huge shuttle door. But all shuttle doors are unstable to the surrounding space, so it's not worth it at all. Of course, this is for human beings. After all, such a large shuttle door may affect the entire solar system, but it has no effect on Carlo.

"Report, a new type of spaceship suddenly left the port of anchorage and headed directly for the location of the machine clan." Just as Wu Leisi was thinking about it, a very anxious voice suddenly reported.

"What? Intercept it immediately. If it can't be intercepted, immediately launch an anti-matter bomb to destroy it." Wu Lei responded immediately after hearing the report. This is not a trivial matter. The temper of the mechanical race is not very good, even if it is distinguished according to the human personality, this one is a bit paranoid.

"Yes, intercept immediately and send an intercept order." A person in the first row of the command center reported while operating. However, the results came out quickly. A message of refusal to accept appeared on the big screen in the center, so Wu Lei directly issued an order: "Turn on the weapon system and destroy it immediately."

"Yes, the No. 3 and No. 6 muzzles are adjusted, the shells are loaded, and the radar is locked. Three, two, one, launch." The weapon operation team made a series of actions without the slightest hesitation, and then approached the building on the same side as the machine race at the forward base Two muzzles suddenly appeared on it, and they aimed quickly and then fired the shells.

He was also very clear about everything that happened here, but he didn't expect that this spaceship would come towards him. It happened that he was very interested in this kind of spaceship, because it was a new type of spaceship. From his perception, he found that this kind of spaceship was not a bit stronger than the kind of spaceship called 'worm'.

Human civilization has brought him too many surprises, and he has a long-sighted desire to deeply understand human beings. However, the subsequent scene made him even more confused, that is, the spaceship was directly destroyed, and antimatter bombs were still used. Looking at the shock wave generated by the explosion, Tong felt distressed at the moment.

So he directly started communicating with Wu Lei: "Sir Wu, are you crazy? Are you warning me?"

Wu Lei knew that this person came back to question him, so he had already thought of a countermeasure: "Same, in fact, this is a test for us. As our latest generation of warships, damage tests must be done. But now on the other side of the earth It is undergoing large-scale development, so it is not suitable to use antimatter bombs. If you experiment here, you can get the energy after the explosion, and we have also obtained related data, which is the best of both worlds."

Wu Lei has studied thoroughly for a long time. Although Tong's character is a bit paranoid, he is still very simple. This is also a word that he thought of for a long time, or he didn't have a lot of thoughts. So this reason, which seems lame to humans, was accepted by this person, and he happily stored all these energies.

Reassuring, Wu Lei ordered directly to the communication group: "Report the situation here to the military immediately, and ask that person to be quiet."

The military who received the information was also taken aback, because it was really a thrill for him. If the warship was known by the machine race, then none of the more than 100,000 people they deployed there would come back. And it may lead to the retaliation of the machine race against humans, which is simply provoking a war between humans and the machine race.

So Chen Jun, who got the information, went directly to Chen Qiang's office in Starry Sky City on Earth as quickly as possible, and then reported the situation to him. Now this is the only person on Earth who can really talk to him. Originally, Zhukov could still say a few words, but now this guy has really let go of everything and doesn't want to get involved at all.

"It seems that Carlo can't bear it anymore. Do you know that after we concluded the deal, he wanted to directly travel through space to reach the black hole advance base, and he already has a complete road map in his battleship control center." Chen Qiang frowned. road.

"It seems that this businessman is also aware of our plan. I think the transportation of antimatter bombs can be stopped. We have already transported three thousand antimatter bombs there." Chen Jun suggested that he was afraid that this person would directly challenge A war forces humans to stand in line, which is the worst situation for humans.

"How are your preparations going?" Chen Qiang asked. He didn't have much to do with Carlo, and the current human beings are in a weak position, so everything needs to be discussed.

"Although the whole plan has been sped up after some battleships of the Carlo fleet joined the material transportation, it will take about ten days to reach the initial use state. The ten-layer defense system is a big trouble to arrange, and we still have to There are personnel stationed there, and there is also a shortage of manpower.” The main work of the military during this period is to improve the defense system. According to the plan, before the war begins, human beings will build a ten-layer defense system in the solar system, and in the black hole The advance base should be built with three floors.

This is a huge project. It took the military nearly twenty years to complete the construction of the solar system's defense system. But now it is necessary to copy this system ten times, and the construction time is only less than a month. This is simply a race against time. But the military has to do this, because they don't know how powerful the shock wave will be if a war breaks out. If the shock wave is too strong, the earth may really disappear.

This is a planned war in which human beings gain the greatest benefit, but if human beings are killed by "innocents", it will really be a bit of a loss. Therefore, the military and the high-level officials of the empire are desperately increasing the chances of human beings surviving this war.

For Carlo Chen Qiang has an inexplicable feeling, trust is more about defense, even in his subconscious, this person is still an enemy, but talking with this person has an inexplicable comfortable feeling. So after talking with Chen Jun, he found Carlo with the mood of taking a break.

"Your Majesty, come and have some French fries." Then he handed Chen Qiang a portion of French fries and two packs of ketchup.

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