Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 609 Sacrifice

Chen Qiang looked at the French fries and ketchup in front of him, and he couldn't laugh or cry, because human beings don't like this kind of fast-food fried food now, because this cooking method will have a great impact on the vitality of the raw materials. Of course, these are all part of human cuisine, and it is no problem to yell and eat once in a while to satisfy your hunger.

He picked up a French fries dipped in ketchup and stuffed it into his mouth. It was a long-lost taste. The first time he ate french fries was at the KFC store near the train station in Liancheng. It was four o'clock in the morning when he arrived, and this KFC was open when all the stores were closed. So he went in to warm up, but he hesitated when he saw the dishes costing tens of yuan, but since it was embarrassing not to order anything in the store, he ate a hamburger, French fries and a glass of ice Coke cost more than 30 yuan in total. At that time, he felt really extravagant, and that meal was also the most delicious meal he had ever eaten.

"Not bad." Chen Qiang praised.

"Chen, it's not the first time you've eaten something like this." Carlo asked in surprise.

"It tastes better than the one I ate before." Chen Qiang continued to pick up one and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this time, the owner of the store also found Chen Qiang's trace, and planned to come over to greet him, but was stopped by the bodyguards.

"It's true, you humans are really sad about what you eat, but there is a premise that you have to have your body." Carlo admired while gobbling.

"Why did you do that? To you it's just a warship, but to us it's 100,000 lives." Putting down the French fries in his hand, he asked directly.

Carlo obviously knew that this scene would happen, so he explained: "There is a very special detection instrument on that battleship. I need to confirm some information about this mechanical family and make some preparations for the next contact."

"Let us do these things in the future. As for that warship has been shot down by us, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again. After all, we humans have 100,000 lives there." Chen Qiang ate French fries on the side.

"How long do you need?" Carlo directly showed a dark expression of dissatisfaction this time, and it could be seen that this person was controlled by the main body again.

"Give us another ten days." Chen Qiang didn't hide it, because there was no need to hide it. Basically, the three parties now understand what they are doing, and the human beings are determined, and they also gave a strong counterattack to Carlo's test of human beings this time. As for the mechanical clan, there is no way to leave the empire's energy supply to them, so some things are still turned a blind eye.

Everyone is preparing for the final war, and only if this war is won will there be a future. Whether it's for humans or the same, as well as Carlo.

The empire has been in a state of high pressure in recent years. The tension and surprises have numbed everyone's nerves, and many people have developed an optimistic attitude. Their first impression after seeing the bad news is that there will be a reversal at some point in the future.

But for those well-informed business people, the unprecedented dignified atmosphere at this moment already represents everything. Especially after seeing the imperial military's desperate construction of a defensive wall, all businessmen ordered their companies to start desperately producing various parts tasks issued by the military.

This is a war without any retreat, because the expedition fleet is back, and all humans are in the solar system except for the one hundred thousand soldiers at the Black Hole Advance Base. And the most important thing now is that humans have no chance to escape at all, because Carlo will never give humans this chance.

The five million people on the expedition fleet were all incorporated into the empire's army at this time, and began to drive the warships from Carlo's fleet to and from various places in the solar system, transporting energy block parts and shells to the required locations . Even after they came back, they had no chance to meet their relatives at all, and could only contact their families through virtual networks and videos.

But they didn't have the slightest complaint, because the empire sacrificed everyone at the most critical time to give them a chance of survival. Although the final result was not very good, since the empire chose them, it meant that the empire saved their lives, and those who dripped water must spring up to repay them. Of course, human beings are a collective, and these people selected by the empire are all highly enlightened people, and no one dares to refuse to fight for human beings.

"Report, the installation of the third point is completed, and the charging experiment will be carried out immediately." At a construction site of a defense system instrument, a group of people in space suits are working on a hemispherical device with a diameter of 100 meters, and one of them is wearing The man in the blue space suit is using his intercom to order the staff on a spaceship not far away.

At this time, a warning sound suddenly sounded from all the earphones wearing space suits: "Warning, small meteorite grains are flying towards this side, the speed is Mach 10, please transfer all the staff in space to the defense system the back of the instrument."

"Everyone evacuate immediately, order the spacecraft to activate the defense system, and intercept this sudden debris attack." The man in the blue spacesuit ordered loudly.

But exercising in space is not a simple matter. Even though they are strong and proficient in controlling their muscles, they have not yet reached a very proficient level because of the short training time, so their speed at this step is not enough. soon.

Although the speed of the person in the blue space suit is very fast, he is helping everyone to transfer as soon as possible. This is the only 'old man' here, and the others have just been trained for less than 30 hours at this time, and this one has been working in this position for a year.

"Yan Qing, transfer immediately, the meteorite fragments have arrived." The pilot of the spaceship shouted loudly in the communication channel at this time, seeing the people who have not been transferred yet and the meteorite fragments approaching, he was finally heartbroken. Then the engine of the spaceship was ignited, and the energy defense cover was opened, and the spaceship rushed straight towards the meteorite fragments.

He originally meant to use the energy defense cover on the spaceship to change the trajectory of these meteorite fragments. Of course he succeeded, but some meteorite fragments still rushed straight towards the defense system instruments.

"Immediately activate the defense system instruments." The operation team on the spacecraft knew that there was no other way, so they directly activated the defense system instruments. For a moment, a light blue light appeared on the surface of the instrument, and then the meteorite was also bounced away. However, when the meteorite arrived, there was still a person wearing a blue spacesuit and a white spacesuit who did not move to the back, but only walked to the side, so the meteorite fragments pierced their bodies directly.

"Yan Qing." The pilot of the spaceship burst into tears after seeing this scene. Although he watched this scene a lot and cried a lot, every time someone sacrificed, he just felt sad; but facing his wife, he found that he had not shed all tears.

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