Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 610 Attack Plan

The advanced development of science and technology is not in line with the construction project. If the construction is to be successful, it must be accompanied by huge sacrifices. Up to the current position, more than 5,000 people have directly sacrificed on the post within a month, and the strength of these people is not very low, because people without strength will not enter space at all.

Yan Qing was just one of these people, and her sacrifice did not hinder the entire construction process. The construction is still going on, and the military has issued a death order. This construction force needs to complete all the construction within one month and ensure the quality of the entire construction.

"Dad, Yan Qing is gone, I'm sorry I'm useless." As Yan Qing's fiancé Wu Shengrong told the news to the elders of the two families immediately after completing the task, he cried so hard that he couldn't help himself when he was on the phone.

For the elders of the two families, this is news like a bolt from the blue, because the two children have been together for ten years, and they are finally ready to enter the palace of marriage, but now this happened. Especially Yan Qing's parents felt a dizziness coming from their brains. This is their only daughter who just disappeared.

Yan Qing's pension came down soon, and her fiancé, Wu Shengrong, was also forced to retire, because according to military regulations, if both husband and wife are in the army, then if one dies, the other will be retired and assigned to a local government. Work.

This policy is actually a protection for that person, because especially people like Yan Qing and Wu Shengrong who met and fell in love in the army, they are the most loyal to their feelings. There have been cases in the past where one party committed suicide after the other party was sacrificed. And people in a sad state are not very good at managing their own brains, but survival in space first requires a high-speed brain.

As the war drew closer, the black hole base also began to prepare for evacuation. In fact, all the preparatory work for the entire base has been completed at this time, but it is not very realistic to transport more than 100,000 people away in a short period of time, so there must be someone who will arrive later. And this is a big problem, because those who leave later face the greatest danger.

"Commander, today is the last batch of anti-matter bombs. According to our plan, the evacuation plan will begin after these bombs are transported in. This is the list of the first batch of evacuations. Please take a look." Chief of Staff Fu Cheng sent a document Handed it to Wu Leidao.

Wu Lei did not intervene in the formulation of this document, and it was completely completed by Chief of Staff Fu Chenglai, but he had one request, that is, to put him, the commander, in the last batch. There were only three pages in the document, and Wu Lei read it very quickly. After seeing a familiar name, he also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's it, arrange for them to retreat immediately, and send those people from the logistics department together." And arrange to leave."

"The logistics department is also on this list. Our army is composed of professional engineers or technicians, so there are not many people in the logistics department, so I will make my own decisions." Fu Cheng said with a smile.

"It's okay, everyone should go back." Wu Lei didn't care at all, if he wanted to put it in the past, he would still have to fight, but at this moment he couldn't arouse any interest at all.

So the first batch of evacuated personnel from the Black Hole Advance Base began to board and leave. There are too many warships going to and from the base these days, so I didn't care about these warships. In his opinion, these people would never leave under such close surveillance.

But the tiger also dozed off. This time, the warships transporting these personnel came from Carlo's fleet, and they had this very special concealment method that could block the detection of the mechanical race. This is also Wu Lei's confidence in evacuating people on a large scale, otherwise he would not dare to do so even if he was given ten chances. After all, they are hostages now, and if the 'kidnappers' are in a bad mood, the possibility of tearing up their tickets is 90%.

"Commander, the first batch of evacuated personnel from the Black Hole Advance Base has already set off." Mao Yuan's mind is always on this side during this time, and other people are taking care of other places. For this war, the military awakened all the veterans and formed a strategic decision-making team.

Although these old men are now very old, their sensitivity to war and strong strategic vision are not possessed by the current military leadership. After all, these veterans have fought against mutant beasts for a long time, and they have protected humans in their core defense circle.

"How are the defense system and attack system prepared?" Chen Jun asked directly, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the matters at the Black Hole Advance Base. These days, he and the veterans have deduced the battle plan again and again, and finally found that some people will definitely be sacrificed at the black hole base, and it is unlikely that humans will win this time.

So after reporting to Chen Qiang, they formulated plans many times, and finally formulated a plan of'supplementary attack'. That is, after Carlo and the machine race are both wounded or one side defeats the other, they will completely bury both or the victorious side with a large number of antimatter bombs.

In fact, this plan was proposed by the staff department a long time ago, but Chen Qiang did not agree to it at the beginning, because he felt that this matter had no possibility of success at all. Because the civilization level trenches are too huge, the current human beings are at most only the middle stage of the third-level civilization, but Carlo is at least the sixth-level civilization, and the machine race used to be a civilization that overwhelmed the entire universe, so humans You can only play a spectator in this war.

However, after the military carefully conducted some experiments on some of Carlo's warships, it was discovered that the defense of these warships can now be penetrated by high-energy laser weapons developed by humans. If they want to destroy them, antimatter bombs can easily do it. .

So this plan was put on the agenda again, and with the help of several veterans, this plan was gradually perfected, and it achieved the ultimate in concealment.

"Basically the construction is complete. The third and sixth floors are currently being intensively debugged. According to the plan, it will be completed tomorrow. As for the current layout of the attacking weapons, we are not very perfect, because if we are too close, we will be discovered. But if the distance is too far, then our reaction to war may be greatly increased, which is a very dangerous thing." Mao Yuan expressed his thoughts, and the weapons used by humans to attack are currently arranged near the antimatter bomb production factory.

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