Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 613 Selling Antimatter Bombs

However, if the strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and there is even a tactical battle on Carlo's side, then there will be a lot of reaction time for humans.

"But Chen, according to what you said, this machine race may be in adulthood. If the opponent is a fighting machine race, then there is no powerful weapon against the opponent." Carlo said at this time It is also quite chaotic, because the detection results show that his entire fleet of large warships cannot pass through, so now he can only go to the doctor in a hurry to ask if there is any research on human beings, even if he does not have much hope in his heart .

"Carol, do you think there will be results for a level 6 civilization to ask a level 3 civilization in the mid-term? To be honest, we humans can only watch the battle this time. If your fleet allows us to go up and participate in the entire battle to learn Battleships are even better." Chen Qiang stared at Carlo with expectant eyes.

"That's not what I mean. I want to buy some antimatter bombs from you and the devices you use to launch antimatter bombs." Carlo has finally gotten to the point. In fact, he is not like this. After all, he is a dignified sixth-level peak civilization. It is a shame to need to use the weapons of the third-level civilization.

But after thinking for a long time, he found that this is the best way, because antimatter bombs made by humans are currently the most suitable weapons. Although the power could not reach the point where one of them would wipe out the entire planet, its powerful power still made him feel a little palpitating.

Because large battleships cannot shuttle, this makes many of his weapons unusable. After all, he has been active as a businessman these years. In terms of the firepower of the battleship, there is not much requirement as long as it can ensure safety, so he basically uses two to three battleships as flagships every time he sails, and the rest are transport ships.

And this time, the three large warships with powerful firepower in his fleet are all transport ships. Although these transport rooms also have weapons on them, they do not have powerful weapons. So he planned to use human weapons just to be on the safe side.

"Ah? Are you sure you want to use our weapons? Although antimatter bombs are powerful, they are not worth mentioning to your sixth-level civilization." Chen Qiang asked in surprise. He used to have great hopes for antimatter bombs. But after the appearance of the mechanical race, he understood that this weapon was not that powerful, so human research on weapons returned to energy weapons.

But now Carlo's request to buy made him have to pay more attention to this weapon, because he could feel a strong guard from Carlo's words. And if this weapon is useless, it is impossible for this person to come to buy it. So after pretending to think about it, he said, "This incident was too sudden, and we don't have a lot of antimatter bombs in stock, so I need to discuss it with the military side."

"Okay, I hope you can do it as soon as possible, because my detector found a signal that is slowly penetrating here, it may be the detection signal of some mechanical race." Carlo did not force him, but some facts still suppressed Clearly, after all, they are in the same camp in name.

Chen Qiang was also shocked when he heard that, so he said: "Okay, I will call everyone for a video conference immediately, and I will give you some accurate information tomorrow."

"Okay, my transport fleet has already docked at the port on the side of the moon and Venus, and I will transport it when I tell you." Carlo left straight away. As for Chen Qiang, he turned around and went to the office instead of going home, opened the A dedicated line was set up and everyone was anxious to hold an emergency meeting.

This time point is actually the time to eat, but at this moment all the high-level officials in the empire are not in the mood to eat, because Tarn now needs to solve a very important issue whether to sell anti-matter bombs to Carlo. Everyone here knows the power of antimatter bombs, and the current limit of human beings is that they can manufacture antimatter bombs of this magnitude, but for level 6 civilizations, this kind of bombs should be upgraded by one to three levels. A bomb wipes out the entire solar system and they shoot themselves in the foot.

"Your Majesty, we have no choice now, we have to sell. The mechanical clan has discovered the location where we opened the shuttle channel and started to invade. So now we must destroy the mechanical clan. As for the existence of Carlo, it is actually relatively Human beings are much safer." Everyone was silent, and at this time Zhukov said about the situation.

"It cannot be sold. This technology can increase in magnitude even if we humans invest in it. If it is handed over to a sixth-level peak civilization, it will definitely become a big killer. At that time, we will have no cards. I know that we have experimented with antimatter bombs, and if the yield is sufficient, the defense system will be directly broken." At this time, Mao Yuan put forward his own opinion, and he also had a skeptical attitude towards this matter, and in his heart, the mechanical race The same impact would be much better than Carlo's.

For a while, everyone opened the chatter box and began to express their opinions one after another. Everyone has their own opinions, but on the whole, they are divided into two factions, one faction is inclined to the mechanical race and the other is inclined to Carlo.

At this time, Chen Jun said: "We should sell anti-matter bombs, because we also need to have a comprehensive understanding of them, and if the power of such bombs in this battle is confirmed, then our military's future route will also change." It will be stipulated, which is very important to us. Also, the machine race is indeed a greater threat to us than Carlo, so we should sell anti-matter bombs."

As the commander of the military, Chen Jun had a decisive effect on the discussion of the whole matter, although Chen Qiang also had this influence. But he didn't want to steal the limelight, so he asked after Chen Jun finished speaking: "How many antimatter bombs do we have now?"

At this time, Qin Tian, ​​who was the head of the Imperial Logistics Department, said: "At present we have 8,000 antimatter bombs. If we remove the bombs we have already arranged, we can get out less than 1,500, and the deployment is relatively large. Trouble, need to go to various bases."

"This is not something we consider. You are responsible for this matter, Qin Tian. Carlo will send a transport fleet to them and just hand over the cannon and shells to them." Chen Qiang also made the final decision at the beginning. The threat of the same race to human beings is much, much greater than that of Carlo.

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