Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 614 Hidden Purpose

The Black Hole Advance Base looks a lot empty from the inside at this time, and there are only a few people in the entertainment venues that are usually overcrowded and laughing. This is mainly because most of the people have already retreated, and now there are only more than 800 people left. They are the last group who need to wait until the war starts before they can leave.

Mao Yuan was standing on the bridge at this time, watching more and more warships gathering below. A few days ago, there were small warships, but these days, many medium-sized warships came. The mechanical clan has long been suspicious. If he hadn't transported a few antimatter bombs in these few days, he might not be able to stabilize.

"Commander, the last batch of personnel has successfully passed through the shuttle space and reached the solar system. We are also preparing to evacuate." Fu Cheng came in and stood next to Wu Lei and said.

"Eight hundred people is still a lot. Is there a way to simplify it?" Wu Lei didn't take up the topic, but asked instead.

"No, this is the most streamlined establishment. If we continue to streamline, there will be various problems in the whole base. I'm afraid the person behind us will find out." Fu Cheng shook his head, he was actually very willing Replace the jobs of these people with robots or artificial intelligence.

But the huge mechanical structure is a test for the current level of human control technology. Even if the level of human artificial intelligence is very strong, it is impossible to manage a base where 100,000 people once lived. Moreover, there must be humans in some necessary positions, otherwise the mechanical clans who are already familiar with the layout of the base will discover these changes.

"That's how it is. This day is officially difficult. I just received the news that it may be delayed for about three days before it can be transmitted. What do you think we should do in these three days?" Wu Lei asked with a headache, but Fortunately, most of the 100,000 people have gone back, and even if there is any problem here, he, the commander, has explained something.

"Don't worry about it. If I'm here to question you, then let's talk about his invasion of the solar system. As long as we delay these three days, we will win." Fu Cheng obviously understands that the chances of them staying alive are not very high. So he put the goal on the completion of the task.

Sometimes fate is very tricky, just when Fu Cheng and Wu Lei were talking, a voice suddenly came into their ears and said: "Actually, you can survive, after all, we have known each other for many years. "

The appearance of this voice startled Fu Cheng and Wu Lei, and then their faces turned pale. They are very familiar with this voice, especially Wu Lei, who deals with this person every day, and was talking and laughing with this person just three hours ago.

The most unacceptable thing for them is that there is a special magnetic field in this area that can avoid this person's detection, but they did not expect that this magnetic field has no effect at all. This shows that all their actions over the years have been under the nose of this person, which is an extremely terrifying thing. Because if someone can resist touching his own bottom line, there are only two situations. One is that the opponent's strength is too high, and the other is that he has a very huge plan.

"Same, it looks like you know everything?" Wu Lei has calmed down. Although he doesn't understand why this person is suddenly exposed now, the departure of more than 90,000 people in front shows that this person doesn't want to have a relationship with humans now. Conflict, or simply not seeing humanity as a threat.

"Almost, I have fought against the opponent, and my strength is not very good. Maybe I may win this time. Do you want to change the result of the bet?" Life will be under his control.

"You guys have already fought each other, when?" Wu Lei's face was livid because of this information, because it showed that Carlo also deceived humans. So he signaled Fu Cheng next to him to leave this place immediately to pass on the news. This is extremely important news, because humans have sold eight hundred antimatter bombs to Carlo, and these bombs may finally be dumped on humans.

"General Fu, it's been a long time. You don't need to go. All your communications and exchanges these days have been done by me, so your task now is to accompany me to wait for the war. After the war starts, you can do whatever you want. When the time comes, we will give you time to escape." At this moment, fellow general Gao Ao performed vividly.

After hearing these words, Fu Cheng also stopped in his tracks. He didn't have the slightest expression on his face at this time, but his heart was full of joy. He doesn't think that this mechanical family can learn Chinese so thoroughly. The codebook they communicate with the military is changed once a month, and the codebook they are using now was changed yesterday. He doesn't believe that this person can do it in such a The password deciphering is completed in a short time. And he hasn't used this codebook until now.

Wu Lei's worries at this time were also slowly let go. As long as the machine race knows the news of all human plans, their mission will be completed. As for the 800 people here from the moment they voluntarily stay Just understand what your destiny is.

Human beings are always full of people who sacrifice their lives for the country. In this tense environment, human civilization will be destroyed at every turn. Therefore, as long as people enter the army, they will disregard life and death.

In the communication department above the moon base, today they normally conduct daily contact reports to various nodes. But they were stunned after receiving the reply message from the black hole advance base, because the message couldn't be parsed at all.

"Xiao Zhao, why don't you try using yesterday's code-breaking machine?" The person in charge of communications at the Black Hole Advance Base said to a lieutenant next to him.

Sure enough, the message was deciphered, and there was no problem with the content, but a very serious problem was posed in front of them, that is, why did the black hole advance base use yesterday's cipherbook to send this message. This is a violation in the eyes of the military regulations, and the person in charge of communication will be dismissed.

So this information was reported all the way to the General Staff Headquarters, which has become the operational hub of the military. The staff officer who received this information told him that there was something wrong with this matter, but he couldn't figure out why, so he planned to hand over this document to Mao Yuan himself.

Mao Yuan is very distressed now, because Carlo has already got what he wanted, but he just didn't launch an attack, lost and stayed in the shuttle position and didn't know what he was waiting for. Because of Carlo's move, the staff hadn't slept for several days, and sometimes he even wanted to rush over to ask him what he was thinking.

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