Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 615: Plan No. 8

After humans sold the antimatter bomb to Carlo, it meant that they had stood on the same front with this person. But this is the wishful thinking of human beings. Whether Carlo regards human beings as allies or not is another matter. This is also something that troubles Mao Yuan. Sometimes when a hot face is put on a cold butt, the people will poke their noses and scold their mothers.

"Chief of Staff, may there be a problem at the Black Hole Advance Base?" Mao Yuan was thinking hard about the countermeasures when a clear voice appeared in his office, panting, and he was also taken aback.

But after seeing clearly that the person who came and heard what this person said, he immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Let's take a look at this communication document from the Black Hole Advance Base first." The staff officer handed a document to Mao Yuandao. Now the entire military headquarters is in a panic. Energy to cope.

Mao Yuan was stunned after seeing that document, because it was a document translated from the previous cipher, but the cipher has been changed since twelve o'clock in the morning. So he directly ordered everyone to come to the meeting, and called Marshal Zhukov and the others.

This kind of meeting is basically held once a day, so the assembly is also very fast. In the venue, basically all the veterans sat at the front, and the rest of the staff sat behind them, while Chen Jun and Mao Yuan were the ones who presided over the entire meeting.

"Everyone has seen this document. Now there may be a very fatal problem, that is, all our plans have been known by the mechanical clan. What should we do now, everyone can speak freely, but in this meeting we must Come up with a plan because we don't have any extra time." Chen Jun directly set the tone of the entire meeting, that is to come up with a practical plan.

"Actually, there is no chance for this matter to change now. I think this may be the reason why Carlo is still hovering in the shuttle position, or the two of them have already contacted through other means. It can be seen that neither side What a bargain, so now we humans are already dispensable." Zhukov is worthy of being a veteran, and he directly analyzed the whole process very thoroughly.

"I didn't expect our long-term careful arrangements to be arranged in such a way in the eyes of those people. Since this machine race can also send back 99,200 of the 100,000 soldiers who were taken as hostages. We are still very confident in our current strength, and I think we can use this weakness to launch a tentative attack on it." Claudie also expressed his opinion. After escaping death in Australia, he became an eagle. Send characters.

"No, our existing attack methods are useless at all, unless we use an early detonation virus, but its power is too small, and it can only be used at critical times." Dak objected loudly.

For a while, the whole meeting place became the place for the old commanders of the empire, and those staff officers couldn't get involved at all, only Chen Qiang and Mao Yuan could interject a sentence or two. Although seniority is not very important in the empire, what is important is ability. But there are strict regulations in the military. These are the marshals of the empire, and they are justifiable bosses. You must know that Chen Jun, who is now the commander-in-chief of the imperial army, is still an admiral.

When the military meeting place was full of quarrels, Chen Qiang who was located in Starry Sky City also got the news. His method was very simple, he directly boarded the anti-gravity flying car, found Carlo and asked, "How did you fight against each other?"

"Actually, it's nothing. Didn't I find the other party's detection signal, so I used the equipment to interfere with it, resulting in some instability in the shuttle channel." Carlo said very easily, but Chen Qiang was in the dark. Wire. The energy that can affect the shuttle space is not a small amount, but he also understands why Carlo has been waiting at the shuttle position.

But obviously Chen Qiang didn't intend to let this one go, and now that everything is on the bright side, it's easy to say, so he continued to ask: "How did you fight against each other?"

"We are evenly matched, and we all have the idea of ​​testing each other, so we didn't use any means." Carlo was like a foodie at this time, with an ice cream in his left hand and a candied haws in his right, which was very strange.

"Are you sure?" This is the question that Chen Qiang is most concerned about, because human beings can't afford to lose now.

"In your words, five or five points." Carlo said wholeheartedly after biting a candied haws.

"It's so low." Chen Qiang screamed directly, it was simply beyond what he could bear.

"It's already high enough, and isn't it in line with what you want, it's a good plan for both sides to suffer." This is the first time Carlo sneered, and Chen Qiang felt chills when he saw it.

However, there are some things that you will not admit even if you are killed, so he said with a smile: "If both sides are hurt, how can we sell you antimatter bombs? If you dump these bombs in the solar system by then, wouldn't we move Shoot yourself in the foot with a stone."

Carlo still didn't have a good face like Chen Qiang, so he went out and got on his aircraft and left. And Chen Qiang's face was livid at this time, because this matter was beyond the scope of the plan, so after thinking for a while, he asked the security personnel to prepare the space shuttle to go to the starting point.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" The entire conference room was still full of discussions, and the sharp-eyed Mao Yuan immediately saw Chen Qiang who pushed the door in and got up to greet him. At this time, the discussions in the entire venue disappeared, and everyone saluted their monarch with a military salute.

"Have you come up with a plan?" Chen Qiang asked with a dark face. Although his voice was not loud, everyone present could hear him clearly, so his heart skipped a beat and he was filled with anxiety.

"No, we know too little about the situation so far, so there are still some differences." Chen Junhui reported that this is his right.

"There is no need to discuss, just use Plan No. 8. The military needs to complete the arrangement as quickly as possible. We don't have time. I will always be here during this time." Chen Qiang's words shocked everyone present. Can't help but take a cold breath.

Because the so-called No. 8 plan is to destroy the shuttle wormhole, this result will also lead to changes in the strategy of human beings going out, because this is the shortest distance for human beings to go out. And the core of this No. 8 plan is to exchange the future of mankind for the safety of the present.

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