Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 626 The Dilapidated Battlefield

"Report, the satellite has been repaired, is it actively activated?" Just when Chen Qiang and others were very anxious, people from the satellite control team shared the good news.

"Activate it immediately, and project all the information on the big screen in the command center." Chen Jun is going crazy now, and humans have not received information from there for more than two hours, which is very important for the next plan. Execution is very misleading, if one step is wrong at that time, it will be a wrong step. Now their military is betting on the future of mankind, so it is impossible to fail.

The three satellites, which were finally repaired, finally played their role. Because they were repaired urgently, their pixels were not very high.

Although the pixels are not high, the picture on the screen stunned everyone. Wherever the camera passed was the wreckage of the spacecraft, and the detection equipment on the satellite at the same location in the distance also found that the suction in this area was compared to It used to be much smaller. And those fragments floating everywhere are a good illustration, because the same person will not let go of any opportunity to replenish energy, but at this moment there are so many fragments floating in space, which shows that he can no longer Any ability to bring these pieces together.

"Maybe we missed the most exciting battle, and judging from the situation, both sides should be hurt." Chen Jun recovered first.

"Not necessarily. What we see now is only a corner of the battlefield. Let the control team use the previous coordinates to see if we can capture Carlo's fleet." Zhukov looked at everything on the screen suspiciously. There is a feeling that this space is moving, or that these debris and satellites are doing relatively forbidden movements.

So the satellite control team began to put the perspectives of the two other satellites, because the core part may have been damaged by the war because of all the monitoring satellites. The three satellites that have been repaired are the three satellites on the outermost edge. Although the viewing angles of the three satellites are relatively wide, their imaging quality and the useful information captured are very little.

Because all the people present saw only the broken battlefield, and at this time Zhukov directly asked: "Is the satellite still powered? If so, can you move it a little bit?"

"Yes." Now those who control these satellites are the builders of the satellites. They are very familiar with the structure of these satellites, otherwise they would not have repaired them in just one hour.

Long-distance communication is a very time-consuming thing. It has been fifteen minutes since the signal transmission here has passed, and at the moment when the satellite moved, everyone saw a surprising scene, that is, these fragments are all Going in one direction, and fast.

"My guess was not wrong. In fact, neither of the two sides was benefited in this war, and I dare to conclude that the cosmic wind has not reached this battlefield. The strategy of fighting with both sides has failed, but I can't figure it out now. What’s more, why doesn’t Carlo stop the crazy supply of energy now?” Zhukov raised his own question, and now he needs everyone’s wisdom.

"The biggest possibility is that Carlo suffered more damage than the same one. He has no ability to launch the next attack, so he is also starting to rest." Dak said what everyone present was thinking.

But Zhukov shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible, because we can see from the light spots on the radar that the main force of Carlo's fleet is still there. It is also possible to launch ten attacks, but now the entire battlefield is abnormal. Don't you think it's strange to be silent?"

"I have an idea, but I don't think it's possible at all." Claude said after hesitating for a long time.

"Is it because Carlo still has important things to accomplish, so he can only give up and continue to attack the mechanical clan?" Chen Lu interrupted suddenly.

On the other hand, Claude looked at the eldest princess of the empire in a daze, but he quickly let go of his breath. If he said this, it would be a bit grandstanding, but this person would not have such concerns when he said it, because it is okay for a child to say two wrong sentences. But as the marshal of the empire and the builder of the military, he needs to maintain his prestige.

"Impossible. Carlo's current fleet's scientific and technological strength is at the level of a sixth-level civilization, but he is not capable of repairing what a super civilization left behind." Chen Jun decisively rejected this statement, because if Carlo really With this ability, then humans need to reconsider their plans.

Because they have also experimented with the blocked space in that blocked area, but the current human research on space has no clue at all, and according to the data, space technology is generally a technology that can only be mastered by mid-level seven civilizations.

If human beings are already at their maximum limit against the previous sixth-level civilization, then they can only surrender to the seventh-level civilization. Because there is such a division in the universe, that is, civilizations of levels 1 to 4 are considered elementary civilizations, civilizations of levels 5 to 6 are considered intermediate civilizations, and civilizations above level 7 are advanced civilizations. As for civilizations reaching level 9, they are all called super civilizations. .

The division of this level is not divided randomly. Every level is improved. It is an earth-shaking change. It is not easy for human beings to be able to face the sixth-level civilization and have some things that can threaten the sixth-level civilization. If this is placed at the starting point, it will be a proper protagonist. Because if Carlo really has the information and technology of the seventh-level civilization, then humans will immediately stop the next attack and restore their previous posture.

"Nothing is impossible. As a businessman, Carlo must have been in contact with advanced civilizations, so it's nothing if he has some technological products of level seven civilizations in his hands. And if he doesn't fix it but temporarily blocks it, wait until the war is over. Just let it go, and if the energy gathered by the inclined opening is enough, it may directly destroy the entire blockade wall." Chen Qiang said casually at this time.

Why are you so careless? It's because this matter is actually good for humans. As long as humans blow up the wormholes they travel through, it doesn't matter what happens there. Moreover, the cosmic wind that ravages the blockade wall on the human side will bear much less pressure, so that the pressure on human beings will also be much, much less.

"Then what should we do, should we destroy Carlo's action immediately? Or start planning directly?" Although Mao Yuan was calm at this moment, the sweat on his forehead showed the anxiety in his heart.

"Don't worry about it, let him do it, so that we humans can also get some benefits." Zhukov also figured it out. He likes this disciple very much. Relief Road.

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