Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 627 Bold Idea

"Your Majesty, I actually have an idea. We can launch a few antimatter bombs to that battlefield. If all goes well, it will take fifteen days for the antimatter bombs to reach the battlefield. Then Carlo will definitely cancel the blocking device and make that area a dead zone. But if their battle is not over, they will be exhausted by then, so these few bombs will become deadly. "Dak's command wisdom is this kind of desperate way to win, and he can do everything in order to win.

Everyone felt admiration for the viciousness of this strategy, but at this time, they didn't care what being a gentleman was. And the aliens don't understand what a gentleman is, so they pass quickly. At this time, about ten cannons at the antimatter cannon base near the antimatter factory began to turn their muzzles.

"Regimental Commander, we have just adjusted the muzzle, and now we are being asked to adjust it back. Are they kidding us?" In the control center of a regiment headquarters, the tense command room was suddenly overwhelmed by a complaint. The whole atmosphere was completely destroyed.

"Boy, are you able to discuss the decision-making above? Wait until when you become the admiral of the empire before complaining. Hurry up and order us to complete all the preparations within two hours and launch the shells. "The commander patted the back of the corporal's head and said.

Because of this order from the top of the empire, the people below once again broke their legs. Because of the military's new plan, the previous plan was discarded. The research team led by Zeng Long who sealed off the space was also disbanded, and they went back to their own homes and taught their own books.

But now that the empire is suddenly going to fire shells there, it must need the support of these people, because these people are familiar with that area.

Zeng Long was giving a class to the freshmen at the School of Physics of Xingkong University. He was speaking very emotionally, but he didn't pay attention to how much the students below understood. But his interest was interrupted by the colonel in military uniform. Looking at the colonel who went straight into the classroom, all the students' eyes were full of excitement and envy. Some female students even wanted to Go over and take a photo with this soldier brother.

The current status of soldiers in society is very high, even much higher than that of civil servants. Moreover, the military's training of soldiers is also extremely large now. As long as the soldiers who enlist in the army will greatly increase their strength after retiring, many companies, especially aerospace companies, will give priority to soldiers in recruiting employees. Among the high-paying occupations in society, the work of aerospace companies is the highest, so many, many people want to enter it.

"Professor Zeng, the country needs you now. The space blockade breakthrough plan has been launched again. We need to complete all the work within two hours." The colonel did not look at the excited students below, but went straight to Zeng Long front said,

"Isn't it good to talk about this here?" Zeng Long hesitated. In fact, he has completely relaxed since the last time he talked with Chen Qiang, and these projects are the top secret projects of the empire. Now tell them in front of these students And some students have already started taking pictures. He still has a sense of secrecy here.

"It doesn't matter, everyone will know if the empire can survive this time." The colonel said in a calm tone as if chatting with an old friend, but he clenched his hands into fists to reveal the anxiety in his heart .

"But two hours is not enough at all, and I can't complete the whole work alone, and I need the computing power of Xingkong." Zeng Long also made a request. Even though he is the leader of the entire team, it does not mean that He can do everything.

"Everyone in the whole team has already found it. Because of time constraints, everyone works on-site, and then summarizes and sends the results through the sharing channel of Xingkong." The colonel signaled to the soldiers outside the classroom to put all the instruments away. move in.

In fact, the entire Xingkong University has been blocked at this moment, and the transmitting antenna on the roof of the communication key laboratory of Xingkong University has also been taken over at this time, and renovations have begun.

The students of Xingkong University were surprised by these big actions of the military, but they didn't take a look curiously, because the menacing appearance of those soldiers was too scary. I can't bear those evil spirits.

The school also received relevant information and began to evacuate the students in an orderly manner. And began to issue some confidentiality regulations and areas where activities are prohibited.

However, the speed of communication in the information age is too fast, and short videos one after another have begun to appear on the Internet. Especially the high-definition version of the conversation between the colonel and Zeng Long, everyone on the Internet began to boil. Because the colonel said that if the empire can survive this time, everyone will know.

This sentence confirms from the side that the empire is fighting aliens in outer space during this period, and there is still the possibility of failure. For people on Earth and Mars, their impact on space is just the intertwining of darkness and beauty. Most people go to space just for fun, and they have never been exposed to the cruelty of space. Therefore, they don't have enough awareness of the dangers in space. Even though the empire has been doing propaganda all these years, sometimes the propaganda is not as good as an experience.

And this time, a space blockade breakthrough plan was revealed. There is no information about this plan on the Internet at all. But the public can tell something from the name, so various speculations began on the Internet.

Even because of the information in this video, many large companies have called their own scientists to discuss this plan, especially the two words space blockade have stirred their nerves. Because space technology is a necessary technology for the development of future spaceships, both space shuttle and space compression are necessary conditions for long-distance navigation of spaceships.

However, they still have some doubts about this matter, because Xingkong should delete all the information immediately when these important information are revealed, but it has been a long time now, but the video on the Internet still exists. This situation is very inconsistent with the style of the empire and the military.

Of course, there is never a shortage of fools in the world. Many companies have started to inquire about professors from those universities. The military recruited them this time, so that they can quickly get space experts. Experts in this area are directly monopolized by the empire, so this is an excellent opportunity.

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