Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 630 Another Short War

This plan seems to be feasible, because the so-called escape device is installed behind the human, and has the function of manual control. But there is a big problem here, that is whether Carlo will attack, because if Carlo attacks immediately, these people will definitely not survive.

"Old Lei, let's follow your plan." Wu Lei also saw the risks of this plan, but if they succeeded, they would be out of trouble. And as long as they succeed in part, that is their victory.

The three "Qi" warships were already at the two ends of the "Worm" warships at this moment, and they began to make defensive postures. They need to guard against attacks from Carlo's remaining fleet at any time.

Time was running out, so after the plan was determined, everyone entered the escape device and activated the escape device one after another. All of a sudden, many shuttle-shaped devices were sprayed out from the "worm" battleship, and then floated in space, and because the battleship itself had an initial velocity, all the escape devices began to fly towards Carlo's fleet at that speed.

But the 800 people on board were all elites, they quickly adapted to the whole environment, began to manipulate the small energy on the escape device to slow down, and began to flee in the opposite direction.

Carlo was very excited when he saw this scene. He never thought that human beings would have such a device. But at the end, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he casually tapped a few times on the virtual screen in front of him. Then the laser cannon on the 'worm' battleship that originally belonged to humans began to charge.

The military loves and hates the "worm" battleship, because this kind of battleship is really powerful, but it can't run with full energy. But everything is an exception, for example, all traveling warships will be full of energy, and all weapons will be full of energy.

Therefore, the captains of the three "Qi" warships immediately responded when they saw the energy-storing "worm" battleship, and directly attacked with the gunpowder weapons on board to prepare for the energy storage of the laser cannon. But gunpowder weapons have a big problem, that is, the waves generated after the explosion are very huge, which is a huge disaster for the 800 people floating in the air.

Therefore, the use of gunpowder weapons is not very large, so there is little harm to the "worm" warship. But it also stopped the energy storage of the energy cannon a little bit, but it only slowed down the time of energy storage.

Taking advantage of this time, a "Qi" warship picked up the 800 people, and after the last person was rescued, Carlo directly launched an attack. A small beam of light flew directly towards the battleship that rescued Wu Lei and others. Fortunately, the battleship had already made preparations and directly activated the defense system on the battleship.

Although this attack was blocked, the consumption of this 'Qi' warship was also quite high, and 30% of its energy storage had been exhausted. In fact, if it weren't for the black technology of human beings with defensive shields, the attack of the 'Qi' warship this time would not be able to stop it at all. In terms of combat effectiveness, one "worm" warship can fight ten "Qi" warships.

However, with the same defensive power, three "Qi" warships are still capable of fighting against one "Worm" warship. Not to mention that this "worm" battleship consumed a lot of energy in space shuttle, so after three rounds of offensive and defensive battles, the "worm" battleship was directly killed.

The military headquarters at the moon base had been connected to the frontline battlefields from time to time, and they were relieved to see that the "worm" warship was destroyed and everyone was rescued. But what makes them most nervous now is the next attack. If Carlo launches an attack at this time, Lei Yuan's entire fleet plus Mao Yuan and other 800 people will all die, so the military did not launch an attack immediately.

But if people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will attack others. The military couldn't just watch Carlo's provocation, so Lei Yuan received the military's order and directly launched all the chemical weapons on the fleet. However, the anti-matter weapons were not launched, because the calculation result of the military was that these chemical weapons would not cause much harm. After all, Carlo's fleet had extremely strong defenses.

But if anti-matter weapons are launched, it means that a formal war has begun, but humans are not ready now.

Sometimes things always happen by coincidence. When Carlo saw more than five hundred missiles with flames spraying from their tails running towards him, he became angry, or he felt fear. . Because the defense of the entire fleet is very low now, he also has some understanding of this chemical weapon. Although the power is not very great, it can have a huge effect when encountering the current fleet.

Therefore, Carlo began to mobilize three small spaceships to use his sacrifice to block this attack. Everyone in the military who saw this scene was full of doubts. But Chen Qiang and Zhukov smiled, because there is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that the remaining fleet has no energy.

Looking at the battleship emitting thick black smoke in the air, Carlo's eyes were full of anger at this time, but he didn't have the slightest thought of fighting back, because he just contacted the main body. But the ontology told him that he needs to fight for at least eight Earth days, so he can only swallow the bitter fruit this time.

Therefore, the entire battlefield has once again returned to silence, but the war between the machine clan and that side has only just begun. At the same time, although there were many scars at this time, because the blockade area was broken, a large number of rays were captured by him, and with the fragments of various warships smashed, he obtained a relatively sufficient energy supply. Therefore, he began to attack by himself, taking the opportunity of Carlo to block the cosmic wind. This time, he directly used Shanglian's most powerful attack method.

I saw that the folding of space began to appear within the scope of his attraction. After the space folded a lot, it began to roll like a wave, and this wave also began to slowly spread outward. But the direction in which the wave spreads is not like the earth spreads around, but goes in one direction.

Everything that the waves pass through is crushed, as if these waves are like a pulverizer that can turn everything into the smallest particles. The military has also detected this situation, but because the satellite is far away, it can only detect the energy change in this direction through some energy detection instruments on the satellite, and then present it to Chen Qiang and others through simulation.

"Is this using high energy to generate waves? But this kind of situation requires huge energy, and in terms of power, it is not as good as high-energy laser beams." Duck asked with a frown, which was beyond the limits of his scientific knowledge. range, and in his limited knowledge structure, the energy contained in this wave is gradually decreasing, so he can't clearly see the strength of the blow from such a long distance.

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