Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 631 Contact

"I don't know, but I have a possibility here, that is, it may use the same space to store energy. As for why it appears like a wave, it may be because the space is stable, and he needs to constantly 'supercharge' the energy. This is like Like long-distance power transmission in the past, we need to pressurize every once in a while to ensure some losses in the power transmission process." Chen Qiang made some guesses, of course, the official results still need to be analyzed by the expert group.

The speed of the space wave is very fast, and it arrived at the location of Carlo's fleet in less than ten minutes. He was mentally prepared for this space attack, but after seeing the ups and downs of the wave, he felt a little bit of a wave in his heart. A feeling of regret.

But now that he had reached this point, he had no choice, so he began to prevent the fleet from counterattacking.

Chen Qiang's guess was correct, as was the opinion of the expert group, so the old coaches began to discuss Carlo's response. Generally speaking, there are two factions. The first is that Carlo will carry out strong defense facilities until all the energy is exhausted; while the other thinks that Carlo will use the same method to fight poison with fire.

The result came out soon. Carlo used the method of fighting poison with poison, but the energy consumption was much more vicious than Tongxiao. However, at this point in the war, no one had any doubts about Tong's energy. Even the military guessed that Tong possessed at least 50% of the energy, which was enough for him to survive.

Of course, they are also fortunate, that is, this mechanical soldier is not very murderous, otherwise human beings may have become particles in the universe long ago.

Seeing that his methods didn't work, Tong Xin felt restless. Because this is the strongest attack method he can display. As for the energy, he still has about 45%, which is enough for the next war. But his biggest problem now is that the database is not complete. It seems that his database was deleted abruptly by a strong man, so he is hiding here silently.

From his existing database, it can be seen that he is facing an extremely powerful organization, otherwise he would not have stayed in this remote place for hundreds of millions of years. He planned to use his immortality to kill the person who chased him deeply, but now this kind of thing happened.

Carlo also regretted it very much at this time, because 8% of the energy of the entire fleet was used up that time just now. In fact, if it was not for blocking the energy of the Cosmic Wind Fleet, it would be enough. But he had to do this, otherwise the fleet would consume more energy.

Therefore, he did not fight back, but quietly waited for the gap to be blocked, and at that time, it was time for him to fight with the machine clan.

Now let's talk about the military side again. When Carlo and the machine clan were silent again, Chen Qiang contacted Carlo, who is the Earth clone, for the first time. And Lei Yuan's fleet was very bold at this time, and began to arrange one-third of the fleet in the shuttle area, and among them was the spacecraft that had been repaired and carried incomplete space shuttle equipment.

Regarding this scene, Carlo didn't take any action at all, as long as it wasn't a big fight, he could bear it. But when he saw Chen Qiang's smiling face in the video, the anger in his heart rose involuntarily.

Seeing Carlo's angry look, Chen Qiang shook his head and said, "Carol, in fact, your earth is very smart, which is judged by the standards on our earth. And the learning ability is extremely strong, but I have a question. That's why you don't learn how to manage facial expressions. Do you know that all your emotions will be expressed on your face, I can easily see it."

"Chen Qiang, now your goal has been achieved. The current battle on the main body side is not going very well. Maybe this time you humans can really become that fisherman." Carlo changed the subject, he knew what this guy was here for .

"Carol, actually, I know you can't do without the food on our earth. Now I sincerely invite you to come to the earth to taste the food. You haven't eaten it for a long time." Chen Qiang said with a smile, and by the way, he also brought a plate of fried food The potato shreds took a bite with the rice.

Carlo couldn't hide his saliva at this time, and now he has no resistance to the food on the earth. When he saw the table of food on the video, he couldn't control it anymore. Now that he was invited, there was a fight between two villains.

Seeing Carlo's expression at this time, Chen Qiang knew that he had taken the right step, because food is Carlo's weakness, and he was also a little hungry, so he asked the cook to make some dishes and send them over for use. Seduce Carlo.

"Chen, actually, I think your fleet can send me a few copies. It's not very convenient for me now." Carlo rejected the invitation, but he didn't block the way to eat delicious food. Instead, he asked Lei Yuan's fleet chef to make a few copies and send them to him.

"Don't you think that what you eat on the earth is the most delicious, so I officially invite you to come to the earth now." Chen Qiang asked seriously.

"Chen Qiang, needless to say, I understand your thoughts. But that is impossible at all. We wandering traders have our own rules of conduct. Do you think your so-called third-level civilization can get into our eyes. If it weren't for human civilization. There is something special in the process of growing up, and I would not be interested at all. You must know that some money earned from you is not enough to buy a small battleship." Although Carlo is not tempted by these delicacies, he still has his own of principle.

As he said, wandering merchants cannot be loyal to all civilizations, and there must be a large number of civilizations behind a wandering merchant, otherwise it will be like duckweed. And human beings are only one of his investment objects, and they are not the most worthy ones, so he chose to refuse, which is related to some rules and dignity of wandering merchants.

"Okay, then think about it again. After all, the current situation may not be very good. The energy of the remaining fleet is running out. I hope you can find other ways to replenish energy." Chen Qiang turned off the video and went directly Start eating. As for persuasion, there is still a lot of time, so there is no need to worry.

Therefore, in the next few days, Chen Qiang will have a phone call with Carlo every day, and then the video will be full of food on the screen. As for the matter of persuading surrender, he will never mention it again, but talk about interesting things in the universe. Of course, this does not mean that nothing has been done. During this period of time, Lei Yuan has also slowly adjusted the situation of the entire fleet, especially after getting the fact that the remaining fleet's energy is not much, he is much bolder.

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