Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 636: The Military Takes Action

Wu Wudi, as a personal experiencer, also feels more and more difficult, especially in the "domain" of Nine-Tailed Fox, which can actually affect some things in people's subconscious. Everyone will have some regrets or guilt in their life, and the Nine-Tailed Fox's 'domain' can release these regrets or guilt from the deepest part of the intruder's heart.

Many people are unwilling to face these emotions, otherwise they would not bury them deeply in their hearts, but if they are released suddenly at this moment, a flaw will appear in people's mind, and this moment is the death of this person a sign of it. Wu Wudi is suffering very hard now, because what appears in front of him at this moment is his wife who has long since died.

Seeing his wife's young face, he wished he could rush up and hug her, and the two never separated again. But his reason told him it was false. But sometimes for these illusory fake things, some people can even give their all.

Those Martial Emperors who voluntarily appeared did not have this idea. They have lived for a long time, and they have many regrets in their hearts. It is also a good consolation to eliminate these regrets when he is dying, at least at the moment of death he can leave without any regrets.

The battle has been going on for half an hour, and Wu Wudi is gradually exhausted at this time. The strength he gained through external stimulation is really not sustainable, so he gradually showed fatigue and began to deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox in a hurry. attack. At this time, the nine-tailed fox also slowly adapted to Wu Wudi's attack method, and it began to have some attack methods of its own.

Seeing that Wu Wudi was in a bad situation, Chen Qiang was also full of worries, but even though he was very worried, he didn't help Wu Wudi, because he had already seen what the old man was thinking at this time. This is Wu Wudi's last chance. The latest physical examination shows that he has less than five years to live, so if he doesn't break through this time, he will only die.

Seeing that Wu Wudi was losing to Nine-Tailed Fox, some Martial Emperors around him planned to go up to help, but they were stopped by the president of the Mercenary Guild. The old president admired it very much. Now is the most critical time for the old president. Although he cannot directly help, he still ensures the stability of the entire environment.

And just after he intercepted some of the warriors who were about to go forward, Wu Wudi, who had become the last of his strength, was finally beaten out by the Nine-Tailed Fox, and then slammed into a small hill not far away. Seeing this scene, all warriors knew that Wu Wudi had failed, but the president of the mercenary guild reacted quickly. He hurried up to stop Nine-Tailed Fox's next move. The other warriors who saw this scene They also joined in one after another.

Although the nine-tailed fox had already made a breakthrough, it couldn't control its strength immediately, so more than a dozen warriors successfully entangled it, buying time for other warriors to rescue Wu Wudi. As for the people watching the live broadcast, they all exclaimed after seeing Wu Wudi being sent flying.

Ma Yun is also paying attention to this battle at this moment. Now he regrets why he did not go with Ding Sanshi. It is not because this is a good opportunity to earn fame, but because this battle is almost the strongest of mankind. In the battle of the battle, what he saw on the screen was much worse than what he saw on the spot, and he believed that everyone who put his spirit deep into the battlefield would gain something.

Seeing that Wu Wudi's rescue had become a reality, Nine-Tailed Fox gave up the idea of ​​killing him. After killing the three Martial Emperors who blocked him, he immediately retreated and stopped one kilometer away from the human Martial Emperor's team down.

Seeing the Nine-Tailed Fox's sudden move, many, many people present immediately understood what he was going to do. All the Martial Emperors gathered together as if they were facing a big enemy, and then began to defend in all directions. As for the military, it also directly issued a global alert order. All the military emperors of the army went directly to the coastal areas, and all the warriors above the senior level of the warriors in the coastal areas were all fully armed and ready to enter the battle state.

As expected, the Nine-Tailed Fox roared as soon as it was ready, and it was transmitted far, far away. All of a sudden, many beast kings appeared around the island of New Zealand, each stronger than the last. And there are also a large number of sea beasts gathering on various coasts, preparing to attack human cities.

However, the military seems to have been prepared for a long time. When these sea beasts are concentrated, elite teams carry high-energy weapons to hunt and kill them, especially Anxie's high-level mutant beasts. And at this time, the laser cannon located in the Australian mainland has also been fully charged, and the adjustment of the muzzle has also been completed.

"Fire!" At the command of the commander, the three laser cannons directly fired three shots towards Nine-Tailed Fox. These three laser cannons are the crystallization of human high-energy weapons, and they are also the lethal weapons on the space battleships built by humans. According to the division of high-energy weapons in the universe, they should have three levels.

And the three planes here were the original experimental products in the atmosphere, and they were originally only experimental products. However, after the experiment, Guderian, the commander of the Australian garrison, kept it and did not dismantle it, and spent a lot of money to build a nuclear fusion power plant for the three laser cannon garrisons.

For high-level creatures, they are very keen to predict danger, but because the nine-tailed fox wants to transmit its voice as far as possible, a lot of mind is in it. And it doesn't believe that human weapons can threaten itself at all.

So three laser beams penetrated its body without any accidents, and three large holes appeared in its body. The abrupt end of the beast's roar indicated that human beings had succeeded, and everyone present was stunned. Because in their impression, humans do not have high-energy weapons that can attack mutant beasts. Although human technology has improved over the years, mutant beasts have also improved, and they are also very familiar with human weapons.

The Nine-Tailed Fox, who had suffered such severe injuries, did not die, but fell from the sky dying and lay quietly on the ground panting heavily. At this time, some warriors who reacted began to rush towards it crazily, because this is the hope of everyone's vigilance, and whoever gets it will have a greater hope of advancing.

But more martial emperors did not move, especially those veteran martial emperors. Because they all know that since the military has taken action, they have no chance, and it is not easy for the military to tolerate them at this moment.

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