Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 637: Six hundred sixty-third

And these newly promoted Martial Emperors didn't think of this level at all. While rushing towards the Nine-Tailed Fox crazily, they still didn't forget to create some troubles for the people around them. So a civil war began, and those well-aware Martial Emperors did not stop these people, but quietly watched the good show beside them.

For a distance of one kilometer, these people actually walked for nearly half an hour because of the battle, and finally the battle really ended after the three Martial Emperors reached a sharing agreement. But when the three Martial Emperors excitedly came to the Nine-Tailed Fox, they found that there was already someone here, and they also knew that the person who came was the head of the Imperial Army's "Purple Dragon" Legion.

At this time, they realized that they were the only idiots who really came to snatch the Nine-Tailed Fox, so they could only leave ashamedly. They didn't pay any attention to the laughter behind them at all, and this time they also had feuds with many Martial Emperors, and some of them shot themselves in the foot.

Chen Qiang saw this farce very clearly, but the people saw it even more bloody, because they found that the world was not as harmonious as they imagined. The broadcast of this scene also made the people have a desire for strength again, so the strength of human beings will rise again in the future, which was never expected by the cabinet.

You must know that this scene was almost cut off when it was broadcast live on national TV, but it was broadcast with the support of the director.

The half-dead Nine-Tailed Fox was taken away by the military, but the mutated herds who were ordered to attack didn't know the news, so they began to frantically attack the human defense line on the coast. However, everything is futile in the face of human technology, and the method of using the corpses of mutant beasts to pile up an offensive path is no longer available.

Therefore, a large number of high-level mutant beasts began to dispatch, but what they did not expect was that there were more high-level human beings. So the second war between humans and mutant beasts ended with the complete victory of humans.

Chen Qiang left after seeing the mutated beast being taken away by the military. As for the arrangement of the juniors in the family, this is not his business, and a special person will make arrangements for them.

"Your Majesty, there is still no result from staying at the fleet, but all our arrangements have been completed." Chen Junhui reported. Chen Qiang came to the moon base immediately after finishing his work on the earth. Although it was not as tense as before, everyone was still busy.

"How is the construction of the defensive wall going?" Chen Qiang asked, he was watching some of Carlo and Tong's situation during this period, and there was no movement at all, which made him a little confused.

"The six-layer defensive wall in the inner circle has been built. As for the seventh layer, which is under construction, it is expected to be completed today." Chen Junhui reported that in fact, according to the military's needs, six layers are enough, because the left-behind fleet and Lei Yuan are located The location is between the seventh floor and its six-story defensive wall.

"Have you discussed why Carlo and Tong are so quiet?" Chen Qiang asked with a frown.

"This has been discussed, and most people's opinions are that the two have not yet made preparations." Chen Jun said hesitantly, and he had already felt that something was wrong in this place.

"Impossible. If the antimatter bomb we launched goes well, it will break Carlo's blockage today and tomorrow. What are they discussing?" Chen Qiang thought more and more wrong.

"You mean that the machine clan has united with Carlo?" Chen Jun asked tentatively.

"It's not a union, but some agreements have been reached. It seems that the matter of our surrender of the remaining fleet and the matter of anti-matter bombs have been spread." Chen Qiang expressed an idea.

"Understood, the military will launch the attack plan immediately." Chen Jun understood that although he was very confident in his military's technology, he was facing aliens, a technology and civilization system completely different from human beings. . Even if humans have been studying it for a long time now, they cannot be sure that it has been thoroughly studied.

"Start it, you go to prepare first, I'll talk to Carlo." Chen Qiang touched his head in pain and said.

In fact, he really wants the battleship of the remaining fleet, but it is simply impossible now. Because since Carlo and the others have already known the actions of humans, there is only one way for humans now, which is to blow up the passage, and then launch a large number of anti-matter bombs to pierce the blockade over there. The place where it is will become a Jedi.

If human beings want to develop safely, these two must die, otherwise it will be difficult for him to sleep.

"Chen, why did you remember to call me? What's the matter?" It could be seen that Carlo had just finished eating, and there was still a grain of rice on the corner of his mouth.

"I want to know how you spread the news, but before you answer my question, you need to get rid of the rice grain at the corner of your mouth." Chen Qiang asked with a serious face.

"Oh, isn't this very simple, you may just think that our communication is in the form of waves. But your quantum communication is not in this form, and what we use is also in this way. But the energy consumption It is relatively large, and now the entire fleet has entered the lowest consumption state. So Chen, you have many, many opportunities now." Carlo casually rolled the rice grains in the corner of his mouth into his mouth with his tongue.

"Carol, can we really not be friends?" Chen Qiang said with a sad face.

"Chen, your performance is really good, whether you are sincere or not, but I look very warm. But sorry, I can't betray the wandering merchant, or I will become a thorn in the side of all wandering merchants in the future. And when the time comes Civilization will also suffer, you may not know much about the power of wandering merchants, if it breaks out completely, even a super civilization will not be able to bear it." Carlo also revealed his true feelings.

"Understood, then you take care." Chen Qiang did not expect Carlo to give himself such a hand of warmth in the end, obviously he was a little soft-hearted.

"Take care Chen, I have already sent you the design and construction drawings of the small and medium-sized warships in the fleet, accept that this is the only thing I can do for you." Carlo said affectionately.

And Chen Qiang also received this document, and at this moment he completely understood Carlo's thoughts at this moment. Sometimes it’s really cleverness that is mistaken by cleverness. Carlo’s method of playing the family card did give Chen Qiang some ideas, but his way of showing hospitality is a bit too generous. The design and construction blueprints of small warships are something that human beings dream of. .

According to the standards of the universe, the largest battleships built by humans, the "Qin" and "Qi" types, are gunboats, and they are simply not up to the level of battleships. Therefore, Chen Qiang understood in an instant, and accepted the document with a sad face.

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