Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 645: Six Years

"Mom, Mars is so beautiful, shall we live here from now on?" A little girl in Chang'an City of Mars asked a woman next to her while running in a garden full of flowers.

"Then our Jingyan has to work hard. Mom, I don't have that much money to buy a house here?" The woman said with a smile. In fact, she also wants to live here forever, but the land price here is too high It was so high that she couldn't bear it at all.

It is now the sixth year that Chen Lu has been in power, and all aspects of the empire are thriving. In six years, the economy of the entire earth has recovered, and even has some growth. This is mainly due to some technological innovations brought about by alien technology, which has caused the economy to grow at a rate of more than 30% per year.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Lu opened up the population restriction policy of Mars in the second year after taking office, and opened the permanent shipping lanes for Earth and Mars. Since then, Mars has been truly included in the ruling system of the earth, but the release of population restrictions also has a lot of disadvantages, the biggest disadvantage of which is the rapid rise of land prices on Mars.

Due to the rapid increase in the population of the earth, there are not many places like Mars with large grasslands and gardens, and there are very few green areas in cities. Therefore, after seeing such a comfortable and comfortable living environment on Mars, many rich people began to buy houses for themselves on Mars.

However, the habitable area of ​​Mars is too small, only half the size of the Eurasian continent, so the land price has increased sharply. However, the Martian government has no plans to accept immigrants on a large scale, so many people have purchased their residence rights from the aborigines on Mars.

This point is allowed to be traded, so a large number of Martian natives began to migrate to the earth or other living areas, and the rich on the earth began to migrate to Mars. Although Chen Lu wanted to stop this point, she gave up this idea after careful consideration. If Chen Qiang had banned the transaction of residence rights long ago.

Developing Mars is Chen Lu's first national policy. At the beginning, her idea was to vigorously develop the tourism industry on Mars, and then completely integrate Mars and Earth. Because she found that the 30-year-long isolation, there seems to be some gaps between the humans on Mars and the earth. This is a very unfavorable phenomenon, so Chen Lu really wants to change this situation as soon as possible.

In a free competitive market, capital always comes first. Therefore, Chen Lu's goal of developing Mars into a tourist planet was not achieved, but she achieved the goal of human integration between Earth and Mars. This is also the reason why she tolerates the soaring land prices on Mars, and now that Mars has a taste of a financial planet, she doesn't want to break this situation.

Because in the long-term plan of the Government Affairs Council, the earth will become the political center of mankind in the future, and other functions need to be migrated out. And Mars happens to be qualified to undertake financial functions, which can be regarded as a mistake. As for the Mercury being transformed, it can only become the successor of technological functions.

Mercury transformation is the first large-scale construction project after Chen Lu came to power. Because the empire is slowly changing its functions, most of the transformation tasks this time are undertaken by private companies. Therefore, the construction of the whole project is very fast, and two-thirds of the whole work has been completed so far. According to the progress of the project, the people can be moved up in about one and a half years.

The Mercury transformation project is not very difficult for humans who already have experience in planetary transformation, and the most important thing is that humans already have a good understanding of Mercury before this. The most difficult part in the entire process of Mercury's transformation is the unstable crust. The constructors' solution to this problem is also very cruel, that is, to use a large number of meteorites to impact, and then increase the density and quality of Mercury's crust.

This is a good job for those space mining companies, no matter what kind of meteorites you pull, they will all be accepted. This is a huge project, but it seems a bit small in front of the huge mining team. For this reason, the military also specially organized these mining companies to directly open up a waterway without meteorites in the asteroid belt, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, these projects are carried out in space. If many people on the earth do not go into space, they will not feel anything at all. At most, they will see it in the news or watch some videos on a certain video website.

The man-made moon project is the project that humans on earth feel the most. Four 'moons' were built in this way at once. From feeling nothing at the beginning, to the moon getting bigger and bigger, to the moon that can be seen every moment, the power of technology is fully demonstrated at this moment.

These four 'moons' can be said to have assembled the most advanced technology of mankind, and some core technologies also use the technology of aliens. Why are there four instead of one? In addition to having more loading population, there is no way for human beings to build projects with the weight of the moon, unless a moon-sized meteorite is carried from other places, but there is no way It is impossible.

So in the end, after the researchers' research, there are four "moon" construction plans. These four moons are all built with special materials, and their core is the largest nuclear fusion device for human beings so far. The entire sphere is an ecosystem that simulates the earth, and even has an atmosphere on its surface.

It can be said that as long as these four 'moons' are built, humans will already have the ability to colonize the solar system, but the entire project construction is very slow. Although the current general framework has been built, the real core is still in a state of research and experimentation . According to the estimate of the Academy of Sciences, the construction time of the entire project may take twenty years.

Of course, the entire project is composed of the technical power of the empire and the people. This is also a signal from the empire to the power of the people, that is, private companies can build imaginable projects and develop space real estate.

Therefore, major non-governmental companies have contributed their top scientific research strength to participate in it, in order to fully master the entire construction and transformation technology, and then earn a lot of money in real estate. We must know that the human beings living on the earth are quite crowded now, and many people have no way to change their living environment even if they have a lot of money.

This is an era that advocates freedom and adventure, so there is no concept of homeland or anything. At that time, major companies will launch various forms of real estate, and even in deep space, there will be a large number of people to buy it. It is precisely because major companies have seen this market that they invest on a large scale.

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