Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 646: Residence

For the entire human race, the interstellar era of nearly two hundred years has brought them not only changes in living habits, but also changes in the depths of thinking. Now everyone has a unified awareness that only from space can huge wealth be obtained, and adventure is the most common thing in this era.

Because of this, more and more people have begun to step out of the earth and make their homes in space, and the settlements previously built in space have already become overcrowded. Basically, it started to develop upwards slowly like the big cities on the earth. If it weren't for the certain requirements for buildings in space, I am afraid that the construction companies and operating companies of these residences would have built the entire residence much better than it is now. several times.

So recently, many companies have begun to seek to build new types of residences in space, but because the construction of the four 'moons' is currently in the research stage, the Imperial Council has not agreed to these requests.

"Sister, our Pearl Group, as the leader in the space construction industry, has not had a large-scale space settlement under our control so far. This is not very good for the development of the company." After this year's experience, Han Xuan is no longer the former The idiot that Han Rui protected. Now the entire Pearl Group is under his control. It can be said that he has a high position and authority, and he has gradually developed a feeling of superiority, but he still looks like a child in front of his sister Han Rui.

Han Rui didn't expect that her younger brother would participate in this petition, and was even one of the organizers of the petition, so her face was still ashen until now. After hearing her brother's explanation, she felt a little resentful : "Are you planning to drag our Tianfeng Building into the water, I think you are a fool."

"Sister, you are now in control of Tianfeng Construction, which can be said to be prosperous, but have you ever thought about the current situation of the Pearl Group. At present, the engineering tasks that flow out of the large-scale military projects in space are all contracted by your Tianfeng Construction Now, what about our other private construction companies?" Han Xuan said with some dissatisfaction, he still respects his sister very much, but he still has to argue when facing the group's interests.

Seeing that his younger brother was actually a little dissatisfied with him, Han Rui said angrily: "Now Tianfeng Construction is already at the forefront of the space construction industry, what are you still dissatisfied with? Sometimes too fast expansion will lead to unstable foundations Yes, are you going to bankrupt the Pearl Group again?"

Seeing that his sister was really angry, Han Xuan hurriedly said: "Sister, don't be angry. Listen to me and analyze it for you."

Then he opened his virtual bracelet and said: "Sister, you see that the current empire is preparing to maintain the population of the earth at about 10 billion, and the current population of the earth is more than 20 billion, which means that there will be more people in the future. Ten billion people migrated out. If Mercury's transformation is completed, the maximum population capacity will not exceed five billion. If it is conservative, three billion will be the maximum. And the remaining population may all be resettled in various places. Large settlements, this is our opportunity. If we build several super large settlements on the asteroid belt, then the Pearl Group will completely enter the ranks of the world's top enterprises."

Han Rui asked with a livid face: "Then let me ask you, if you build a super-large settlement on the asteroid belt, how will you solve the gravity problem?"

"Gravity problem? At that time, the gravity module was used, and isn't this technology already very mature, and many large space buildings are using these technologies." Han Xuan asked in surprise, this is already the current human. General knowledge.

Han Rui asked helplessly: "Then do you know why the space buildings we are currently building are near the earth?"

"Sister, why do you say?" Han Xuan seemed to sense something was wrong, so he asked tentatively.

"That's because the current gravity module of the empire cannot fully support the use of huge buildings, and it needs to rely on nearby

Magnetic field, the current magnetic field in the asteroid belt simply cannot build a large-scale habitation. "Han Rui explained that all the information is the result of Tianfeng Construction's investigation, which can be said to be confidential. If this is not her brother, it is not like revealing at all.

In fact, this is not to blame for Han Xuan, because the Pearl Group has never participated in the construction of large-scale residences in space. The largest space construction project that the Pearl Group has participated in so far is the construction of the moon and the ongoing Mars transformation project. Therefore, it is normal not to know these technical materials. Even now, technological monopoly still exists, not to mention this kind of technology with huge benefits.

"But, sister, what you said is not right. You must know that the military has built several large settlements near the Kuiper belt, and the large metal smelting factories of major mining companies can be regarded as settlements. ?” Han Xuan asked with some doubts.

Han Rui also understood that if he couldn't explain clearly to his younger brother today, he would definitely not let it go, so he explained: "The military's residences are all necessities, and the smelting plant is a huge device, and its demand for energy is very high. Large, a little exposure can ensure the operation of the entire gravity device."

"Then you mean that the current gravity system can actually be used?" Han Xuan couldn't figure out why his sister would obstruct him from building a settlement in the asteroid belt, and use the energy of their enterprises to push the Government Council to pass this plan. The decree is very likely. After he thought that his sister is now the president of Tianfeng Construction, he figured it out, so he asked a little displeased.

"This kind of gravity device that can be used is currently in the hands of the military, and it consumes a lot of energy and is very dangerous. It is not suitable for use in large residential areas at all?" Han Rui explained, and she also saw it His younger brother was displeased, but he still calmly explained that some things were confidential and he could not reveal too much. The asteroid belt is the place where a major future policy of the Empire will be implemented. It is currently in the stage of demonstration. Many top companies do not want Pearl Group These people are making trouble.

"Sister, I know it's hard for you to say something, but I understand that some other companies are putting pressure on you. It seems that we have moved their cake." Han Xuan laughed at himself.

In fact, Han Rui really wanted the Pearl Group to develop, but after he really entered this circle, he realized that some things had already been fixed. It was too difficult for the Pearl Group to break into this circle. , If you want connections, you don’t have connections.

Looking at the silent sister, Han Xuan stood up and said, "Tell those old guys that we will not admit defeat. We cannot participate in the construction of the 'moon', but we must join in the transformation of the asteroid belt."

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