Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 648 Bait

Everyone was watching the old man's next move at this moment, none of them dared to touch the young man named Xiao Ye without the old man speaking.

The old man suddenly sat on the sofa calmly and made a phone call. At this time, everyone present felt relieved and began to help move the young man named Xiao Ye onto the stretcher.

But when they were busy, they were all frightened by the old man's phone call.

"Mayor Wang, hello, I'm Chu Zhongtian. I want to get rid of you, can you do it?"

For Chu Zhongtian, Mayor Wang of Ice City was like a thunderbolt. In the past, he was the patron saint of Ice City. Because the surrounding environment became much more stable, he stepped back. So when I received this call, I was very surprised, but still respectfully said: "Mr. Chu, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Mayor Wang, I want to cancel our Chu family. You can see if it's okay." Chu Zhongtian was full of sorrow at this time. In his opinion, he should have gone to accompany those comrades in arms long ago. There is nothing worthwhile in this world. Nostalgic.

"What, Mr. Chu, do you think about it?" Mayor Wang asked with some uncertainty, because the Chu family is a big family in Bingcheng. He has been in this city for 20 years, and the power of the Chu family has long Had a deep understanding.

"Dad, do you want to make such a decision? I don't object to you always going to the front line to die, but what are you doing disbanding the Chu family? Are we so unbearable?" The boss was obviously less angry, and he even said that he was going to die .

The second child said more tactfully: "Dad, you can tell us what mistakes we have made, and we can correct it. There is no need to go to such extremes. After all, the interests of the Chu family and Bingcheng are now connected. If the Chu family falls Yes, Bingcheng also needs a long recovery period.”

The voice of the second son was very loud, obviously he was talking to Mayor Wang on the other side of the phone. This is also his cleverness. Mayor Wang's foundation in Bingcheng is not very strong, and he will be transferred in a few years, so it is easier to publicize. As for the old man Chu Zhongtian, it was relatively difficult. The operation of canceling the family was carried out by Xingkong. Before that, an application was required, and the application required the signature and explanation of the local government. As long as Mayor Wang doesn't sign, they will have a long time to grind it out with the old man.

"Second brother, do you think I don't know what you guys are doing? Today, no matter what, I will cancel the Chu family." As he spoke, he opened his virtual screen and started the process of applying for family cancellation.

Mayor Wang did not stop this scene, because he knew a procedure that could quickly cancel the family, that is, to use privileges. Of course, this kind of privilege requires a lot of contribution, and Chu Zhongtian has such a privilege, so he didn't stop it, anyway, it wasn't him who caused this result.

The most important thing is that he is also happy to see this scene happen. The current Chu family's influence in Bingcheng is too great. And the person maintaining this power is Chu Zhongtian, as long as Chu Zhongtian personally cancels the Chu family in Bingcheng, this power will immediately split up. Even if there are some stubborn people, they are scumbags in front of the power of the state.

"Dad, you actually want to use the privilege?" He was very satisfied with Mayor Wang's silence, but when he saw that the old man Chu Zhongtian used the privilege to directly say that the Chu family in Bingcheng had been cancelled, he used an inconceivable expression. Looking at the father with eyes.

"Do it for yourself. I know that you have a lot of real estate outside, so move out quickly. The Wuzhe community is not a place where you can cause trouble." Chu Zhongtian was really disappointed with these juniors, so he walked away immediately after speaking. left. As for the people sitting slumped on the ground in the living room, he didn't even look at them.

This time, the hunt for mutant beasts was the largest war fought by humans after many years of peace. Therefore, many cities around the Bohai Sea could feel the atmosphere of an impending war.

Of course, more and more people began to gather in the Bohai Rim region, ready to hunt and kill the mutant beasts under the order of the military.

"Dad, the military has detected a larger herd of mutated beasts gathering in the Yellow Sea, and the target may be you and Mom, so let's go to Star City, is it too dangerous here?" After Fang's report, he came to Liancheng immediately, and wanted to take Chen Qiang and Mou Bing back to Starry Sky City.

Now Chen Qiang can't see the aura of a superior person at all, he is as elegant and handsome as an ordinary professor. He leaned on the rocking chair with Cha and took a sip and said, "What are you afraid of? Mutant beasts don't have the ability to break through the military's defense facilities. If they were really strong, they wouldn't be kept in captivity by us on the Australian mainland." gone."

"Dad, this time it's a mutant sea beast. The Mariana Trench, the world's largest aura node, is in the hands of the mutant sea beast. It is far stronger than the mutant sea beast on land." Chen Yi said anxiously.

"Xiao Yi, it's good that you can see us at this time. As for our safety, don't worry about it. Since you have no intention of taking over the empire, then take good control of the star creatures. The strength of the empire is far beyond yours. Imagine, you need information on this point." Mu Bing said with a smile.

Chen Yi had never been so tired before. At this moment, he suddenly believed the saying that the older a person is, the more he misses a child. But it is really dangerous now, so I continued to persuade: "Mom, is it really not safe here? And now that the military knows that you are in Liancheng, they will definitely invest a lot of troops here. It can be foreseen that in the next few days This is going to be a blood mill, which is irresponsible to those soldiers."

"Boy, don't use such a clumsy trick on your father. Your mother and I have always kept a low profile. Do you think that no one has revealed what happened about us in Liancheng? We are just a bait, and the empire needs to go all out in the future To develop into space, the earth needs a stable and peaceful environment." Chen Qiang said with a smile, and he smiled with relief.

"Sister? Impossible?" Chen Yi said incredulously.

"Silly boy, I think that's why you don't want to take that seat." Mu Bing patted the back of his son's head and said.

"Then I don't believe it either?" Chen Yi said stubbornly.

"Okay, don't believe it if you don't believe it. As for our safety, don't worry about it. During this time, you can take a good rest with us in Liancheng and take a look at the place where Mom and Dad lived." Mou Bing said dotingly, Even though the person in front of her is over a hundred years old, she is still a child in front of her.

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