Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 649 Deployment and Recruitment

The reason for this war was really because the mutant beasts took Chen Qiang too seriously. They thought that killing the emperor of the empire would cause incalculable losses to human beings. However, their calculation was doomed to fail long ago, because the most powerful person in human society is His Majesty the Emperor. Not to mention that they had no chance to get in touch with the Imperial Majesty at all.

"Report, Chief Chen's phone number?" When Chen Hai was mobilizing troops in the command room, the staff suddenly reported.

"Come in."

I saw a virtual screen appearing in the command room, and Chen Lu said with a smile when she saw how busy the command room was: "Lieutenant General Chen Hai, this time the imperial military may not support you very much, but I need you all around." The Bohai Command has resisted the attack of the Yellow Sea's herd of beasts and kept them out of the line of defense, can you do this?"

"Report to Chief Chen that there are difficulties. According to the detection of our detection radar, there are currently more than a hundred emperor-level mutant beasts in the Yellow Sea assembled herd. At present, the Bohai Rim Command does not have so many masters." Chen Haihui reported, This is also what worries him the most. As the saying goes, king against king, general against general. The mutant beasts at the level of the Beast Emperor all have powerful force. Although the current technological weapons can threaten them, this requires a strong concentration of vitality.

"For this question, I can authorize you to open the military's exchange system and allow civilian warriors to participate." Chen Lu made a decision after thinking for a while.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Chen Hai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this information. The military's exchange system is very attractive to civilian warriors. This system was previously open to the society, but in the society After peace and stability, it will only be open to the army.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hai finally understood that the upper echelon of the empire might be playing a big game this time, so he immediately adjusted the current deployment: "Order the 210th Brigade to support the defense line of the city, and order all the troops on the defense line to open the combat readiness warehouse , must keep the mutated herd of beasts firmly outside the line of defense, especially if the line of defense of the city is breached, let the commander commit suicide."

"Commander, the 300,000 troops of our entire headquarters are a bit stretched on the 20,000-kilometer-long coastline. At present, there are more than one million armed police and police forces in major cities in the entire Bohai Rim region. Maybe we can use these Bring some troops over here." Chief of Staff Huo Zun suggested that even though the army now has a strong military force, facing the current huge herd of mutated beasts seems a bit insufficient in firepower.

Chen Hai has actually considered this aspect, but he still shook his head and rejected the suggestion, but he suddenly thought of another 'troop' and asked: "How many civilian warriors are currently participating in the hunting of mutant beasts in the Bohai Rim region?" ?”

"There are about 130 million people, but these people are here for the purpose of hunting mutant beasts, so it is a bit difficult for them to guard the line of defense. And the most important thing is that these people are not easy to manage at all, talking about the line of defense Many of the weapons above are equipped with the latest equipment, and without certain training and learning, these people would not be able to master them at all." Huo Zun also knew what the general was up to, but he felt that the possibility was not very high.

"No, we only need soldiers among these people. Although many weapons and equipment have been updated, there are still many things in common. And the most important thing about these veterans is not their military force, but the battle against The experience of mutant beasts is something that the new recruits on our defense line do not have. You immediately lead some people to spend to recruit retired soldiers from these warrior teams, I think they will definitely agree to it when the country is in trouble." Chen Hai sighed a little.

In fact, he didn't want these veterans to participate. After all, if they only participated in hunting, the chances of survival for these people were very high. After all, they could run if they couldn't be beaten. But if these people participate in the defense line, the chance of death will double. After all, every position on the defense line is fixed. If the defense cover is breached, there will be a large number of casualties.

"Okay, I will deploy the recruited manpower on each defense line as soon as possible." Huo Zun obviously understood Chen Hai's plan, turned around and went to work.

The 130 million people who came to hunt mutant beasts this time were not expected to be recruited. Their virtual wristbands have all received the recruitment information. And those veterans who had participated in the war or retired a long time ago left the formed hunting team and set off towards the location reported by the military.

At this moment they are fighting for their country, for no reason. If there is a war, they must be called back. As soldiers, this is their responsibility.

And Huo Zun, who was in charge of the recruitment work, did not expect that there would be more than 30 million people who were eligible this time, and 30% of them were soldiers who had participated in the mutant beast war. There are even a few strong men at the level of Wu Zong, which is something he never even dared to think about.

So he directly received these Wuzong-level powerhouses like Lili in person, and personally arranged the defense line they needed to defend. With the addition of these few, there are already thirteen strongmen at the Wuzong level in the military, and this is the Dinghai Shenzhu of the entire defense line.

Just as the military was in full swing, various hunter squads also began to take action one after another. They took a plane and began to search for lone mutant beasts everywhere in the Bohai Sea area to hunt and kill. And some powerful squads directly started to attack the small group of mutant beasts. Because this time it was the hunting of mutant beasts, the military completely opened up its arsenal, so basically every squad has Weapons of mass destruction. This has great damage to mutant beasts that are weak but like to live in groups.

"Captain, there may be a herd of mutated beasts gathering thirty nautical miles to the northwest, should we get involved." A very coolly dressed woman was sitting on the left side of the spaceship looking at the radar screen in front of her and asked.

"Let's go and have a look. It's been many days since I came out, and I haven't gained anything so far. It's not good to go back like this." The team leader said directly.

"Captain, there are too many hunting teams in Bohai, but it's not a problem to snatch one or two mutant beasts with our strength. Moreover, we have discovered several mutant beasts, why should we give them up to others? "Obviously, this man has been somewhat dissatisfied with his captain for a long time, and it is considered a great respect for the captain to ask until now.

Looking at the team members who were dissatisfied with him, the captain was not angry but said with a smile: "Those mutant beasts are crooked, how much money can we get if we get it. Believe me, this time I will definitely bring you Eat delicious and drink spicy."

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