Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 657: The Plan Begins

It may be because the goal of the mutated beasts is Starry Sky City, they are afraid that humans will react, so this time they fought quite brutally. The battle between the high-level mutant beasts and the Martial Kings showed all their strength, forcing the forty Martial Kings to desperately. The battle below was even more intense. In less than ten minutes of offensive and defensive battles, the defensive shield of the capital city was broken three times. The nuclear fusion device, I am afraid that the current soldiers have already fought hand-to-hand with the mutant beasts.

Even if the defensive cover is repaired quickly enough, the military has suffered huge losses. At present, a regiment of the garrison division has lost its combat effectiveness. Most of the soldiers were poisoned and paralyzed, and some died directly.

"Commander, the general headquarters ordered us to send the troops that can be mobilized to the front line of the capital immediately to join the battle to defend the capital." In the Bohai Rim Command, Chen Hai was analyzing the situation on the battlefield, and a staff officer came to report.

"What? Send troops from our Bohai Rim?" Chen Hai asked incredulously.

"Yes, Commander, there is only one garrison division on the front line of the capital, and we are the largest military unit in the vicinity." The staff officer said without changing his expression.

With the development of the military to the sky, the army on the ground has been disarmed over the years, and only one garrison division is retained in areas other than the coastline and Australia. At present, the entire Bohai Rim region is fighting quite fiercely, basically every coast has exchange of fire, Chen Hai is quite unwilling to deploy troops now. However, the capital city is currently the front line of guarding the starry sky city. If the capital city falls at this time, then the starry sky city may also be unavoidable.

Therefore, after considering the cause and effect clearly, Chen Hai immediately ordered: "Immediately transfer the troops directly under the headquarters to support."

"Commander, the troops directly under it are now the guards of the headquarters. We also have a coastline in Tangshan. Although there are not a large number of sea beasts attacking now, according to the detection of the military detection radar, there are mutant beasts gathering outside the coastline of Tangshan." Staff officer Chang Zhang Jieming persuaded that if all the directly subordinate troops were transferred away, then Tangshan would become the most vulnerable place on the Bohai Rim defense line.

"Since the mutant beast is playing tricks on us, I'm not allowed to play an empty city strategy. Don't worry, Lao Zhang, the mutant beast will not think that there is no guard at the location of the human headquarters." Chen Hai said with a smile, but he But his heart was beating drums all the time, because he didn't have any confidence in his heart for this big gamble. But at this time, he can't think about it so much. As a soldier, he has already prepared the shroud in horse leather.

At the same time, Chen Jun is also intensively mobilizing all the troops that can be mobilized to the capital to stop the mutant beasts, buying time for the fleet that is rushing with all its strength, and buying time for the next plan.

"Xiao Lu, come to the office for a while." After arranging everything, Chen Jun said to Chen Lu, who was looking at the side who was strong but was strong on the tenth level.

In fact, Chen Lu's heart is still very chaotic now. She has been entering the system smoothly. Although she will also be exposed to some rules, these rules will automatically avoid them under a strong background. In addition, Mars, her first ruling region, has just established many rules that have not yet been formed. She can make rules with her own ideas, so she still has very little experience in many aspects.

He is very disturbed now, or very guilty. Because her immature plan has led to an all-out war between humans and mutant beasts, and the military has sacrificed more than 50,000 people so far. Although she has a concept of war, she has never really been in contact with war, so suddenly someone died because of her mistake, which is unacceptable to a normal person.

Looking at Chen Lu's appearance, Chen Jun was also a little disappointed, but since the Chen family chose her to inherit this position, he had to support her. So Chen Jun said loudly: "Chen Lu, raise your head, remember that you will be the monarch of the empire, and you cannot have the benevolence of these women. Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, go to the next plan quickly. As for I'll support you here."

"But second uncle."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Remember this is the last assessment for you to take that position. If you want to do it, do it thoroughly, regardless of the cost. I'll help you look at it here." Chen Jun directly told Chen Lu what to do next Words are sealed, and a prince need not hesitate.

"Okay." Chen Lu gritted her teeth, then turned around and went out, and then went to arrange the next actions.

Because this time the attack of the mutated beasts can be described as all-round, those people who went out to sea to catch sturgeon were also recruited back by the military and organized a team to go to the Beijing-Tianjin area. Of course, there were also some people who were not in the recruitment ranks, so they continued to stay in the sea to look for sturgeon. But as time goes by, the expectations in their hearts become more and more slim.

You must know that this time the mutant beasts assembled most of the mutant beasts in the seas of the world to launch this attack. Therefore, those who stayed in the sea looking for the sturgeon fish should not talk about the mutant sturgeon fish. See less. Even if you see some sea creatures that have just mutated, the value is really low. Therefore, many people leave with expectations, but return with disappointment on their faces.

And when a large number of people who went to sea returned, a secret army of the military set off at this time. They were fully armed and their strength was at the level of Wu Zong. This army is a very mysterious 'dragon' army passed down by warriors. And this time the purpose of the 'Dragon' Legion is the vitality nodes controlled by various families in the sea area and the corresponding supporting vitality production bases.

In fact, just before the departure of the 'Dragon' army, there was also an army of mutant beasts gathering on the west side of the Australian mainland. This action also aroused the vigilance of the Australian Command. Because not long ago, the headquarters of the Starry Sky City had lost a 300,000-strong army. If the mutant beasts should attack the Australian defenders from inside and outside at this time, then Australia's current strength may not be able to defend.

But what made the Australian Command a little confused was that the group of mutant beasts that assembled this time actually divided into several groups and left after the assembly was completed, and they left in different directions. Although the Australian Command could breathe a sigh of relief, it also reported the situation. After all, the power of this mutant herd is still very strong.

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