Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 658 A turning point

As the mutated beasts attacked more and more areas, and the front line of the capital was now red-eyed, more than five warriors at the level of the King of Martial Arts had already died. Therefore, in response to the situation reported by Australia, the staff of the General Headquarters immediately monitored the gathering of separate mutant beasts. And analyzed the places where these mutant beasts might go next, so as to deploy troops in advance to prevent them.

But when they analyzed the trajectory, they found that the ultimate goal of these mutant beasts was not to attack the military defense line on land, but to go to the vitality nodes controlled by each family. Now there are many children of these families in the military, and when the results of this analysis came out, many people began to send messages to their families. And the same news was reported to Chen Lu and Chen Jun.

When Chen Lu saw this information, she never thought that the mutant beast would disrupt the situation like this. She dared to believe that all the families with vitality nodes now knew the news, and the first thing these families had to do was to organize their families. Power strengthens the defense power of the vitality node. This will greatly increase the difficulty of the 'Dragon Army's attack on these vitality nodes. Even if they can be taken down at that time, it will lose its meaning.

"Xiaolu, let your troops stop advancing, let those families and mutant beasts go to fight, we just wait for the end." Chen Jun suddenly laughed when he saw the news, because it was a blatant act of sending the mutant beasts away. into the hands of the military and the royal family. No matter how strong a family is, it is impossible to resist the attack of the mutated beast tide, and it is still in the sea. In the past, the military and these families jointly defended. Of course, the military also had a 30% share of the vitality blocks produced by the vitality nodes controlled by these families.

But now even if the military wants to help, it can only do nothing, after all, the military is now fighting mutant beasts in various regions. And when the various families and the mutant beasts decide the winner, the military accepts the next thing by saying that it has finally drawn out its troops to support, then it can be done logically. Of course, there is a hidden danger in this way, that is, basically tearing the skin off with various families, but so what. After all, you can't bear it yourself, we got the vitality node from the mutant beast.

Sure enough, on the mission websites of the three major guilds and the arena, news began to appear that various families were recruiting high-level warriors to guard the vitality nodes, and this time these families also lost a lot of blood, and the minimum amount of rewards for vitality blocks was 100 yuan. You must know that the price of a piece of vitality in the market is around 100 million star coins, and one hundred yuan is 10 billion.

In fact, this price is also the purpose for Chen Lu to get the vitality node. The price of the vitality block in the market is not reasonable at all, because the major vitality block production families have united. The Chen family only controlled a vitality node in the Arctic region, so the limited production could not bring down its price at all. If the price of vitality blocks cannot be lowered, then the social class of human beings will become more and more fixed in the future, which the empire does not want to see.

"Report, Colonel Jiang Yu came to report." A colonel in the Bohai Rim Command saluted Chen Hai.

"Colonel Jiang Yu, what are you doing here if you're not fighting on the front line?" Chen Hai asked with a frown. Because Chen Hai had transferred most of Tangshan's direct troops to support the capital, the mutated herds that had accumulated strength in the sea began to attack Tangshan's defense line. However, because the strength of this group of mutated beasts is not very strong, and the weapons and equipment on the headquarters side are quite luxurious, they are still anxious until now. And this Jiang Yu is a chief officer in the logistics of the headquarters, and is now the frontline commander in Tangshan.

"Commander, my family asked me to go back. It said that my vitality node in the South Pacific was attacked by mutant beasts, and I needed a lot of experts." In fact, Jiang Yu didn't seem to say these words. Deserters are a shame for a soldier. And still under such circumstances, he was full of guilt at this moment.

"Understood, go quickly. I will let someone else take over your position." Chen Hai did not hesitate at all but let it go. This surprised Jiang Yu a little, because this is a deserter, and he would be shot in wartime. Although he is a child of the Jiang family, the commander must at least show an angry expression.

In fact, what Jiang Yu didn't know was that the Jiang family's vitality node in the South Pacific had indeed been attacked. He felt that it was a reason made up by his family for his safety until he left Tangshan. As for his easy release, Chen Hai also received the information from the general headquarters, that is, all the family children in the logistics force will be released as long as the family is recruited.

This is the cruelty of Chen Jun. He not only wants the vitality nodes in the hands of each family, but also weakens the strength of these families. All the children of the family in the military logistics department are the ones that the family focuses on training. After all, if these people are placed in the front-line troops, sacrifices are inevitable. After all, the ground troops need to be stationed in Australia in rotation, and the mutant beasts It will also attack the coastal defense line. The military's logistics department is relatively safer, and can also enjoy various benefits and treatments from the military.

In fact, for these family children, the sudden war made them terrified, because this was the first time they had such close contact with death. Although they are in the logistics force, the logistics force will still go to the battlefield, just like Jiang Yuming is a logistics chief, but the logistics force is the combat force when there are no redundant combat forces.

As for escaping from the army, this is even more impossible. There is no doubt that if you escape during the war, as long as you are found, it will be a capital offense. Even with the protection of the family, they can't step on this iron law, so they would rather walk on the battlefield than become deserters, because they all know that going to the battlefield may make them alive, but deserters will definitely die .

The news of the mutated beasts attacking each vitality node was quickly spread. Although the various families began to desperately organize manpower to rescue them, most of the high-level warriors are currently recruited by the military. All these families can collect are crooked melons and dates, and some families plan to use their numbers to win, but there is news from the Government Affairs Council that warriors below the rank of martial arts masters cannot be recruited.

Therefore, these families can only call back their own children, and then organize a group of martial artists above the high level of martial arts to support them. But this has become a refueling tactic, but many families are not like giving up their vitality nodes and can only hold on.

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