Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 659 Farce and Caution

But some families are much clearer. They immediately gave up the vitality node and evacuated the personnel inside. Of course, there are still very few families who can decisively give up the vitality node. The only one is the Ma family in Interstellar Space and the Bavarian family in Europe. This is a very low-key family, but in terms of strength, it really does not show too much, and it is also the first European family to get on line with the Star Group. In addition, Merkel entered the cabinet, this family took advantage of this limelight. Influenced worldwide.

Of course, there are not many families in the world who are so decisive and have a clear view of the situation. Perhaps many families have seen it clearly, but they are not willing to be sheared by the empire like this. In their view, as long as they hold on to this wave, the empire will have no chance of getting these vitality nodes from them.

"Report, Your Majesty, according to our monitoring of interstellar spaceflight, the Ma family and the Bavarian family in Europe have given up their vitality nodes and evacuated all the personnel." Chen Lu was sitting in the office waiting for the final result. At this moment, a master of Wuzong level came in to report.

"Okay, then let our people enter these vitality nodes immediately and control all the defense facilities of the vitality nodes, try our best to keep the mutant beasts out and wait for the arrival of the military 'worm' warship." Chen Lu immediately issued an order, There was some energy in the tone.

But at this moment, Ma Chao said loudly to all the children below at the family meeting: "I called you here to let you see clearly the fact that your petty actions are really stupid and bring trouble to the family. There are always all kinds of troubles that come.”

As he spoke, he turned on a virtual screen, and on the screen was a scene of a group of soldiers from the 'Dragon' Legion entering the vitality node controlled by the Ma family.

"That's our vitality node, which belongs to private property. Isn't it a little too ugly for the empire to do so?" A man who saw the situation and sat on Ma Chao's hands said directly.

"The eating looks ugly? That's your conclusion. Did the upper management of the Xiaolong Empire try to obtain vitality nodes from us through some channels, but they were still blocked by you." Ma Chao asked his younger brother a little angrily.

"I intercepted it, brother, remember that I am the real manager of the Ma family. The vitality node belongs to the Ma family and not to the interstellar spaceflight. I will decide this matter." Ma Xiaolong said a little stiffly at this time, although he I am very afraid of this brother, but in the face of huge interests, any fear has already flown to the sky.

Ma Chao was a little disappointed, but he still roared loudly: "Then have you seen, the real thirty Wuzong strongmen, what do you use to resist them? If I hadn't withdrawn those people at the vitality node, would you want to fight?" Take the entire Ma family in."

"Brother, it's not just our Ma family who are doing this. Many other families are doing this. The law does not blame the public. You must know that our families are the foundation for the stable rule of the empire." Ma Xiaolong said without politeness at all, perhaps That's what he said in his mind.

After Ma Chao heard Ma Xiaolong's words, he completely gave up on this brother, and he directly dialed a phone number. After a while, Ma Yun, the founder of the Ma family, appeared on the virtual screen in the meeting room. He looked at the people in the meeting room with some doubts, because now he was living a leisurely life in the asteroid belt.

"Dad, you have to comment on this matter." Before Ma Chao could speak, Ma Xiaolong opened his mouth and recounted the whole incident to Ma Yun. This is also his mind as the youngest son. Although the villain is not the first to sue, there is nothing wrong with holding the initiative in his own hands.

After listening to the whole incident, Ma Yun's originally smiling face was very solemn at this moment, and he did not expect that the matter had reached this point now. Perhaps if he waited for a few days, the entire Ma family would be in a state of doom. At this time, he looked at Ma Chao, who was sitting on the top seat, and said, "Yes, you did a good job. Since Xiaolong can't bear the burden of the Ma family, then you will do it."

"Dad, I don't agree. Interstellar Aerospace and the Ma family can only choose the same one. If brother wants to be the head of the Ma family, then Interstellar Aerospace must be handed over." Ma Xiaolong obviously has not realized this matter. The importance of the matter, in fact, this does not blame him. After all, when he grew up and really came into contact with society, the Ma family had already formed a huge influence in the whole society. Anything he does within the limits of the rules allows for smooth sailing.

Moreover, his method of recovering the vitality nodes of the empire is also in line with the current family's interests, but there is a problem that he has not experienced the family cleansing again and again, and he has no less fear of the empire. But Ma Chao and Ma Yun have experienced those eras, and the instigator of the disappearance of each family is the empire. These things are all vivid, so they are walking on eggshells.

"Let's do it like this. Ma Chao don't follow those families to make troubles, wait until I come back." Ma Yun didn't give Ma Xiaolong a chance to continue to make trouble, and hung up the phone directly after giving Ma Chao a word. Obviously, he had already started Ready to fly back to Earth.

"Okay, now I am the owner of the Ma family, so I now announce that the Ma family will completely abandon the vitality node and close all the stores that sell vitality blocks in the Ma family." Ma Chao left directly after finishing speaking. Others do it. Now he needs exact news from within the empire, and he needs to make follow-up preparations.

In fact, Ma Chao was also full of anger for the empire's method of cutting leeks, but he also once stood on the side of the empire and thought that if it were not like this, these families might threaten the safety of the entire empire and the rule of the royal family in the future. In fact, he sometimes disapproves of the practices of some families, but now the society is such that the concentrated power of a family can push the whole family forward, and then it can not be eliminated by the society.

Compared with such a dramatic scene in the Ma family, the Bavarian family was very relaxed. This decision was made by the entire family. However, compared to the Ma family's cautiousness, the Bavarian family made a fortune in the market at the last moment by using the stock of vitality blocks in their hands.

Although Chen Lu also discovered this action, she did not stop it. The sharp increase in the number of vitality blocks on the market has also reduced the price of vitality blocks by one-third. This is for warriors who currently need vitality blocks to replenish their energy is good news.

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