Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 675 Changes in League Rewards

Chen Ruomei, the current chairman of Xingkong Bio, is Chen Yi's first daughter, a Ph.D. graduate from the School of Bioengineering of Xingkong University. After graduation, she entered Xingkong Biology from a first-level researcher to a top-secret research project of Xingkong Biology. In the end, he was valued by Mou Bing and trained to be the successor of Xingkong Biology. After he left, he successfully became the chairman.

"Grandma, it seems that the No. 1 research project has made some progress, but after the experiment, we found that it is still far from our expectation." Chen Ruomei reported to Mu Binghui. The projects are still in her hands, after all, these projects are related to national security issues.

Mu Bing took his granddaughter's hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, take your time. Don't be so anxious when you first take office. If you want to make some achievements, then aim at the current market and don't focus on these difficult projects. .Your grandma and I have mastered the starry sky creatures for so many years and only broke through a top-secret project. You are still young, so there is no hurry."

"Grandma, I want to make life-extending potions. At present, this kind of potions are too expensive to buy in the market, and many people can't enjoy them at all. If our starry sky creatures can make them, the price of potions that can prolong life by fifty years can be reduced to one." Within a million star coins." Chen Ruomei came here today for this purpose, as for the report on the No. 1 project, it was just incidentally, as the chairman of Starry Sky Creatures, she is very familiar with these numbered engineering projects, these projects Empire and Starry Sky Creatures They are all ready for the Millennium Project.

Chen Qiang also heard the conversation here, so he interjected with a smile: "Little Ruomei, you can decide this matter yourself, why bother your grandma, and if someone has to decide this matter for you, Your grandfather and I are the best candidates."

"Grandpa, can you give me an idea?" Chen Ruomei hurried over and said coquettishly. Although she is almost fifty years old now, she is still a child in front of two people in their 150s and 60s. .

"I don't want to repair it, Ruomei, don't listen to him. Grandma told you that the life-prolonging potion is not yet widely used. Can you carry out secondary development on the full version of the activation potion? You only need to realize some functions." Mou Bing also came over and stroked Chen Ruomei's hair.

Chen Ruomei was disappointed with this answer, but she didn't show it, because if many products of Xingkong Biology were sold on the market, the entire related products would be eliminated from the market at once, so the sales of Xingkong Biology's products needed to be coordinated with The various policies of the empire hang together. This is the first thing she must abide by after becoming the chairman.

"Son, this matter really cannot be done like this. At present, the human beings on the earth have reached the limit of what the environment can bear. If life-extending potions suddenly become popular at this time, then the empire will be in great trouble. "Chen Qiang sighed.

In fact, this population is not too much for the vast universe, or even pitifully small, but more than 20 billion people are a huge challenge to the current empire building and supply system. So when the longevity potion first appeared, Chen Qiang discussed with Mou Bing to postpone the time for the starry sky creature to enter the market. After all, with the technology level of the starry sky creature, I am afraid that human beings will basically increase their lifespan by then.

Therefore, the empire will build such a large-scale construction of satellites to replace the moon after it is stabilized, and there are four satellites in one construction. In fact, the empire has the ability to build one, but in order to carry more people, it built four satellites. . There is also the Venus transformation project that is about to be completed, which is also to better accommodate some population.

According to the calculations of the empire, if all these projects are completed, about 8 billion people can be moved out, which will greatly reduce the pressure on the empire.

While Chen Qiang was talking with his granddaughter, a negotiation between the Ministry of Education of the Imperial Government Affairs Council and the university that mastered the vitality node began. This is the second negotiation. For the first time, the principals of major universities attended the meeting. The Ministry of Education only notified the high-level decision of the empire, and did not conduct substantive negotiations. But this time the participants were the heads of the major families and business groups behind these colleges and universities, so Su Yunli, the Minister of Education of the Empire, Chen Lu, Lei Jun, the first assistant of the Empire, and Cage, the second assistant, all attended the meeting .

And Ma Yun also participated in this meeting, as well as Li Yan from Baidu and Lin Bin from Xiaomi. West Lake University is an old private university, and it is the top part of the current university power. Mars University, jointly established by Xiaomi and Baidu, is really not as good as the top universities this year, so it also has a vitality node.

"Today, I want to ask everyone for one thing, that is, the empire currently needs a lot of vitality blocks, so the vitality node empire in your hands needs to be taken back. In the future, the college league will use vitality blocks as rewards. And the future college leagues will be global. All colleges and universities will participate, and then the rankings will be determined as the number of vitality blocks issued." Chen Lu didn't say anything, these matters were originally the affairs of the cabinet, so Lei Jun spoke first.

Li Yan first asked: "Isn't that why we compete with Xingkong University and military universities? This is completely unfair to private universities like us. If we have to do this, then the university league must make some improvements." This is also No wonder he objected so eagerly. After all, this year is the first time that Mars University has obtained a vitality node, and Li Yan has invested a lot in making Mars University what it is today. Now I can see Huihui immediately, but it is unbearable to put it on anyone like this.

"As for the reform of the college league, our Ministry of Education has already made some plans. As for the universities you mentioned will not be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, you can rest assured about this." Su Yunli also said.

"So how much vitality does the empire plan to give to universities around the world every year?" Ma Yun asked a key question, but everyone present looked at him with unbelievable eyes, because this sentence represented that West Lake University has already I agreed to take back this time, and as the big brother in the private university, without this leader, everything else would be in a mess.

"One hundred billion yuan, if the output increases in the future, then there will be an increase, and I will maintain this part of the investment at about 20% of the output." Chen Lu said at this time, she also knew that she This time the plan has succeeded, and this person's influence is very strong.

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