Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 676 Sudden High School Change

After the news that the empire revoked the fifteen vitality nodes of the college was announced, the entire college world went crazy. Some schools even began to organize students to prepare for class strikes to threaten high-level officials, but these colleges and universities have not officially implemented it, and some relevant personnel have been taken away directly. After the large-scale arrest of some college teachers and administrators, the turmoil was also suppressed.

However, not all colleges and universities are opposed to this policy, and those who are most opposed are those colleges and universities that have or have the strength to obtain vitality nodes. Although the number is very small compared to the number of colleges and universities as a whole, these colleges and universities can completely abuse other colleges and universities in terms of influence. So this time, it also made the cabinet a little disgraced, and there were no people inside and outside.

And because of this accident, many government officials in the empire directly resigned in order to resist the 'tyranny' of the empire. But this is also in line with the wishes of the empire. After these people submitted their resignations, the empire directly approved them, and removed this person from the system of government officials, and some related benefits were directly cancelled.

"Old He, what's the matter? Why can't you use your welfare card? I was going to claim this month's share of mutated beast meat, but the machine showed that the benefits of this card have been cancelled." A woman Seeing her husband coming back, she asked suspiciously.

The man named Lao He was stunned at the door after hearing this, and asked in disbelief after a while, "The welfare has been cancelled?"

"It's really canceled. It seems that you have been fired. Is it because the city government made a mistake? You can go and have a look tomorrow?" The woman said with a relaxed face. I believe my husband will be fired.

After hearing the affirmative answer, Lao He went limp at the door. Now he is over 80 years old and has served in the government for more than 40 years. It can be said that if we continue to endure like this, there is no problem in getting to the next level. Even if we don’t go up to the next level, there will still be a lot of benefits in terms of benefits. But now everything has become a fantasy, can he not go limp.

People always have a yearning for stability, especially the older they are, the more they yearn for a stable life. Moreover, people who have worked in the municipal sector for a long time cannot adapt to the fast-paced life under the market economy, and their skills are also greatly behind. Therefore, the empire approved Lao He's resignation so quickly, which made Lao He feel like a bolt from the blue.

"Ah, nothing is gone?" Lao He cried loudly, even the neighbors with good sound insulation could hear it.

This voice also shocked the woman, she hurried out of the kitchen and said, "What's the matter, what happened?"

"Honey, I'm really fired, I'm sorry." Lao He apologized while crying.

"What, are you stupid? Why did my old lady marry someone like you? Let's divorce." The woman immediately lost her temper when she heard this.

This scene was played out in many families on this day, and these resigned government officials were all college graduates who opposed the empire's taking away vitality nodes. Schools really care about these outstanding alumni. After all, if government officials enter the center in the future, it will be very beneficial to the development of a school.

Of course, most schools agree with the new university league reward method and competition system introduced by the Ministry of Education of the Empire. After all, the rewards this time are equal to the rain and dew, and as much as they can get, each school needs to show its real skills and then go to the competition to snatch it.

This move of the empire directly broke the monopoly of colleges and universities inadvertently, and supported many low-level colleges and universities. This effect may be what Chen Lu really wants to see. After all, only by changing education can the entire human race be changed.

When the empire was founded, due to limited resources, it could only support a group of universities to grow rapidly, and then keep up with the development of the empire to provide sufficient talent support for the empire's scientific research. Although this method can obtain a large number of talents suitable for the empire, it also cultivates this group of schools into a giant.

According to a survey report by the National Academy of Social Sciences, currently 60 percent of government officials are students from these universities, and this proportion has reached 95 percent in the field of scientific research. It can be said that if these universities unite, they can subvert the scientific community of the entire empire. The most important thing for the empire is that private universities account for a large share of these universities.

When private colleges and universities were supported by the Ministry of Education, they were treated equally with public universities. Of course, private colleges and universities in western Zhejiang did not disappoint the empire. However, in the process of development, because private colleges and universities obtain far more resources than public colleges and universities, under the same conditions, of course, private colleges and universities develop faster. And the quality of talent training in these private colleges and universities is high enough, so a large number of students start to study, thus forming a virtuous circle.

And after these students were trained, they entered all walks of life in the empire. For so many years, these universities can be said to be full of peaches and plums. Just because she saw this step, Chen Lu planned to carry out an education reform, but because there are many things at present, and a lot of energy needs to be invested in this aspect, so she put it down and waited for the staged results of this reform to appear. conduct.

But this time it was a mistake. The table of the college league also prompted various universities to start to develop in the direction needed by the Ministry of Education of the Empire, and also prompted some small private universities in various places to merge and then compete for a larger share. The number of vitality blocks.

The university in the current empire is not a popular educational institution, but an elite training institution. Because many basic things have been handed over to students in the compulsory education stage of elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and university is just a place for further study.

Therefore, this situation also contributed to the prevalence of the ethos of running schools throughout the empire. Basically, those powerful families and business groups would establish their own universities to train some talents to enrich their teams. One of the characteristics of this kind of university is that it is miniaturized and ultra-elite. Therefore, these schools do not participate in the competition for vitality nodes, and they only need to read sage books. This is beneficial to these families and business groups, but it is very harmful to the empire.

And this time the college league system forced these small universities to merge to get the chance to participate in the league. After all, anyone would be tempted by such a good thing as the vitality block, and the league system is the better the results. The more people there are, of course the penultimate place also has some vitality blocks, but no one has too many vitality blocks.

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